Create an Amazon Braket notebook instance - Amazon Braket

Create an Amazon Braket notebook instance


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Amazon Braket provides fully-managed Jupyter notebooks to get you started. The Amazon Braket notebook instances are based on Amazon SageMaker notebook instances. The following instructions outline the steps required to create a new notebook instance for new and existing customers.

New Amazon Braket customers

  1. Open the Amazon Braket console and navigate to the Dashboard page in the left pane.

  2. Click Get Started on the Welcome to Amazon Braket modal, located in the center of your dashboard page, to provide a notebook name. This will create a default Jupyter notebook.

  3. It can take several minutes to create your notebook. Your notebook will be listed on the Notebooks page with a status of Pending. When your notebook instance is ready to use, the status changes to InService. You might need to refresh the page to display the updated status for the notebook.

Existing Amazon Braket customers

  1. Open the Amazon Braket console, select Notebooks in the left pane, choose Create notebook instance. If you have zero notebooks, select the Standard setup to create a default Jupyter notebook and enter a Notebook instance name using only alphanumeric and hyphen characters and select your preferred visual mode. Then, enable or disable the inactivity manager for your notebook.

    1. If enabled, select the desired idle duration time before the notebook is reset. When a notebook is reset the compute charges will stop incurring, but the storage charges will continue.

    2. To view the remaining idle time in your notebook instance, navigate to the command bar and select the Braket tab, followed by the Inactivity Manager tab.


    To save your work from being lost consider integrating your SageMaker notebook instance with a git repository. As an alternative, moving your work outside of the /Braket Algorithms and /Braket Examples folders will prevent the file from being overwritten by the notebook instance restarting.

  2. (Optional) With Advanced setup you can create a notebook with access permissions, additional configurations, and network access settings:

    1. In Notebook configuration choose your instance type. The standard, cost-effective instance type, ml.t3.medium is chosen by default. To learn more about instance pricing, see Amazon SageMaker pricing. If you want to associate a public Github repository with your notebook instance, click on the Git repository dropdown and select Clone a public git repository from url from the Repository dropdown menu. Enter the URL of the repo in the Git repository URL text bar.

    2. In Permissions, configure any optional IAM roles, root access, and encryption keys.

    3. In Network, configure custom network and access settings for your Jupyter Notebook instance.

  3. Review your settings, set any tags to identify your notebook instance, and click Launch.


You can view and manage your Amazon Braket notebook instances in the Amazon Braket and Amazon SageMaker consoles. Additional Amazon Braket notebook settings are available through the SageMaker console.

If you’re working in the Amazon Braket console within AWS the Amazon Braket SDK and plugins are preloaded in the notebooks you created. If you want to run on your own machine, you can install the SDK and plugins when you run the command pip install amazon-braket-sdk or when you run the command pip install amazon-braket-pennylane-plugin for use with PennyLane plugins.