Example quantum tasks on Amazon Braket
This section walks through the stages of running an example quantum task, from selecting the device to viewing the result. As a best practice for Amazon Braket, we recommend that you begin by running the circuit on a simulator, such as SV1.
In this section:
Specify the device
First, select and specify the device for your quantum task. This example shows how to choose the simulator, SV1.
# choose the on-demand simulator to run the circuit from braket.aws import AwsDevice device = AwsDevice("arn:aws:braket:::device/quantum-simulator/amazon/sv1")
You can view some of the properties of this device as follows:
print (device.name) for iter in device.properties.action['braket.ir.jaqcd.program']: print(iter)
SV1 ('version', ['1.0', '1.1']) ('actionType', <DeviceActionType.JAQCD: 'braket.ir.jaqcd.program'>) ('supportedOperations', ['ccnot', 'cnot', 'cphaseshift', 'cphaseshift00', 'cphaseshift01', 'cphaseshift10', 'cswap', 'cy', 'cz', 'h', 'i', 'iswap', 'pswap', 'phaseshift', 'rx', 'ry', 'rz', 's', 'si', 'swap', 't', 'ti', 'unitary', 'v', 'vi', 'x', 'xx', 'xy', 'y', 'yy', 'z', 'zz']) ('supportedResultTypes', [ResultType(name='Sample', observables=['x', 'y', 'z', 'h', 'i', 'hermitian'], minShots=1, maxShots=100000), ResultType(name='Expectation', observables=['x', 'y', 'z', 'h', 'i', 'hermitian'], minShots=0, maxShots=100000), ResultType(name='Variance', observables=['x', 'y', 'z', 'h', 'i', 'hermitian'], minShots=0, maxShots=100000), ResultType(name='Probability', observables=None, minShots=1, maxShots=100000), ResultType(name='Amplitude', observables=None, minShots=0, maxShots=0)])
Submit an example quantum task
Submit an example quantum task to run on the on-demand simulator.
# create a circuit with a result type circ = Circuit().rx(0, 1).ry(1, 0.2).cnot(0,2).variance(observable=Observable.Z(), target=0) # add another result type circ.probability(target=[0, 2]) # set up S3 bucket (where results are stored) my_bucket = "amzn-s3-demo-bucket" # the name of the bucket my_prefix = "your-folder-name" # the name of the folder in the bucket s3_location = (my_bucket, my_prefix) # submit the quantum task to run my_task = device.run(circ, s3_location, shots=1000, poll_timeout_seconds = 100, poll_interval_seconds = 10) # the positional argument for the S3 bucket is optional if you want to specify a bucket other than the default # get results of the quantum task result = my_task.result()
The device.run()
command creates a quantum task through the
API. After a short
initialization time, the quantum task is queued until capacity exists to run the quantum task on a
device. In this case, the device is SV1. After the device completes
the computation, Amazon Braket writes the results to the Amazon S3
location specified in the call. The positional argument s3_location
required for all devices except the local simulator.
The Braket quantum task action is limited to 3MB in size.
Submit a parametrized task
Amazon Braket on-demand and local simulators and QPUs also support specifying
values of free parameters at task submission. You can do this by using the
argument to device.run()
, as shown in the
following example. The inputs
must be a dictionary of string-float
pairs, where the keys are the parameter names.
Parametric compilation can improve the performance of executing parametric circuits on certain QPUs. When submitting a parametric circuit as a quantum task to a supported QPU, Braket will compile the circuit once, and cache the result. There is no recompilation for subsequent parameter updates to the same circuit, resulting in faster runtimes for tasks that use the same circuit. Braket automatically uses the updated calibration data from the hardware provider when compiling your circuit to ensure the highest quality results.
Parametric compilation is supported on all superconducting, gate-based QPUs from Rigetti Computing with the exception of pulse level programs.
from braket.circuits import Circuit, FreeParameter, Observable # create the free parameters alpha = FreeParameter('alpha') beta = FreeParameter('beta') # create a circuit with a result type circ = Circuit().rx(0, alpha).ry(1, alpha).cnot(0,2).xx(0, 2, beta) circ.variance(observable=Observable.Z(), target=0) # add another result type circ.probability(target=[0, 2]) # submit the quantum task to run my_task = device.run(circ, inputs={'alpha': 0.1, 'beta':0.2})
Specify shots
The shots argument refers to the number of desired measurement shots. Simulators such as SV1 support two simulation modes.
For shots = 0, the simulator performs an exact simulation, returning the true values for all result types. (Not available on TN1.)
For non-zero values of shots, the simulator samples from the output distribution to emulate the shot noise of real QPUs. QPU devices only allow shots > 0.
For information about the maximum number of shots per quantum task, please refer to Braket Quotas.
Poll for results
When executing my_task.result()
, the SDK begins polling for a result
with the parameters you define upon quantum task creation:
is the number of seconds to poll the quantum task before it times out when running the quantum task on the on-demand simulator and or QPU devices. The default value is 432,000 seconds, which is 5 days. -
Note: For QPU devices such as Rigetti and IonQ, we recommend that you allow a few days. If your polling timeout is too short, results may not be returned within the polling time. For example, when a QPU is unavailable, a local timeout error is returned.
is the frequency with which the quantum task is polled. It specifies how often you call the Braket API to get the status when the quantum task is run on the on-demand simulator and on QPU devices. The default value is 1 second.
This asynchronous execution facilitates the interaction with QPU devices that are not always available. For example, a device could be unavailable during a regular maintenance window.
The returned result contains a range of metadata associated with the quantum task. You can check the measurement result with the following commands:
print('Measurement results:\n',result.measurements) print('Counts for collapsed states:\n',result.measurement_counts) print('Probabilities for collapsed states:\n',result.measurement_probabilities)
Measurement results: [[1 0 1] [0 0 0] [1 0 1] ... [0 0 0] [0 0 0] [0 0 0]] Counts for collapsed states: Counter({'000': 761, '101': 226, '010': 10, '111': 3}) Probabilities for collapsed states: {'101': 0.226, '000': 0.761, '111': 0.003, '010': 0.01}
View the example results
Because you’ve also specified the ResultType
, you can view the
returned results. The result types appear in the order in which they were added to
the circuit.
print('Result types include:\n', result.result_types) print('Variance=',result.values[0]) print('Probability=',result.values[1]) # you can plot the result and do some analysis import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.bar(result.measurement_counts.keys(), result.measurement_counts.values()); plt.xlabel('bitstrings'); plt.ylabel('counts');
Result types include: [ResultTypeValue(type={'observable': ['z'], 'targets': [0], 'type': 'variance'}, value=0.7062359999999999), ResultTypeValue(type={'targets': [0, 2], 'type': 'probability'}, value=array([0.771, 0. , 0. , 0.229]))] Variance= 0.7062359999999999 Probability= [0.771 0. 0. 0.229]