Recipe for bringing your own container
In this section, we provide a step-by-step guide of what you’ll need to bring your own container (BYOC) to Braket Hybrid Jobs — the scripts, files, and steps to combine them in order to get up and running with your custom Docker images. We provide recipes for two common cases:
Install additional software in a Docker image and use only Python algorithm scripts in your jobs.
Use algorithm scripts written in a non-Python language with Hybrid Jobs, or a CPU architecture besides x86.
Defining the container entry script is more complex for case 2.
When Braket runs your Hybrid Job, it launches the requested number and type of Amazon EC2 instances, then runs the Docker image specified by the image URI input to job creation on them. When using the BYOC feature, you specify an image URI hosted in a private Amazon ECR repository that you have Read access to. Braket Hybrid Jobs uses that custom image to run the job.
The specific components you need to build a Docker image that can
be used with Hybrid Jobs. If you’re unfamiliar with writing and building Dockerfiles
, we suggest
you refer to the Dockerfile documentation
Here’s an overview of what you’ll need:
A base image for your Dockerfile
If you are using Python and want to install software on top of what’s provided
in the Braket provided containers, an option for a base image is one of the Braket
container images, hosted in our
Next, fill out the rest of the Dockerfile to install and set up the software that you want to add to the container. The pre-built Braket images will already contain the appropriate container entry point script, so you don’t need to worry about including that.
If you want to use a non-Python language, such as C++, Rust, or Julia, or if you want to build
an image for a non-x86 CPU architecture, like ARM, you may need to build on top of a
barebones public image. You can find many such images at the
Amazon Elastic Container Registry Public Gallery
(Optional) A modified container entry point script
If you're only adding additional software to a pre-built Braket image, you can skip this section.
To run non-Python code as part of your hybrid job, you’ll need to modify the Python script which
defines the container entry point. For example, the
python script on the Amazon Braket Github thekick_off_customer_script()
You can also choose to write a completely new
. It should copy input data, source archives,
and other necessary files from Amazon S3 into the container, and define the appropriate environment variables.
Install needed software and container script with Dockerfile
If you use a pre-built Braket image as your Docker base image, the container script is already present.
If you created a modified container script in the previous step, you'll need to copy it into the container
and define the environment variable SAGEMAKER_PROGRAM
, or what you have named your new container entry point script.
The following is an example of a Dockerfile
that allows you to use Julia on GPU-accelerated Jobs instances:
FROM nvidia/cuda:12.2.0-devel-ubuntu22.04 ARG DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive ARG JULIA_RELEASE=1.8 ARG JULIA_VERSION=1.8.3 ARG PYTHON=python3.11 ARG PYTHON_PIP=python3-pip ARG PIP=pip ARG JULIA_URL =${JULIA_RELEASE}/ ARG TAR_NAME = julia-${JULIA_VERSION}-linux-x86_64.tar.gz ARG PYTHON_PKGS = # list your Python packages and versions here RUN curl -s -L ${JULIA_URL}/${TAR_NAME} | tar -C /usr/local -x -z --strip-components=1 -f - RUN apt-get update \ && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \ build-essential \ tzdata \ openssh-client \ openssh-server \ ca-certificates \ curl \ git \ libtemplate-perl \ libssl1.1 \ openssl \ unzip \ wget \ zlib1g-dev \ ${PYTHON_PIP} \ ${PYTHON}-dev \ RUN ${PIP} install --no-cache --upgrade ${PYTHON_PKGS} RUN ${PIP} install --no-cache --upgrade sagemaker-training==4.1.3 # Add EFA and SMDDP to LD library path ENV LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/opt/conda/lib/python${PYTHON_SHORT_VERSION}/site-packages/smdistributed/dataparallel/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" ENV LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/amazon/efa/lib/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH # Julia specific installation instructions COPY Project.toml /usr/local/share/julia/environments/v${JULIA_RELEASE}/ RUN JULIA_DEPOT_PATH=/usr/local/share/julia \ julia -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.instantiate(); Pkg.API.precompile()' # generate the device runtime library for all known and supported devices RUN JULIA_DEPOT_PATH=/usr/local/share/julia \ julia -e 'using CUDA; CUDA.precompile_runtime()' # Open source compliance scripts RUN HOME_DIR=/root \ && curl -o ${HOME_DIR}/ \ && unzip ${HOME_DIR}/ -d ${HOME_DIR}/ \ && cp ${HOME_DIR}/oss_compliance/test/testOSSCompliance /usr/local/bin/testOSSCompliance \ && chmod +x /usr/local/bin/testOSSCompliance \ && chmod +x ${HOME_DIR}/oss_compliance/ \ && ${HOME_DIR}/oss_compliance/ ${HOME_DIR} ${PYTHON} \ && rm -rf ${HOME_DIR}/oss_compliance* # Copying the container entry point script COPY /opt/ml/code/ ENV SAGEMAKER_PROGRAM
This example, downloads and runs scripts provided by AWS to ensure compliance with all relevant Open-Source licenses. For example, by properly attributing any installed code governed by an MIT license.
If you need to include non-public code, for instance code that is hosted in a private GitHub or GitLab repository,
do not embed SSH keys in the Docker image to access it. Instead,
use Docker Compose when you build to allow Docker to access SSH on the host
machine it is built on. For more information, see the
Securely using SSH keys in Docker to access private
Github repositories
Building and uploading your Docker image
With a properly defined Dockerfile
, you are now ready to follow the steps to
create a private Amazon ECR repository,
if one does not already exist. You can also build, tag, and upload your container image to the repository.
You are ready to build, tag, and push the image. See the
Docker build documentationdocker build
and some examples.
For the sample file defined above, you could run:
aws ecr get-login-password --region ${your_region} | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin ${aws_account_id}.dkr.ecr.${your_region} docker build -t braket-julia . docker tag braket-julia:latest ${aws_account_id}.dkr.ecr.${your_region} docker push ${aws_account_id}.dkr.ecr.${your_region}
Assigning appropriate Amazon ECR permissions
Braket Hybrid Jobs Docker images must be hosted in private Amazon ECR repositories. By default, a private Amazon ECR repo does not provide read access to the Braket Hybrid Jobs IAM role or to any other users that want to use your image, such as a collaborator or student. You must set a repository policy in order to grant the appropriate permissions. In general, only give permission to those specific users and IAM roles you want to access your images, rather than allowing anyone with the image URI to pull them.