Class PipelineDeployStackAction
(deprecated) A class to deploy a stack that is part of a CDK App, using CodePipeline.
Namespace: Amazon.CDK.AppDelivery
Assembly: Amazon.CDK.AppDelivery.dll
Syntax (csharp)
public class PipelineDeployStackAction : DeputyBase, IAction
Syntax (vb)
Public Class PipelineDeployStackAction
Inherits DeputyBase
Implements IAction
This composite Action takes care of preparing and executing a CloudFormation ChangeSet.
It currently does not support stacks that make use of Asset
s, and
requires the deployed stack is in the same account and region where the
CodePipeline is hosted.
Stability: Deprecated
ExampleMetadata: infused
using Amazon.CDK.AWS.CodeBuild;
using Amazon.CDK.AWS.CodePipeline;
using Amazon.CDK.AWS.CodePipeline.Actions;
using Amazon.CDK;
using Amazon.CDK.AppDelivery;
using Amazon.CDK.AWS.IAM;
class MyServiceStackA : Stack
class MyServiceStackB : Stack
var app = new App();
// We define a stack that contains the CodePipeline
var pipelineStack = new Stack(app, "PipelineStack");
var pipeline = new Pipeline(pipelineStack, "CodePipeline", new PipelineProps {
// Mutating a CodePipeline can cause the currently propagating state to be
// "lost". Ensure we re-run the latest change through the pipeline after it's
// been mutated so we're sure the latest state is fully deployed through.
RestartExecutionOnUpdate = true
// Configure the CodePipeline source - where your CDK App's source code is hosted
var sourceOutput = new Artifact();
var source = new GitHubSourceAction(new GitHubSourceActionProps {
ActionName = "GitHub",
Output = sourceOutput,
Owner = "myName",
Repo = "myRepo",
OauthToken = SecretValue.UnsafePlainText("secret")
pipeline.AddStage(new StageOptions {
StageName = "source",
Actions = new [] { source }
var project = new PipelineProject(pipelineStack, "CodeBuild", new PipelineProjectProps { });
var synthesizedApp = new Artifact();
var buildAction = new CodeBuildAction(new CodeBuildActionProps {
ActionName = "CodeBuild",
Project = project,
Input = sourceOutput,
Outputs = new [] { synthesizedApp }
pipeline.AddStage(new StageOptions {
StageName = "build",
Actions = new [] { buildAction }
// Optionally, self-update the pipeline stack
var selfUpdateStage = pipeline.AddStage(new StageOptions { StageName = "SelfUpdate" });
selfUpdateStage.AddAction(new PipelineDeployStackAction(new PipelineDeployStackActionProps {
Stack = pipelineStack,
Input = synthesizedApp,
AdminPermissions = true
// Now add our service stacks
var deployStage = pipeline.AddStage(new StageOptions { StageName = "Deploy" });
var serviceStackA = new MyServiceStackA(app, "ServiceStackA", new StackProps { });
// Add actions to deploy the stacks in the deploy stage:
var deployServiceAAction = new PipelineDeployStackAction(new PipelineDeployStackActionProps {
Stack = serviceStackA,
Input = synthesizedApp,
// See the note below for details about this option.
AdminPermissions = false
// Add the necessary permissions for you service deploy action. This role is
// is passed to CloudFormation and needs the permissions necessary to deploy
// stack. Alternatively you can enable [Administrator]( permissions above,
// users should understand the privileged nature of this role.
var myResourceArn = "arn:partition:service:region:account-id:resource-id";
deployServiceAAction.AddToDeploymentRolePolicy(new PolicyStatement(new PolicyStatementProps {
Actions = new [] { "service:SomeAction" },
Resources = new [] { myResourceArn }
var serviceStackB = new MyServiceStackB(app, "ServiceStackB", new StackProps { });
deployStage.AddAction(new PipelineDeployStackAction(new PipelineDeployStackActionProps {
Stack = serviceStackB,
Input = synthesizedApp,
CreateChangeSetRunOrder = 998,
AdminPermissions = true
PipelineDeployStackAction(IPipelineDeployStackActionProps) | |
PipelineDeployStackAction(ByRefValue) | Used by jsii to construct an instance of this class from a Javascript-owned object reference |
PipelineDeployStackAction(DeputyBase.DeputyProps) | Used by jsii to construct an instance of this class from DeputyProps |
ActionProperties | (deprecated) The simple properties of the Action, like its Owner, name, etc. |
DeploymentRole |
AddToDeploymentRolePolicy(PolicyStatement) | (deprecated) Add policy statements to the role deploying the stack. |
Bind(Construct, IStage, IActionBindOptions) | (deprecated) The callback invoked when this Action is added to a Pipeline. |
OnStateChange(String, IRuleTarget, IRuleProps) | (deprecated) Creates an Event that will be triggered whenever the state of this Action changes. |
public PipelineDeployStackAction(IPipelineDeployStackActionProps props)
Stability: Deprecated
Used by jsii to construct an instance of this class from a Javascript-owned object reference
protected PipelineDeployStackAction(ByRefValue reference)
- reference Amazon.JSII.Runtime.Deputy.ByRefValue
The Javascript-owned object reference
Used by jsii to construct an instance of this class from DeputyProps
protected PipelineDeployStackAction(DeputyBase.DeputyProps props)
- props Amazon.JSII.Runtime.Deputy.DeputyBase.DeputyProps
The deputy props
(deprecated) The simple properties of the Action, like its Owner, name, etc.
public virtual IActionProperties ActionProperties { get; }
Property Value
Note that this accessor will be called before the {@link bind} callback.
Stability: Deprecated
(deprecated) Add policy statements to the role deploying the stack.
public virtual void AddToDeploymentRolePolicy(PolicyStatement statement)
- statement PolicyStatement
This role is passed to CloudFormation and must have the IAM permissions
necessary to deploy the stack or you can grant this role adminPermissions
by using that option during creation. If you do not grant
you need to identify the proper statements to add to
this role based on the CloudFormation Resources in your stack.
Stability: Deprecated
Bind(Construct, IStage, IActionBindOptions)
(deprecated) The callback invoked when this Action is added to a Pipeline.
public virtual IActionConfig Bind(Construct scope, IStage stage, IActionBindOptions options)
- scope Construct
- stage IStage
- options IActionBindOptions
Stability: Deprecated
OnStateChange(String, IRuleTarget, IRuleProps)
(deprecated) Creates an Event that will be triggered whenever the state of this Action changes.
public virtual Rule OnStateChange(string name, IRuleTarget target = null, IRuleProps options = null)
- name System.String
- target IRuleTarget
- options IRuleProps
Stability: Deprecated