Interface IGraphqlApi

All Superinterfaces:
IConstruct, software.constructs.IConstruct, IDependable, IResource,
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
GraphqlApi, GraphqlApiBase, IGraphqlApi.Jsii$Proxy

@Generated(value="jsii-pacmak/1.84.0 (build 5404dcf)", date="2023-06-19T16:30:49.515Z") @Stability(Experimental) public interface IGraphqlApi extends, IResource
(experimental) Interface for GraphQL.
  • Method Details

    • getApiId

      @Stability(Experimental) @NotNull String getApiId()
      (experimental) an unique AWS AppSync GraphQL API identifier i.e. 'lxz775lwdrgcndgz3nurvac7oa'.
    • getArn

      @Stability(Experimental) @NotNull String getArn()
      (experimental) the ARN of the API.
    • addDynamoDbDataSource

      @Stability(Experimental) @NotNull DynamoDbDataSource addDynamoDbDataSource(@NotNull String id, @NotNull ITable table, @Nullable DataSourceOptions options)
      (experimental) add a new DynamoDB data source to this API.

      id - The data source's id. This parameter is required.
      table - The DynamoDB table backing this data source. This parameter is required.
      options - The optional configuration for this data source.
    • addDynamoDbDataSource

      @Stability(Experimental) @NotNull DynamoDbDataSource addDynamoDbDataSource(@NotNull String id, @NotNull ITable table)
      (experimental) add a new DynamoDB data source to this API.

      id - The data source's id. This parameter is required.
      table - The DynamoDB table backing this data source. This parameter is required.
    • addElasticsearchDataSource

      @Stability(Deprecated) @Deprecated @NotNull ElasticsearchDataSource addElasticsearchDataSource(@NotNull String id, @NotNull IDomain domain, @Nullable DataSourceOptions options)
      • use addOpenSearchDataSource
      (deprecated) add a new elasticsearch data source to this API.

      id - The data source's id. This parameter is required.
      domain - The elasticsearch domain for this data source. This parameter is required.
      options - The optional configuration for this data source.
    • addElasticsearchDataSource

      @Stability(Deprecated) @Deprecated @NotNull ElasticsearchDataSource addElasticsearchDataSource(@NotNull String id, @NotNull IDomain domain)
      • use addOpenSearchDataSource
      (deprecated) add a new elasticsearch data source to this API.

      id - The data source's id. This parameter is required.
      domain - The elasticsearch domain for this data source. This parameter is required.
    • addHttpDataSource

      @Stability(Experimental) @NotNull HttpDataSource addHttpDataSource(@NotNull String id, @NotNull String endpoint, @Nullable HttpDataSourceOptions options)
      (experimental) add a new http data source to this API.

      id - The data source's id. This parameter is required.
      endpoint - The http endpoint. This parameter is required.
      options - The optional configuration for this data source.
    • addHttpDataSource

      @Stability(Experimental) @NotNull HttpDataSource addHttpDataSource(@NotNull String id, @NotNull String endpoint)
      (experimental) add a new http data source to this API.

      id - The data source's id. This parameter is required.
      endpoint - The http endpoint. This parameter is required.
    • addLambdaDataSource

      @Stability(Experimental) @NotNull LambdaDataSource addLambdaDataSource(@NotNull String id, @NotNull IFunction lambdaFunction, @Nullable DataSourceOptions options)
      (experimental) add a new Lambda data source to this API.

      id - The data source's id. This parameter is required.
      lambdaFunction - The Lambda function to call to interact with this data source. This parameter is required.
      options - The optional configuration for this data source.
    • addLambdaDataSource

      @Stability(Experimental) @NotNull LambdaDataSource addLambdaDataSource(@NotNull String id, @NotNull IFunction lambdaFunction)
      (experimental) add a new Lambda data source to this API.

      id - The data source's id. This parameter is required.
      lambdaFunction - The Lambda function to call to interact with this data source. This parameter is required.
    • addNoneDataSource

      @Stability(Experimental) @NotNull NoneDataSource addNoneDataSource(@NotNull String id, @Nullable DataSourceOptions options)
      (experimental) add a new dummy data source to this API.

      Useful for pipeline resolvers and for backend changes that don't require a data source.

      id - The data source's id. This parameter is required.
      options - The optional configuration for this data source.
    • addNoneDataSource

      @Stability(Experimental) @NotNull NoneDataSource addNoneDataSource(@NotNull String id)
      (experimental) add a new dummy data source to this API.

      Useful for pipeline resolvers and for backend changes that don't require a data source.

      id - The data source's id. This parameter is required.
    • addOpenSearchDataSource

      @Stability(Experimental) @NotNull OpenSearchDataSource addOpenSearchDataSource(@NotNull String id, @NotNull IDomain domain, @Nullable DataSourceOptions options)
      (experimental) Add a new OpenSearch data source to this API.

      id - The data source's id. This parameter is required.
      domain - The OpenSearch domain for this data source. This parameter is required.
      options - The optional configuration for this data source.
    • addOpenSearchDataSource

      @Stability(Experimental) @NotNull OpenSearchDataSource addOpenSearchDataSource(@NotNull String id, @NotNull IDomain domain)
      (experimental) Add a new OpenSearch data source to this API.

      id - The data source's id. This parameter is required.
      domain - The OpenSearch domain for this data source. This parameter is required.
    • addRdsDataSource

      @Stability(Experimental) @NotNull RdsDataSource addRdsDataSource(@NotNull String id, @NotNull IServerlessCluster serverlessCluster, @NotNull ISecret secretStore, @Nullable String databaseName, @Nullable DataSourceOptions options)
      (experimental) add a new Rds data source to this API.

      id - The data source's id. This parameter is required.
      serverlessCluster - The serverless cluster to interact with this data source. This parameter is required.
      secretStore - The secret store that contains the username and password for the serverless cluster. This parameter is required.
      databaseName - The optional name of the database to use within the cluster.
      options - The optional configuration for this data source.
    • addRdsDataSource

      @Stability(Experimental) @NotNull RdsDataSource addRdsDataSource(@NotNull String id, @NotNull IServerlessCluster serverlessCluster, @NotNull ISecret secretStore, @Nullable String databaseName)
      (experimental) add a new Rds data source to this API.

      id - The data source's id. This parameter is required.
      serverlessCluster - The serverless cluster to interact with this data source. This parameter is required.
      secretStore - The secret store that contains the username and password for the serverless cluster. This parameter is required.
      databaseName - The optional name of the database to use within the cluster.
    • addRdsDataSource

      @Stability(Experimental) @NotNull RdsDataSource addRdsDataSource(@NotNull String id, @NotNull IServerlessCluster serverlessCluster, @NotNull ISecret secretStore)
      (experimental) add a new Rds data source to this API.

      id - The data source's id. This parameter is required.
      serverlessCluster - The serverless cluster to interact with this data source. This parameter is required.
      secretStore - The secret store that contains the username and password for the serverless cluster. This parameter is required.
    • addSchemaDependency

      @Stability(Experimental) @NotNull Boolean addSchemaDependency(@NotNull CfnResource construct)
      (experimental) Add schema dependency if not imported.

      construct - the dependee. This parameter is required.
    • createResolver

      @Stability(Experimental) @NotNull Resolver createResolver(@NotNull ExtendedResolverProps props)
      (experimental) creates a new resolver for this datasource and API using the given properties.

      props - This parameter is required.