Class CfnScalingPolicy.StepAdjustmentProperty.Jsii$Proxy

All Implemented Interfaces:
Enclosing interface:

@Stability(Stable) @Internal public static final class CfnScalingPolicy.StepAdjustmentProperty.Jsii$Proxy extends implements CfnScalingPolicy.StepAdjustmentProperty
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getScalingAdjustment

      public final Number getScalingAdjustment()
      Description copied from interface: CfnScalingPolicy.StepAdjustmentProperty
      The amount by which to scale, based on the specified adjustment type.

      A positive value adds to the current capacity while a negative number removes from the current capacity. For exact capacity, you must specify a non-negative value.

      Specified by:
      getScalingAdjustment in interface CfnScalingPolicy.StepAdjustmentProperty
    • getMetricIntervalLowerBound

      public final Number getMetricIntervalLowerBound()
      Description copied from interface: CfnScalingPolicy.StepAdjustmentProperty
      The lower bound for the difference between the alarm threshold and the CloudWatch metric.

      If the metric value is above the breach threshold, the lower bound is inclusive (the metric must be greater than or equal to the threshold plus the lower bound). Otherwise, it is exclusive (the metric must be greater than the threshold plus the lower bound). A null value indicates negative infinity.

      Specified by:
      getMetricIntervalLowerBound in interface CfnScalingPolicy.StepAdjustmentProperty
    • getMetricIntervalUpperBound

      public final Number getMetricIntervalUpperBound()
      Description copied from interface: CfnScalingPolicy.StepAdjustmentProperty
      The upper bound for the difference between the alarm threshold and the CloudWatch metric.

      If the metric value is above the breach threshold, the upper bound is exclusive (the metric must be less than the threshold plus the upper bound). Otherwise, it is inclusive (the metric must be less than or equal to the threshold plus the upper bound). A null value indicates positive infinity.

      The upper bound must be greater than the lower bound.

      Specified by:
      getMetricIntervalUpperBound in interface CfnScalingPolicy.StepAdjustmentProperty
    • $jsii$toJson

      @Internal public com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode $jsii$toJson()
      Specified by:
      $jsii$toJson in interface
    • equals

      public final boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public final int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object