Interface CfnScalingPlan.PredefinedScalingMetricSpecificationProperty

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@Stability(Stable) public static interface CfnScalingPlan.PredefinedScalingMetricSpecificationProperty extends
PredefinedScalingMetricSpecification is a subproperty of TargetTrackingConfiguration that specifies a customized scaling metric for a target tracking configuration to use with AWS Auto Scaling ( Auto Scaling Plans ).


 // The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
 // The values are placeholders you should change.
 PredefinedScalingMetricSpecificationProperty predefinedScalingMetricSpecificationProperty = PredefinedScalingMetricSpecificationProperty.builder()
         // the properties below are optional
  • Method Details

    • getPredefinedScalingMetricType

      @Stability(Stable) @NotNull String getPredefinedScalingMetricType()
      The metric type.

      The ALBRequestCountPerTarget metric type applies only to Auto Scaling groups, Spot Fleet requests, and ECS services.

    • getResourceLabel

      @Stability(Stable) @Nullable default String getResourceLabel()
      Identifies the resource associated with the metric type.

      You can't specify a resource label unless the metric type is ALBRequestCountPerTarget and there is a target group for an Application Load Balancer attached to the Auto Scaling group, Spot Fleet request, or ECS service.

      You create the resource label by appending the final portion of the load balancer ARN and the final portion of the target group ARN into a single value, separated by a forward slash (/). The format is app/<load-balancer-name>/<load-balancer-id>/targetgroup/<target-group-name>/<target-group-id>, where:

      • app/<load-balancer-name>/<load-balancer-id> is the final portion of the load balancer ARN
      • targetgroup/<target-group-name>/<target-group-id> is the final portion of the target group ARN.

      This is an example: app/EC2Co-EcsEl-1TKLTMITMM0EO/f37c06a68c1748aa/targetgroup/EC2Co-Defau-LDNM7Q3ZH1ZN/6d4ea56ca2d6a18d.

      To find the ARN for an Application Load Balancer, use the DescribeLoadBalancers API operation. To find the ARN for the target group, use the DescribeTargetGroups API operation.

    • builder

      a CfnScalingPlan.PredefinedScalingMetricSpecificationProperty.Builder of CfnScalingPlan.PredefinedScalingMetricSpecificationProperty