Interface CfnComputeEnvironmentProps

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@Generated(value="jsii-pacmak/1.84.0 (build 5404dcf)", date="2023-06-19T16:30:47.544Z") @Stability(Stable) public interface CfnComputeEnvironmentProps extends
Properties for defining a CfnComputeEnvironment.


 // The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
 // The values are placeholders you should change.
 CfnComputeEnvironmentProps cfnComputeEnvironmentProps = CfnComputeEnvironmentProps.builder()
         // the properties below are optional
                 // the properties below are optional
                         // the properties below are optional
                         "tagsKey", "tags"))
                 "tagsKey", "tags"))
  • Method Details

    • getType

      @Stability(Stable) @NotNull String getType()
      The type of the compute environment: MANAGED or UNMANAGED .

      For more information, see Compute Environments in the AWS Batch User Guide .

    • getComputeEnvironmentName

      @Stability(Stable) @Nullable default String getComputeEnvironmentName()
      The name for your compute environment.

      It can be up to 128 characters long. It can contain uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, hyphens (-), and underscores (_).

    • getComputeResources

      @Stability(Stable) @Nullable default Object getComputeResources()
      The ComputeResources property type specifies details of the compute resources managed by the compute environment.

      This parameter is required for managed compute environments. For more information, see Compute Environments in the ** .

    • getEksConfiguration

      @Stability(Stable) @Nullable default Object getEksConfiguration()
      The details for the Amazon EKS cluster that supports the compute environment.
    • getReplaceComputeEnvironment

      @Stability(Stable) @Nullable default Object getReplaceComputeEnvironment()
      Specifies whether the compute environment is replaced if an update is made that requires replacing the instances in the compute environment.

      The default value is true . To enable more properties to be updated, set this property to false . When changing the value of this property to false , do not change any other properties at the same time. If other properties are changed at the same time, and the change needs to be rolled back but it can't, it's possible for the stack to go into the UPDATE_ROLLBACK_FAILED state. You can't update a stack that is in the UPDATE_ROLLBACK_FAILED state. However, if you can continue to roll it back, you can return the stack to its original settings and then try to update it again. For more information, see Continue rolling back an update in the AWS CloudFormation User Guide .

      The properties that can't be changed without replacing the compute environment are in the ComputeResources property type: AllocationStrategy , BidPercentage , Ec2Configuration , Ec2KeyPair , Ec2KeyPair , ImageId , InstanceRole , InstanceTypes , LaunchTemplate , MaxvCpus , MinvCpus , PlacementGroup , SecurityGroupIds , Subnets , Tags , Type , and UpdateToLatestImageVersion .

    • getServiceRole

      @Stability(Stable) @Nullable default String getServiceRole()
      The full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that allows AWS Batch to make calls to other AWS services on your behalf.

      For more information, see AWS Batch service IAM role in the AWS Batch User Guide .

      If your account already created the AWS Batch service-linked role, that role is used by default for your compute environment unless you specify a different role here. If the AWS Batch service-linked role doesn't exist in your account, and no role is specified here, the service attempts to create the AWS Batch service-linked role in your account.

      If your specified role has a path other than / , then you must specify either the full role ARN (recommended) or prefix the role name with the path. For example, if a role with the name bar has a path of /foo/ , specify /foo/bar as the role name. For more information, see Friendly names and paths in the IAM User Guide .

      Depending on how you created your AWS Batch service role, its ARN might contain the service-role path prefix. When you only specify the name of the service role, AWS Batch assumes that your ARN doesn't use the service-role path prefix. Because of this, we recommend that you specify the full ARN of your service role when you create compute environments.

    • getState

      @Stability(Stable) @Nullable default String getState()
      The state of the compute environment.

      If the state is ENABLED , then the compute environment accepts jobs from a queue and can scale out automatically based on queues.

      If the state is ENABLED , then the AWS Batch scheduler can attempt to place jobs from an associated job queue on the compute resources within the environment. If the compute environment is managed, then it can scale its instances out or in automatically, based on the job queue demand.

      If the state is DISABLED , then the AWS Batch scheduler doesn't attempt to place jobs within the environment. Jobs in a STARTING or RUNNING state continue to progress normally. Managed compute environments in the DISABLED state don't scale out.

      Compute environments in a DISABLED state may continue to incur billing charges. To prevent additional charges, turn off and then delete the compute environment. For more information, see State in the AWS Batch User Guide .

      When an instance is idle, the instance scales down to the minvCpus value. However, the instance size doesn't change. For example, consider a c5.8xlarge instance with a minvCpus value of 4 and a desiredvCpus value of 36 . This instance doesn't scale down to a c5.large instance.

    • getTags

      @Stability(Stable) @Nullable default Map<String,String> getTags()
      The tags applied to the compute environment.
    • getUnmanagedvCpus

      @Stability(Stable) @Nullable default Number getUnmanagedvCpus()
      The maximum number of vCPUs for an unmanaged compute environment.

      This parameter is only used for fair share scheduling to reserve vCPU capacity for new share identifiers. If this parameter isn't provided for a fair share job queue, no vCPU capacity is reserved.

      This parameter is only supported when the type parameter is set to UNMANAGED .

    • getUpdatePolicy

      @Stability(Stable) @Nullable default Object getUpdatePolicy()
      Specifies the infrastructure update policy for the compute environment.

      For more information about infrastructure updates, see Updating compute environments in the AWS Batch User Guide .

    • builder

      @Stability(Stable) static CfnComputeEnvironmentProps.Builder builder()
      a CfnComputeEnvironmentProps.Builder of CfnComputeEnvironmentProps