Interface CfnTaskDefinition.ProxyConfigurationProperty

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@Stability(Stable) public static interface CfnTaskDefinition.ProxyConfigurationProperty extends
The configuration details for the App Mesh proxy.

For tasks that use the EC2 launch type, the container instances require at least version 1.26.0 of the container agent and at least version 1.26.0-1 of the ecs-init package to use a proxy configuration. If your container instances are launched from the Amazon ECS optimized AMI version 20190301 or later, then they contain the required versions of the container agent and ecs-init . For more information, see Amazon ECS-optimized Linux AMI


 // The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
 // The values are placeholders you should change.
 ProxyConfigurationProperty proxyConfigurationProperty = ProxyConfigurationProperty.builder()
         // the properties below are optional
  • Method Details

    • getContainerName

      @Stability(Stable) @NotNull String getContainerName()
      The name of the container that will serve as the App Mesh proxy.
    • getProxyConfigurationProperties

      @Stability(Stable) @Nullable default Object getProxyConfigurationProperties()
      The set of network configuration parameters to provide the Container Network Interface (CNI) plugin, specified as key-value pairs.

      • IgnoredUID - (Required) The user ID (UID) of the proxy container as defined by the user parameter in a container definition. This is used to ensure the proxy ignores its own traffic. If IgnoredGID is specified, this field can be empty.
      • IgnoredGID - (Required) The group ID (GID) of the proxy container as defined by the user parameter in a container definition. This is used to ensure the proxy ignores its own traffic. If IgnoredUID is specified, this field can be empty.
      • AppPorts - (Required) The list of ports that the application uses. Network traffic to these ports is forwarded to the ProxyIngressPort and ProxyEgressPort .
      • ProxyIngressPort - (Required) Specifies the port that incoming traffic to the AppPorts is directed to.
      • ProxyEgressPort - (Required) Specifies the port that outgoing traffic from the AppPorts is directed to.
      • EgressIgnoredPorts - (Required) The egress traffic going to the specified ports is ignored and not redirected to the ProxyEgressPort . It can be an empty list.
      • EgressIgnoredIPs - (Required) The egress traffic going to the specified IP addresses is ignored and not redirected to the ProxyEgressPort . It can be an empty list.
    • getType

      @Stability(Stable) @Nullable default String getType()
      The proxy type.

      The only supported value is APPMESH .

    • builder

      @Stability(Stable) static CfnTaskDefinition.ProxyConfigurationProperty.Builder builder()
      a CfnTaskDefinition.ProxyConfigurationProperty.Builder of CfnTaskDefinition.ProxyConfigurationProperty