Interface SamlProviderProps

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@Generated(value="jsii-pacmak/1.84.0 (build 5404dcf)", date="2023-06-19T16:29:57.373Z") @Stability(Stable) public interface SamlProviderProps extends
Properties for a SAML provider.


 SamlProvider provider = SamlProvider.Builder.create(this, "Provider")
 Role.Builder.create(this, "Role")
         .assumedBy(new SamlConsolePrincipal(provider))
  • Method Details

    • getMetadataDocument

      @Stability(Stable) @NotNull SamlMetadataDocument getMetadataDocument()
      An XML document generated by an identity provider (IdP) that supports SAML 2.0. The document includes the issuer's name, expiration information, and keys that can be used to validate the SAML authentication response (assertions) that are received from the IdP. You must generate the metadata document using the identity management software that is used as your organization's IdP.
    • getName

      @Stability(Stable) @Nullable default String getName()
      The name of the provider to create.

      This parameter allows a string of characters consisting of upper and lowercase alphanumeric characters with no spaces. You can also include any of the following characters: _+=,.@-

      Length must be between 1 and 128 characters.

      Default: - a CloudFormation generated name

    • builder

      @Stability(Stable) static SamlProviderProps.Builder builder()
      a SamlProviderProps.Builder of SamlProviderProps