Class CfnAlarmProps.Jsii$Proxy

All Implemented Interfaces:
Enclosing interface:

@Stability(Stable) @Internal public static final class CfnAlarmProps.Jsii$Proxy extends implements CfnAlarmProps
An implementation for CfnAlarmProps
  • Constructor Details

    • Jsii$Proxy

      protected Jsii$Proxy( objRef)
      Constructor that initializes the object based on values retrieved from the JsiiObject.
      objRef - Reference to the JSII managed object.
    • Jsii$Proxy

      protected Jsii$Proxy(CfnAlarmProps.Builder builder)
      Constructor that initializes the object based on literal property values passed by the CfnAlarmProps.Builder.
  • Method Details

    • getAlarmName

      public final String getAlarmName()
      Description copied from interface: CfnAlarmProps
      The name of the alarm.
      Specified by:
      getAlarmName in interface CfnAlarmProps
    • getComparisonOperator

      public final String getComparisonOperator()
      Description copied from interface: CfnAlarmProps
      The arithmetic operation to use when comparing the specified statistic and threshold.
      Specified by:
      getComparisonOperator in interface CfnAlarmProps
    • getEvaluationPeriods

      public final Number getEvaluationPeriods()
      Description copied from interface: CfnAlarmProps
      The number of periods over which data is compared to the specified threshold.
      Specified by:
      getEvaluationPeriods in interface CfnAlarmProps
    • getMetricName

      public final String getMetricName()
      Description copied from interface: CfnAlarmProps
      The name of the metric associated with the alarm.
      Specified by:
      getMetricName in interface CfnAlarmProps
    • getMonitoredResourceName

      public final String getMonitoredResourceName()
      Description copied from interface: CfnAlarmProps
      The name of the Lightsail resource that the alarm monitors.
      Specified by:
      getMonitoredResourceName in interface CfnAlarmProps
    • getThreshold

      public final Number getThreshold()
      Description copied from interface: CfnAlarmProps
      The value against which the specified statistic is compared.
      Specified by:
      getThreshold in interface CfnAlarmProps
    • getContactProtocols

      public final List<String> getContactProtocols()
      Description copied from interface: CfnAlarmProps
      The contact protocols for the alarm, such as Email , SMS (text messaging), or both.

      Allowed Values : Email | SMS

      Specified by:
      getContactProtocols in interface CfnAlarmProps
    • getDatapointsToAlarm

      public final Number getDatapointsToAlarm()
      Description copied from interface: CfnAlarmProps
      The number of data points within the evaluation periods that must be breaching to cause the alarm to go to the ALARM state.
      Specified by:
      getDatapointsToAlarm in interface CfnAlarmProps
    • getNotificationEnabled

      public final Object getNotificationEnabled()
      Description copied from interface: CfnAlarmProps
      A Boolean value indicating whether the alarm is enabled.
      Specified by:
      getNotificationEnabled in interface CfnAlarmProps
    • getNotificationTriggers

      public final List<String> getNotificationTriggers()
      Description copied from interface: CfnAlarmProps
      The alarm states that trigger a notification.

      To specify the OK and INSUFFICIENT_DATA values, you must also specify ContactProtocols values. Otherwise, the OK and INSUFFICIENT_DATA values will not take effect and the stack will drift.

      Allowed Values : OK | ALARM | INSUFFICIENT_DATA

      Specified by:
      getNotificationTriggers in interface CfnAlarmProps
    • getTreatMissingData

      public final String getTreatMissingData()
      Description copied from interface: CfnAlarmProps
      Specifies how the alarm handles missing data points.

      An alarm can treat missing data in the following ways:

      • breaching - Assumes the missing data is not within the threshold. Missing data counts towards the number of times that the metric is not within the threshold.
      • notBreaching - Assumes the missing data is within the threshold. Missing data does not count towards the number of times that the metric is not within the threshold.
      • ignore - Ignores the missing data. Maintains the current alarm state.
      • missing - Missing data is treated as missing.
      Specified by:
      getTreatMissingData in interface CfnAlarmProps
    • $jsii$toJson

      @Internal public com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode $jsii$toJson()
      Specified by:
      $jsii$toJson in interface
    • equals

      public final boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public final int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object