Class CfnPipe
- All Implemented Interfaces:
@Generated(value="jsii-pacmak/1.84.0 (build 5404dcf)",
public class CfnPipe
extends CfnResource
implements IInspectable
A CloudFormation
Create a pipe. Amazon EventBridge Pipes connect event sources to targets and reduces the need for specialized knowledge and integration code.
// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type. // The values are placeholders you should change. import*; CfnPipe cfnPipe = CfnPipe.Builder.create(this, "MyCfnPipe") .roleArn("roleArn") .source("source") .target("target") // the properties below are optional .description("description") .desiredState("desiredState") .enrichment("enrichment") .enrichmentParameters(PipeEnrichmentParametersProperty.builder() .httpParameters(PipeEnrichmentHttpParametersProperty.builder() .headerParameters(Map.of( "headerParametersKey", "headerParameters")) .pathParameterValues(List.of("pathParameterValues")) .queryStringParameters(Map.of( "queryStringParametersKey", "queryStringParameters")) .build()) .inputTemplate("inputTemplate") .build()) .name("name") .sourceParameters(PipeSourceParametersProperty.builder() .activeMqBrokerParameters(PipeSourceActiveMQBrokerParametersProperty.builder() .credentials(MQBrokerAccessCredentialsProperty.builder() .basicAuth("basicAuth") .build()) .queueName("queueName") // the properties below are optional .batchSize(123) .maximumBatchingWindowInSeconds(123) .build()) .dynamoDbStreamParameters(PipeSourceDynamoDBStreamParametersProperty.builder() .startingPosition("startingPosition") // the properties below are optional .batchSize(123) .deadLetterConfig(DeadLetterConfigProperty.builder() .arn("arn") .build()) .maximumBatchingWindowInSeconds(123) .maximumRecordAgeInSeconds(123) .maximumRetryAttempts(123) .onPartialBatchItemFailure("onPartialBatchItemFailure") .parallelizationFactor(123) .build()) .filterCriteria(FilterCriteriaProperty.builder() .filters(List.of(FilterProperty.builder() .pattern("pattern") .build())) .build()) .kinesisStreamParameters(PipeSourceKinesisStreamParametersProperty.builder() .startingPosition("startingPosition") // the properties below are optional .batchSize(123) .deadLetterConfig(DeadLetterConfigProperty.builder() .arn("arn") .build()) .maximumBatchingWindowInSeconds(123) .maximumRecordAgeInSeconds(123) .maximumRetryAttempts(123) .onPartialBatchItemFailure("onPartialBatchItemFailure") .parallelizationFactor(123) .startingPositionTimestamp("startingPositionTimestamp") .build()) .managedStreamingKafkaParameters(PipeSourceManagedStreamingKafkaParametersProperty.builder() .topicName("topicName") // the properties below are optional .batchSize(123) .consumerGroupId("consumerGroupId") .credentials(MSKAccessCredentialsProperty.builder() .clientCertificateTlsAuth("clientCertificateTlsAuth") .saslScram512Auth("saslScram512Auth") .build()) .maximumBatchingWindowInSeconds(123) .startingPosition("startingPosition") .build()) .rabbitMqBrokerParameters(PipeSourceRabbitMQBrokerParametersProperty.builder() .credentials(MQBrokerAccessCredentialsProperty.builder() .basicAuth("basicAuth") .build()) .queueName("queueName") // the properties below are optional .batchSize(123) .maximumBatchingWindowInSeconds(123) .virtualHost("virtualHost") .build()) .selfManagedKafkaParameters(PipeSourceSelfManagedKafkaParametersProperty.builder() .topicName("topicName") // the properties below are optional .additionalBootstrapServers(List.of("additionalBootstrapServers")) .batchSize(123) .consumerGroupId("consumerGroupId") .credentials(SelfManagedKafkaAccessConfigurationCredentialsProperty.builder() .basicAuth("basicAuth") .clientCertificateTlsAuth("clientCertificateTlsAuth") .saslScram256Auth("saslScram256Auth") .saslScram512Auth("saslScram512Auth") .build()) .maximumBatchingWindowInSeconds(123) .serverRootCaCertificate("serverRootCaCertificate") .startingPosition("startingPosition") .vpc(SelfManagedKafkaAccessConfigurationVpcProperty.builder() .securityGroup(List.of("securityGroup")) .subnets(List.of("subnets")) .build()) .build()) .sqsQueueParameters(PipeSourceSqsQueueParametersProperty.builder() .batchSize(123) .maximumBatchingWindowInSeconds(123) .build()) .build()) .tags(Map.of( "tagsKey", "tags")) .targetParameters(PipeTargetParametersProperty.builder() .batchJobParameters(PipeTargetBatchJobParametersProperty.builder() .jobDefinition("jobDefinition") .jobName("jobName") // the properties below are optional .arrayProperties(BatchArrayPropertiesProperty.builder() .size(123) .build()) .containerOverrides(BatchContainerOverridesProperty.builder() .command(List.of("command")) .environment(List.of(BatchEnvironmentVariableProperty.builder() .name("name") .value("value") .build())) .instanceType("instanceType") .resourceRequirements(List.of(BatchResourceRequirementProperty.builder() .type("type") .value("value") .build())) .build()) .dependsOn(List.of(BatchJobDependencyProperty.builder() .jobId("jobId") .type("type") .build())) .parameters(Map.of( "parametersKey", "parameters")) .retryStrategy(BatchRetryStrategyProperty.builder() .attempts(123) .build()) .build()) .cloudWatchLogsParameters(PipeTargetCloudWatchLogsParametersProperty.builder() .logStreamName("logStreamName") .timestamp("timestamp") .build()) .ecsTaskParameters(PipeTargetEcsTaskParametersProperty.builder() .taskDefinitionArn("taskDefinitionArn") // the properties below are optional .capacityProviderStrategy(List.of(CapacityProviderStrategyItemProperty.builder() .capacityProvider("capacityProvider") // the properties below are optional .base(123) .weight(123) .build())) .enableEcsManagedTags(false) .enableExecuteCommand(false) .group("group") .launchType("launchType") .networkConfiguration(NetworkConfigurationProperty.builder() .awsvpcConfiguration(AwsVpcConfigurationProperty.builder() .subnets(List.of("subnets")) // the properties below are optional .assignPublicIp("assignPublicIp") .securityGroups(List.of("securityGroups")) .build()) .build()) .overrides(EcsTaskOverrideProperty.builder() .containerOverrides(List.of(EcsContainerOverrideProperty.builder() .command(List.of("command")) .cpu(123) .environment(List.of(EcsEnvironmentVariableProperty.builder() .name("name") .value("value") .build())) .environmentFiles(List.of(EcsEnvironmentFileProperty.builder() .type("type") .value("value") .build())) .memory(123) .memoryReservation(123) .name("name") .resourceRequirements(List.of(EcsResourceRequirementProperty.builder() .type("type") .value("value") .build())) .build())) .cpu("cpu") .ephemeralStorage(EcsEphemeralStorageProperty.builder() .sizeInGiB(123) .build()) .executionRoleArn("executionRoleArn") .inferenceAcceleratorOverrides(List.of(EcsInferenceAcceleratorOverrideProperty.builder() .deviceName("deviceName") .deviceType("deviceType") .build())) .memory("memory") .taskRoleArn("taskRoleArn") .build()) .placementConstraints(List.of(PlacementConstraintProperty.builder() .expression("expression") .type("type") .build())) .placementStrategy(List.of(PlacementStrategyProperty.builder() .field("field") .type("type") .build())) .platformVersion("platformVersion") .propagateTags("propagateTags") .referenceId("referenceId") .tags(List.of(CfnTag.builder() .key("key") .value("value") .build())) .taskCount(123) .build()) .eventBridgeEventBusParameters(PipeTargetEventBridgeEventBusParametersProperty.builder() .detailType("detailType") .endpointId("endpointId") .resources(List.of("resources")) .source("source") .time("time") .build()) .httpParameters(PipeTargetHttpParametersProperty.builder() .headerParameters(Map.of( "headerParametersKey", "headerParameters")) .pathParameterValues(List.of("pathParameterValues")) .queryStringParameters(Map.of( "queryStringParametersKey", "queryStringParameters")) .build()) .inputTemplate("inputTemplate") .kinesisStreamParameters(PipeTargetKinesisStreamParametersProperty.builder() .partitionKey("partitionKey") .build()) .lambdaFunctionParameters(PipeTargetLambdaFunctionParametersProperty.builder() .invocationType("invocationType") .build()) .redshiftDataParameters(PipeTargetRedshiftDataParametersProperty.builder() .database("database") .sqls(List.of("sqls")) // the properties below are optional .dbUser("dbUser") .secretManagerArn("secretManagerArn") .statementName("statementName") .withEvent(false) .build()) .sageMakerPipelineParameters(PipeTargetSageMakerPipelineParametersProperty.builder() .pipelineParameterList(List.of(SageMakerPipelineParameterProperty.builder() .name("name") .value("value") .build())) .build()) .sqsQueueParameters(PipeTargetSqsQueueParametersProperty.builder() .messageDeduplicationId("messageDeduplicationId") .messageGroupId("messageGroupId") .build()) .stepFunctionStateMachineParameters(PipeTargetStateMachineParametersProperty.builder() .invocationType("invocationType") .build()) .build()) .build();
Nested Class Summary
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionstatic interface
This structure specifies the VPC subnets and security groups for the task, and whether a public IP address is to be used.static interface
The array properties for the submitted job, such as the size of the array.static interface
The overrides that are sent to a container.static interface
The environment variables to send to the container.static interface
An object that represents an AWS Batch job dependency.static interface
The type and amount of a resource to assign to a container.static interface
The retry strategy that's associated with a job.static final class
A fluent builder forCfnPipe
.static interface
The details of a capacity provider strategy.static interface
object that contains information about a dead-letter queue configuration.static interface
The overrides that are sent to a container.static interface
A list of files containing the environment variables to pass to a container.static interface
The environment variables to send to the container.static interface
The amount of ephemeral storage to allocate for the task.static interface
Details on an Elastic Inference accelerator task override.static interface
The type and amount of a resource to assign to a container.static interface
The overrides that are associated with a task.static interface
The collection of event patterns used to filter events.static interface
Filter events using an event pattern.static interface
The AWS Secrets Manager secret that stores your broker credentials.static interface
The AWS Secrets Manager secret that stores your stream credentials.static interface
This structure specifies the network configuration for an Amazon ECS task.static interface
These are custom parameter to be used when the target is an API Gateway REST APIs or EventBridge ApiDestinations.static interface
The parameters required to set up enrichment on your pipe.static interface
The parameters for using an Active MQ broker as a source.static interface
The parameters for using a DynamoDB stream as a source.static interface
The parameters for using a Kinesis stream as a source.static interface
The parameters for using an MSK stream as a source.static interface
The parameters required to set up a source for your pipe.static interface
The parameters for using a Rabbit MQ broker as a source.static interface
The parameters for using a self-managed Apache Kafka stream as a source.static interface
The parameters for using a Amazon SQS stream as a source.static interface
The parameters for using an AWS Batch job as a target.static interface
The parameters for using an CloudWatch Logs log stream as a target.static interface
The parameters for using an Amazon ECS task as a target.static interface
The parameters for using an EventBridge event bus as a target.static interface
These are custom parameter to be used when the target is an API Gateway REST APIs or EventBridge ApiDestinations.static interface
The parameters for using a Kinesis stream as a source.static interface
The parameters for using a Lambda function as a target.static interface
The parameters required to set up a target for your pipe.static interface
These are custom parameters to be used when the target is a Amazon Redshift cluster to invoke the Amazon Redshift Data API BatchExecuteStatement.static interface
The parameters for using a SageMaker pipeline as a target.static interface
The parameters for using a Amazon SQS stream as a source.static interface
The parameters for using a Step Functions state machine as a target.static interface
An object representing a constraint on task placement.static interface
The task placement strategy for a task or service.static interface
Name/Value pair of a parameter to start execution of a SageMaker Model Building Pipeline.static interface
The AWS Secrets Manager secret that stores your stream credentials.static interface
This structure specifies the VPC subnets and security groups for the stream, and whether a public IP address is to be used.Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface software.constructs.IConstruct
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface
IInspectable.Jsii$Default, IInspectable.Jsii$Proxy
Field Summary
Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic final String
The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class. -
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionThe ARN of the pipe.The time the pipe was created.The state the pipe is in.When the pipe was last updated, in ISO-8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sTZD).The reason the pipe is in its current state.A description of the pipe.The state the pipe should be in.The ARN of the enrichment resource.The parameters required to set up enrichment on your pipe.getName()
The name of the pipe.The ARN of the role that allows the pipe to send data to the target.The ARN of the source resource.The parameters required to set up a source for your pipe.getTags()
The list of key-value pairs to associate with the pipe.The ARN of the target resource.The parameters required to set up a target for your pipe.void
(TreeInspector inspector) Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes.renderProperties
(Map<String, Object> props) void
(String value) A description of the pipe.void
(String value) The state the pipe should be in.void
(String value) The ARN of the enrichment resource.void
The parameters required to set up enrichment on your pipe.void
The parameters required to set up enrichment on your pipe.void
The name of the pipe.void
(String value) The ARN of the role that allows the pipe to send data to the target.void
The ARN of the source resource.void
(IResolvable value) The parameters required to set up a source for your pipe.void
The parameters required to set up a source for your pipe.void
The ARN of the target resource.void
(IResolvable value) The parameters required to set up a target for your pipe.void
The parameters required to set up a target for your pipe.Methods inherited from class
addDeletionOverride, addDependsOn, addMetadata, addOverride, addPropertyDeletionOverride, addPropertyOverride, applyRemovalPolicy, applyRemovalPolicy, applyRemovalPolicy, getAtt, getCfnOptions, getCfnResourceType, getMetadata, getUpdatedProperites, isCfnResource, shouldSynthesize, toString, validateProperties
Methods inherited from class
Methods inherited from class
getCreationStack, getLogicalId, getStack, isCfnElement, overrideLogicalId
Methods inherited from class
getNode, isConstruct, onPrepare, onSynthesize, onValidate, prepare, synthesize, validate
Methods inherited from class
jsiiAsyncCall, jsiiAsyncCall, jsiiCall, jsiiCall, jsiiGet, jsiiGet, jsiiSet, jsiiStaticCall, jsiiStaticCall, jsiiStaticGet, jsiiStaticGet, jsiiStaticSet, jsiiStaticSet
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface
Field Details
The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class.
Constructor Details
protected CfnPipe( objRef) -
protected CfnPipe( initializationMode) -
@Stability(Stable) public CfnPipe(@NotNull Construct scope, @NotNull String id, @NotNull CfnPipeProps props) Create a newAWS::Pipes::Pipe
.- Parameters:
-- scope in which this resource is defined.
-- scoped id of the resource.
-- resource properties.
Method Details
Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes.- Specified by:
in interfaceIInspectable
- Parameters:
-- tree inspector to collect and process attributes.
@Stability(Stable) @NotNull protected Map<String,Object> renderProperties(@NotNull Map<String, Object> props) - Overrides:
in classCfnResource
- Parameters:
- This parameter is required.
The ARN of the pipe. -
The time the pipe was created. -
The state the pipe is in. -
When the pipe was last updated, in ISO-8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sTZD). -
The reason the pipe is in its current state. -
- Overrides:
in classCfnResource
The list of key-value pairs to associate with the pipe. -
The ARN of the role that allows the pipe to send data to the target. -
The ARN of the role that allows the pipe to send data to the target. -
The ARN of the source resource. -
The ARN of the source resource. -
The ARN of the target resource. -
The ARN of the target resource. -
A description of the pipe. -
A description of the pipe. -
The state the pipe should be in. -
The state the pipe should be in. -
The ARN of the enrichment resource. -
The ARN of the enrichment resource. -
The parameters required to set up enrichment on your pipe. -
@Stability(Stable) public void setEnrichmentParameters(@Nullable CfnPipe.PipeEnrichmentParametersProperty value) The parameters required to set up enrichment on your pipe. -
The parameters required to set up enrichment on your pipe. -
The name of the pipe. -
The name of the pipe. -
The parameters required to set up a source for your pipe. -
The parameters required to set up a source for your pipe. -
@Stability(Stable) public void setSourceParameters(@Nullable CfnPipe.PipeSourceParametersProperty value) The parameters required to set up a source for your pipe. -
The parameters required to set up a target for your pipe.For more information about pipe target parameters, including how to use dynamic path parameters, see Target parameters in the Amazon EventBridge User Guide .
The parameters required to set up a target for your pipe.For more information about pipe target parameters, including how to use dynamic path parameters, see Target parameters in the Amazon EventBridge User Guide .
@Stability(Stable) public void setTargetParameters(@Nullable CfnPipe.PipeTargetParametersProperty value) The parameters required to set up a target for your pipe.For more information about pipe target parameters, including how to use dynamic path parameters, see Target parameters in the Amazon EventBridge User Guide .