Interface ICloudAssemblyDirectoryProducer.Jsii$Default

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@Internal public static interface ICloudAssemblyDirectoryProducer.Jsii$Default extends ICloudAssemblyDirectoryProducer
Internal default implementation for ICloudAssemblyDirectoryProducer.
  • Method Details

    • getWorkingDirectory

      @Stability(Experimental) @Nullable default String getWorkingDirectory()
      (experimental) The working directory used to run the Cloud Assembly from.

      This is were a cdk.context.json files will be written.

      Default: - current working directory

      Specified by:
      getWorkingDirectory in interface ICloudAssemblyDirectoryProducer
    • setWorkingDirectory

      @Stability(Experimental) default void setWorkingDirectory(@Nullable String value)
      (experimental) The working directory used to run the Cloud Assembly from.

      This is were a cdk.context.json files will be written.

      Default: - current working directory

      Specified by:
      setWorkingDirectory in interface ICloudAssemblyDirectoryProducer
    • produce

      @Stability(Experimental) @NotNull default String produce(@NotNull Map<String,Object> context)
      (experimental) Synthesize a Cloud Assembly directory for a given context.

      For all features to work correctly, cdk.App() must be instantiated with the received context values in the method body. Usually obtained similar to this:

       public class MyProducer implements ICloudAssemblyDirectoryProducer {
           public Promise produce(Map<String, Object> context) {
               App app = App.Builder.create().context(context).build();
               // create stacks here
               return app.synth().getDirectory();

      Specified by:
      produce in interface ICloudAssemblyDirectoryProducer
      context - This parameter is required.