Class CfnDeploymentStrategy

All Implemented Interfaces:
IInspectable, ITaggableV2,, software.constructs.IConstruct, software.constructs.IDependable

@Generated(value="jsii-pacmak/1.104.0 (build e79254c)", date="2025-01-15T21:09:13.979Z") @Stability(Stable) public class CfnDeploymentStrategy extends CfnResource implements IInspectable, ITaggableV2
The AWS::AppConfig::DeploymentStrategy resource creates an AWS AppConfig deployment strategy.

A deployment strategy defines important criteria for rolling out your configuration to the designated targets. A deployment strategy includes: the overall duration required, a percentage of targets to receive the deployment during each interval, an algorithm that defines how percentage grows, and bake time.

AWS AppConfig requires that you create resources and deploy a configuration in the following order:

  • Create an application
  • Create an environment
  • Create a configuration profile
  • Choose a pre-defined deployment strategy or create your own
  • Deploy the configuration

For more information, see AWS AppConfig in the AWS AppConfig User Guide .


 // The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
 // The values are placeholders you should change.
 CfnDeploymentStrategy cfnDeploymentStrategy = CfnDeploymentStrategy.Builder.create(this, "MyCfnDeploymentStrategy")
         // the properties below are optional

See Also:
  • Field Details


      @Stability(Stable) public static final String CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME
      The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class.
  • Constructor Details

    • CfnDeploymentStrategy

      protected CfnDeploymentStrategy( objRef)
    • CfnDeploymentStrategy

      protected CfnDeploymentStrategy( initializationMode)
    • CfnDeploymentStrategy

      @Stability(Stable) public CfnDeploymentStrategy(@NotNull software.constructs.Construct scope, @NotNull String id, @NotNull CfnDeploymentStrategyProps props)
      scope - Scope in which this resource is defined. This parameter is required.
      id - Construct identifier for this resource (unique in its scope). This parameter is required.
      props - Resource properties. This parameter is required.
  • Method Details

    • inspect

      @Stability(Stable) public void inspect(@NotNull TreeInspector inspector)
      Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes.

      Specified by:
      inspect in interface IInspectable
      inspector - tree inspector to collect and process attributes. This parameter is required.
    • renderProperties

      @Stability(Stable) @NotNull protected Map<String,Object> renderProperties(@NotNull Map<String,Object> props)
      renderProperties in class CfnResource
      props - This parameter is required.
    • getAttrId

      @Stability(Stable) @NotNull public String getAttrId()
      The deployment strategy ID.
    • getCdkTagManager

      @Stability(Stable) @NotNull public TagManager getCdkTagManager()
      Tag Manager which manages the tags for this resource.
      Specified by:
      getCdkTagManager in interface ITaggableV2
    • getCfnProperties

      @Stability(Stable) @NotNull protected Map<String,Object> getCfnProperties()
      getCfnProperties in class CfnResource
    • getDeploymentDurationInMinutes

      @Stability(Stable) @NotNull public Number getDeploymentDurationInMinutes()
      Total amount of time for a deployment to last.
    • setDeploymentDurationInMinutes

      @Stability(Stable) public void setDeploymentDurationInMinutes(@NotNull Number value)
      Total amount of time for a deployment to last.
    • getGrowthFactor

      @Stability(Stable) @NotNull public Number getGrowthFactor()
      The percentage of targets to receive a deployed configuration during each interval.
    • setGrowthFactor

      @Stability(Stable) public void setGrowthFactor(@NotNull Number value)
      The percentage of targets to receive a deployed configuration during each interval.
    • getName

      @Stability(Stable) @NotNull public String getName()
      A name for the deployment strategy.
    • setName

      @Stability(Stable) public void setName(@NotNull String value)
      A name for the deployment strategy.
    • getReplicateTo

      @Stability(Stable) @NotNull public String getReplicateTo()
      Save the deployment strategy to a Systems Manager (SSM) document.
    • setReplicateTo

      @Stability(Stable) public void setReplicateTo(@NotNull String value)
      Save the deployment strategy to a Systems Manager (SSM) document.
    • getDescription

      @Stability(Stable) @Nullable public String getDescription()
      A description of the deployment strategy.
    • setDescription

      @Stability(Stable) public void setDescription(@Nullable String value)
      A description of the deployment strategy.
    • getFinalBakeTimeInMinutes

      @Stability(Stable) @Nullable public Number getFinalBakeTimeInMinutes()
      Specifies the amount of time AWS AppConfig monitors for Amazon CloudWatch alarms after the configuration has been deployed to 100% of its targets, before considering the deployment to be complete.
    • setFinalBakeTimeInMinutes

      @Stability(Stable) public void setFinalBakeTimeInMinutes(@Nullable Number value)
      Specifies the amount of time AWS AppConfig monitors for Amazon CloudWatch alarms after the configuration has been deployed to 100% of its targets, before considering the deployment to be complete.
    • getGrowthType

      @Stability(Stable) @Nullable public String getGrowthType()
      The algorithm used to define how percentage grows over time.

      AWS AppConfig supports the following growth types:.

    • setGrowthType

      @Stability(Stable) public void setGrowthType(@Nullable String value)
      The algorithm used to define how percentage grows over time.

      AWS AppConfig supports the following growth types:.

    • getTags

      @Stability(Stable) @Nullable public List<CfnTag> getTags()
      Assigns metadata to an AWS AppConfig resource.
    • setTags

      @Stability(Stable) public void setTags(@Nullable List<CfnTag> value)
      Assigns metadata to an AWS AppConfig resource.