Interface CloudFormationCreateUpdateStackActionProps

All Superinterfaces:
CommonActionProps, CommonAwsActionProps,
All Known Implementing Classes:

@Generated(value="jsii-pacmak/1.104.0 (build e79254c)", date="2025-01-15T21:09:16.442Z") @Stability(Stable) public interface CloudFormationCreateUpdateStackActionProps extends, CommonAwsActionProps
Properties for the CloudFormationCreateUpdateStackAction.


 // in stack for account 123456789012...
 Stack otherAccountStack;
 Role actionRole = Role.Builder.create(otherAccountStack, "ActionRole")
         .assumedBy(new AccountPrincipal("123456789012"))
         // the role has to have a physical name set
 // in the pipeline stack...
 Artifact sourceOutput = new Artifact();
  • Method Details

    • getAdminPermissions

      @Stability(Stable) @NotNull Boolean getAdminPermissions()
      Whether to grant full permissions to CloudFormation while deploying this template.

      Setting this to true affects the defaults for role and capabilities, if you don't specify any alternatives.

      The default role that will be created for you will have full (i.e., *) permissions on all resources, and the deployment will have named IAM capabilities (i.e., able to create all IAM resources).

      This is a shorthand that you can use if you fully trust the templates that are deployed in this pipeline. If you want more fine-grained permissions, use addToRolePolicy and capabilities to control what the CloudFormation deployment is allowed to do.

    • getStackName

      @Stability(Stable) @NotNull String getStackName()
      The name of the stack to apply this action to.
    • getTemplatePath

      @Stability(Stable) @NotNull ArtifactPath getTemplatePath()
      Input artifact with the CloudFormation template to deploy.
    • getAccount

      @Stability(Stable) @Nullable default String getAccount()
      The AWS account this Action is supposed to operate in.

      Note: if you specify the role property, this is ignored - the action will operate in the same region the passed role does.

      Default: - action resides in the same account as the pipeline

    • getCfnCapabilities

      @Stability(Stable) @Nullable default List<CfnCapabilities> getCfnCapabilities()
      Acknowledge certain changes made as part of deployment.

      For stacks that contain certain resources, explicit acknowledgement is required that AWS CloudFormation might create or update those resources. For example, you must specify ANONYMOUS_IAM or NAMED_IAM if your stack template contains AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) resources. For more information, see the link below.

      Default: None, unless `adminPermissions` is true

      See Also:
    • getDeploymentRole

      @Stability(Stable) @Nullable default IRole getDeploymentRole()
      IAM role to assume when deploying changes.

      If not specified, a fresh role is created. The role is created with zero permissions unless adminPermissions is true, in which case the role will have full permissions.

      Default: A fresh role with full or no permissions (depending on the value of `adminPermissions`).

    • getExtraInputs

      @Stability(Stable) @Nullable default List<Artifact> getExtraInputs()
      The list of additional input Artifacts for this Action.

      This is especially useful when used in conjunction with the parameterOverrides property. For example, if you have:

      parameterOverrides: { 'Param1': action1.outputArtifact.bucketName, 'Param2': action2.outputArtifact.objectKey, }

      , if the output Artifacts of action1 and action2 were not used to set either the templateConfiguration or the templatePath properties, you need to make sure to include them in the extraInputs - otherwise, you'll get an "unrecognized Artifact" error during your Pipeline's execution.

    • getOutput

      @Stability(Stable) @Nullable default Artifact getOutput()
      The name of the output artifact to generate.

      Only applied if outputFileName is set as well.

      Default: Automatically generated artifact name.

    • getOutputFileName

      @Stability(Stable) @Nullable default String getOutputFileName()
      A name for the filename in the output artifact to store the AWS CloudFormation call's result.

      The file will contain the result of the call to AWS CloudFormation (for example the call to UpdateStack or CreateChangeSet).

      AWS CodePipeline adds the file to the output artifact after performing the specified action.

      Default: No output artifact generated

    • getParameterOverrides

      @Stability(Stable) @Nullable default Map<String,Object> getParameterOverrides()
      Additional template parameters.

      Template parameters specified here take precedence over template parameters found in the artifact specified by the templateConfiguration property.

      We recommend that you use the template configuration file to specify most of your parameter values. Use parameter overrides to specify only dynamic parameter values (values that are unknown until you run the pipeline).

      All parameter names must be present in the stack template.

      Note: the entire object cannot be more than 1kB.

      Default: No overrides

    • getRegion

      @Stability(Stable) @Nullable default String getRegion()
      The AWS region the given Action resides in.

      Note that a cross-region Pipeline requires replication buckets to function correctly. You can provide their names with the PipelineProps#crossRegionReplicationBuckets property. If you don't, the CodePipeline Construct will create new Stacks in your CDK app containing those buckets, that you will need to cdk deploy before deploying the main, Pipeline-containing Stack.

      Default: the Action resides in the same region as the Pipeline

    • getReplaceOnFailure

      @Stability(Stable) @Nullable default Boolean getReplaceOnFailure()
      Replace the stack if it's in a failed state.

      If this is set to true and the stack is in a failed state (one of ROLLBACK_COMPLETE, ROLLBACK_FAILED, CREATE_FAILED, DELETE_FAILED, or UPDATE_ROLLBACK_FAILED), AWS CloudFormation deletes the stack and then creates a new stack.

      If this is not set to true and the stack is in a failed state, the deployment fails.

      Default: false

    • getTemplateConfiguration

      @Stability(Stable) @Nullable default ArtifactPath getTemplateConfiguration()
      Input artifact to use for template parameters values and stack policy.

      The template configuration file should contain a JSON object that should look like this: { "Parameters": {...}, "Tags": {...}, "StackPolicy": {... }}. For more information, see AWS CloudFormation Artifacts.

      Note that if you include sensitive information, such as passwords, restrict access to this file.

      Default: No template configuration based on input artifacts

    • builder

      @Stability(Stable) static CloudFormationCreateUpdateStackActionProps.Builder builder()
      a CloudFormationCreateUpdateStackActionProps.Builder of CloudFormationCreateUpdateStackActionProps