Class CfnLifecyclePolicy.ScriptProperty.Builder

All Implemented Interfaces:<CfnLifecyclePolicy.ScriptProperty>
Enclosing interface:

@Stability(Stable) public static final class CfnLifecyclePolicy.ScriptProperty.Builder extends Object implements<CfnLifecyclePolicy.ScriptProperty>
  • Constructor Details

    • Builder

      public Builder()
  • Method Details

    • executeOperationOnScriptFailure

      @Stability(Stable) public CfnLifecyclePolicy.ScriptProperty.Builder executeOperationOnScriptFailure(Boolean executeOperationOnScriptFailure)
      executeOperationOnScriptFailure - Indicates whether Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager should default to crash-consistent snapshots if the pre script fails.
      • To default to crash consistent snapshot if the pre script fails, specify true .
      • To skip the instance for snapshot creation if the pre script fails, specify false .

      This parameter is supported only if you run a pre script. If you run a post script only, omit this parameter.

      Default: true

    • executeOperationOnScriptFailure

      @Stability(Stable) public CfnLifecyclePolicy.ScriptProperty.Builder executeOperationOnScriptFailure(IResolvable executeOperationOnScriptFailure)
      executeOperationOnScriptFailure - Indicates whether Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager should default to crash-consistent snapshots if the pre script fails.
      • To default to crash consistent snapshot if the pre script fails, specify true .
      • To skip the instance for snapshot creation if the pre script fails, specify false .

      This parameter is supported only if you run a pre script. If you run a post script only, omit this parameter.

      Default: true

    • executionHandler

      @Stability(Stable) public CfnLifecyclePolicy.ScriptProperty.Builder executionHandler(String executionHandler)
      executionHandler - The SSM document that includes the pre and/or post scripts to run.
      • If you are automating VSS backups, specify AWS_VSS_BACKUP . In this case, Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager automatically uses the AWSEC2-CreateVssSnapshot SSM document.
      • If you are automating application-consistent snapshots for SAP HANA workloads, specify AWSSystemsManagerSAP-CreateDLMSnapshotForSAPHANA .
      • If you are using a custom SSM document that you own, specify either the name or ARN of the SSM document. If you are using a custom SSM document that is shared with you, specify the ARN of the SSM document.
    • executionHandlerService

      @Stability(Stable) public CfnLifecyclePolicy.ScriptProperty.Builder executionHandlerService(String executionHandlerService)
      executionHandlerService - Indicates the service used to execute the pre and/or post scripts.
      • If you are using custom SSM documents or automating application-consistent snapshots of SAP HANA workloads, specify AWS_SYSTEMS_MANAGER .
      • If you are automating VSS Backups, omit this parameter.


    • executionTimeout

      @Stability(Stable) public CfnLifecyclePolicy.ScriptProperty.Builder executionTimeout(Number executionTimeout)
      executionTimeout - Specifies a timeout period, in seconds, after which Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager fails the script run attempt if it has not completed. If a script does not complete within its timeout period, Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager fails the attempt. The timeout period applies to the pre and post scripts individually.

      If you are automating VSS Backups, omit this parameter.

      Default: 10

    • maximumRetryCount

      @Stability(Stable) public CfnLifecyclePolicy.ScriptProperty.Builder maximumRetryCount(Number maximumRetryCount)
      maximumRetryCount - Specifies the number of times Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager should retry scripts that fail.
      • If the pre script fails, Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager retries the entire snapshot creation process, including running the pre and post scripts.
      • If the post script fails, Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager retries the post script only; in this case, the pre script will have completed and the snapshot might have been created.

      If you do not want Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager to retry failed scripts, specify 0 .

      Default: 0

    • stages

      @Stability(Stable) public CfnLifecyclePolicy.ScriptProperty.Builder stages(List<String> stages)
      stages - Indicate which scripts Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager should run on target instances. Pre scripts run before Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager initiates snapshot creation. Post scripts run after Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager initiates snapshot creation.

      • To run a pre script only, specify PRE . In this case, Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager calls the SSM document with the pre-script parameter before initiating snapshot creation.
      • To run a post script only, specify POST . In this case, Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager calls the SSM document with the post-script parameter after initiating snapshot creation.
      • To run both pre and post scripts, specify both PRE and POST . In this case, Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager calls the SSM document with the pre-script parameter before initiating snapshot creation, and then it calls the SSM document again with the post-script parameter after initiating snapshot creation.

      If you are automating VSS Backups, omit this parameter.

      Default: PRE and POST

    • build

      @Stability(Stable) public CfnLifecyclePolicy.ScriptProperty build()
      Builds the configured instance.
      Specified by:
      build in interface<CfnLifecyclePolicy.ScriptProperty>
      a new instance of CfnLifecyclePolicy.ScriptProperty
      NullPointerException - if any required attribute was not provided