Interface IIpv6Addresses.Jsii$Default

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@Internal public static interface IIpv6Addresses.Jsii$Default extends IIpv6Addresses
Internal default implementation for IIpv6Addresses.
  • Method Details

    • getAmazonProvided

      @Stability(Stable) @NotNull default Boolean getAmazonProvided()
      Whether the IPv6 CIDR is Amazon provided or not.

      Note this is specific to the IPv6 CIDR.

      Specified by:
      getAmazonProvided in interface IIpv6Addresses
    • setAmazonProvided

      @Stability(Stable) default void setAmazonProvided(@NotNull Boolean value)
      Whether the IPv6 CIDR is Amazon provided or not.

      Note this is specific to the IPv6 CIDR.

      Specified by:
      setAmazonProvided in interface IIpv6Addresses
    • allocateSubnetsIpv6Cidr

      @Stability(Stable) @NotNull default SubnetIpamOptions allocateSubnetsIpv6Cidr(@NotNull AllocateIpv6CidrRequest input)
      Allocates Subnets IPv6 CIDRs. Called by VPC when creating subnets with IPv6 enabled.

      Note this is specific to the IPv6 CIDR.

      Specified by:
      allocateSubnetsIpv6Cidr in interface IIpv6Addresses
      input - This parameter is required.
    • allocateVpcIpv6Cidr

      @Stability(Stable) @NotNull default CfnVPCCidrBlock allocateVpcIpv6Cidr(@NotNull AllocateVpcIpv6CidrRequest input)
      Called by VPC to allocate IPv6 CIDR.

      Note this is specific to the IPv6 CIDR.

      Specified by:
      allocateVpcIpv6Cidr in interface IIpv6Addresses
      input - This parameter is required.
    • createIpv6CidrBlocks

      @Stability(Stable) @NotNull default List<String> createIpv6CidrBlocks(@NotNull CreateIpv6CidrBlocksRequest input)
      Split IPv6 CIDR block up for subnets.

      Note this is specific to the IPv6 CIDR.

      Specified by:
      createIpv6CidrBlocks in interface IIpv6Addresses
      input - This parameter is required.