Interface IVolume

All Superinterfaces:
software.constructs.IConstruct, software.constructs.IDependable, IResource,
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
IVolume.Jsii$Proxy, Volume

@Generated(value="jsii-pacmak/1.101.0 (build b95fe5d)", date="2024-07-12T19:34:00.901Z") @Stability(Stable) public interface IVolume extends, IResource
An EBS Volume in AWS EC2.
  • Method Details

    • getAvailabilityZone

      @Stability(Stable) @NotNull String getAvailabilityZone()
      The availability zone that the EBS Volume is contained within (ex: us-west-2a).
    • getVolumeId

      @Stability(Stable) @NotNull String getVolumeId()
      The EBS Volume's ID.
    • getEncryptionKey

      @Stability(Stable) @Nullable default IKey getEncryptionKey()
      The customer-managed encryption key that is used to encrypt the Volume.
    • grantAttachVolume

      @Stability(Stable) @NotNull Grant grantAttachVolume(@NotNull IGrantable grantee, @Nullable List<IInstance> instances)
      Grants permission to attach this Volume to an instance.

      CAUTION: Granting an instance permission to attach to itself using this method will lead to an unresolvable circular reference between the instance role and the instance. Use IVolume.grantAttachVolumeToSelf to grant an instance permission to attach this volume to itself.

      grantee - the principal being granted permission. This parameter is required.
      instances - the instances to which permission is being granted to attach this volume to.
    • grantAttachVolume

      @Stability(Stable) @NotNull Grant grantAttachVolume(@NotNull IGrantable grantee)
      Grants permission to attach this Volume to an instance.

      CAUTION: Granting an instance permission to attach to itself using this method will lead to an unresolvable circular reference between the instance role and the instance. Use IVolume.grantAttachVolumeToSelf to grant an instance permission to attach this volume to itself.

      grantee - the principal being granted permission. This parameter is required.
    • grantAttachVolumeByResourceTag

      @Stability(Stable) @NotNull Grant grantAttachVolumeByResourceTag(@NotNull IGrantable grantee, @NotNull List<software.constructs.Construct> constructs, @Nullable String tagKeySuffix)
      Grants permission to attach the Volume by a ResourceTag condition.

      If you are looking to grant an Instance, AutoScalingGroup, EC2-Fleet, SpotFleet, ECS host, etc the ability to attach this volume to itself then this is the method you want to use.

      This is implemented by adding a Tag with key VolumeGrantAttach-<suffix> to the given constructs and this Volume, and then conditioning the Grant such that the grantee is only given the ability to AttachVolume if both the Volume and the destination Instance have that tag applied to them.

      grantee - the principal being granted permission. This parameter is required.
      constructs - The list of constructs that will have the generated resource tag applied to them. This parameter is required.
      tagKeySuffix - A suffix to use on the generated Tag key in place of the generated hash value.
    • grantAttachVolumeByResourceTag

      @Stability(Stable) @NotNull Grant grantAttachVolumeByResourceTag(@NotNull IGrantable grantee, @NotNull List<software.constructs.Construct> constructs)
      Grants permission to attach the Volume by a ResourceTag condition.

      If you are looking to grant an Instance, AutoScalingGroup, EC2-Fleet, SpotFleet, ECS host, etc the ability to attach this volume to itself then this is the method you want to use.

      This is implemented by adding a Tag with key VolumeGrantAttach-<suffix> to the given constructs and this Volume, and then conditioning the Grant such that the grantee is only given the ability to AttachVolume if both the Volume and the destination Instance have that tag applied to them.

      grantee - the principal being granted permission. This parameter is required.
      constructs - The list of constructs that will have the generated resource tag applied to them. This parameter is required.
    • grantDetachVolume

      @Stability(Stable) @NotNull Grant grantDetachVolume(@NotNull IGrantable grantee, @Nullable List<IInstance> instances)
      Grants permission to detach this Volume from an instance CAUTION: Granting an instance permission to detach from itself using this method will lead to an unresolvable circular reference between the instance role and the instance.

      Use IVolume.grantDetachVolumeFromSelf to grant an instance permission to detach this volume from itself.

      grantee - the principal being granted permission. This parameter is required.
      instances - the instances to which permission is being granted to detach this volume from.
    • grantDetachVolume

      @Stability(Stable) @NotNull Grant grantDetachVolume(@NotNull IGrantable grantee)
      Grants permission to detach this Volume from an instance CAUTION: Granting an instance permission to detach from itself using this method will lead to an unresolvable circular reference between the instance role and the instance.

      Use IVolume.grantDetachVolumeFromSelf to grant an instance permission to detach this volume from itself.

      grantee - the principal being granted permission. This parameter is required.
    • grantDetachVolumeByResourceTag

      @Stability(Stable) @NotNull Grant grantDetachVolumeByResourceTag(@NotNull IGrantable grantee, @NotNull List<software.constructs.Construct> constructs, @Nullable String tagKeySuffix)
      Grants permission to detach the Volume by a ResourceTag condition.

      This is implemented via the same mechanism as IVolume.grantAttachVolumeByResourceTag, and is subject to the same conditions.

      grantee - the principal being granted permission. This parameter is required.
      constructs - The list of constructs that will have the generated resource tag applied to them. This parameter is required.
      tagKeySuffix - A suffix to use on the generated Tag key in place of the generated hash value.
    • grantDetachVolumeByResourceTag

      @Stability(Stable) @NotNull Grant grantDetachVolumeByResourceTag(@NotNull IGrantable grantee, @NotNull List<software.constructs.Construct> constructs)
      Grants permission to detach the Volume by a ResourceTag condition.

      This is implemented via the same mechanism as IVolume.grantAttachVolumeByResourceTag, and is subject to the same conditions.

      grantee - the principal being granted permission. This parameter is required.
      constructs - The list of constructs that will have the generated resource tag applied to them. This parameter is required.