Class NatInstanceProps.Jsii$Proxy

All Implemented Interfaces:
Enclosing interface:

@Stability(Stable) @Internal public static final class NatInstanceProps.Jsii$Proxy extends implements NatInstanceProps
An implementation for NatInstanceProps
  • Constructor Details

    • Jsii$Proxy

      protected Jsii$Proxy( objRef)
      Constructor that initializes the object based on values retrieved from the JsiiObject.
      objRef - Reference to the JSII managed object.
    • Jsii$Proxy

      protected Jsii$Proxy(NatInstanceProps.Builder builder)
      Constructor that initializes the object based on literal property values passed by the NatInstanceProps.Builder.
  • Method Details

    • getInstanceType

      public final InstanceType getInstanceType()
      Description copied from interface: NatInstanceProps
      Instance type of the NAT instance.
      Specified by:
      getInstanceType in interface NatInstanceProps
    • getCreditSpecification

      public final CpuCredits getCreditSpecification()
      Description copied from interface: NatInstanceProps
      Specifying the CPU credit type for burstable EC2 instance types (T2, T3, T3a, etc).

      The unlimited CPU credit option is not supported for T3 instances with dedicated host (host) tenancy.

      Default: - T2 instances are standard, while T3, T4g, and T3a instances are unlimited.

      Specified by:
      getCreditSpecification in interface NatInstanceProps
    • getDefaultAllowedTraffic

      public final NatTrafficDirection getDefaultAllowedTraffic()
      Description copied from interface: NatInstanceProps
      Direction to allow all traffic through the NAT instance by default.

      By default, inbound and outbound traffic is allowed.

      If you set this to another value than INBOUND_AND_OUTBOUND, you must configure the NAT instance's security groups in another way, either by passing in a fully configured Security Group using the securityGroup property, or by configuring it using the .securityGroup or .connections members after passing the NAT Instance Provider to a Vpc.

      Default: NatTrafficDirection.INBOUND_AND_OUTBOUND

      Specified by:
      getDefaultAllowedTraffic in interface NatInstanceProps
    • getKeyName

      public final String getKeyName()
      Description copied from interface: NatInstanceProps
      (deprecated) Name of SSH keypair to grant access to instance.

      Default: - No SSH access will be possible.

      Specified by:
      getKeyName in interface NatInstanceProps
    • getKeyPair

      public final IKeyPair getKeyPair()
      Description copied from interface: NatInstanceProps
      The SSH keypair to grant access to the instance.

      Default: - No SSH access will be possible.

      Specified by:
      getKeyPair in interface NatInstanceProps
    • getMachineImage

      public final IMachineImage getMachineImage()
      Description copied from interface: NatInstanceProps
      The machine image (AMI) to use.

      By default, will do an AMI lookup for the latest NAT instance image.

      If you have a specific AMI ID you want to use, pass a GenericLinuxImage. For example:

               .instanceType(new InstanceType("t3.micro"))
               .machineImage(new GenericLinuxImage(Map.of(
                       "us-east-2", "ami-0f9c61b5a562a16af")))

      Default: - Latest NAT instance image

      Specified by:
      getMachineImage in interface NatInstanceProps
    • getSecurityGroup

      public final ISecurityGroup getSecurityGroup()
      Description copied from interface: NatInstanceProps
      (deprecated) Security Group for NAT instances.

      Default: - A new security group will be created


       NatInstanceProviderV2 natGatewayProvider = NatProvider.instanceV2(NatInstanceProps.builder()
               .instanceType(new InstanceType("t3.small"))
       Vpc vpc = Vpc.Builder.create(this, "Vpc").natGatewayProvider(natGatewayProvider).build();
       SecurityGroup securityGroup = SecurityGroup.Builder.create(this, "SecurityGroup")
       securityGroup.addEgressRule(Peer.anyIpv4(), Port.tcp(443));
       for (Object gatewayInstance : natGatewayProvider.getGatewayInstances()) {

      Specified by:
      getSecurityGroup in interface NatInstanceProps
    • getUserData

      public final UserData getUserData()
      Description copied from interface: NatInstanceProps
      Custom user data to run on the NAT instances.

      Default: UserData.forLinux().addCommands(...NatInstanceProviderV2.DEFAULT_USER_DATA_COMMANDS); - Appropriate user data commands to initialize and configure the NAT instances

      Specified by:
      getUserData in interface NatInstanceProps
      See Also:
    • $jsii$toJson

      @Internal public com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode $jsii$toJson()
      Specified by:
      $jsii$toJson in interface
    • equals

      public final boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public final int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object