Interface NetworkLoadBalancedServiceBaseProps
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// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type. // The values are placeholders you should change. import*; import*; import*; import*; import*; import*; import*; import*; Cluster cluster; ContainerDefinition containerDefinition; ContainerImage containerImage; HostedZone hostedZone; ListenerCertificate listenerCertificate; LogDriver logDriver; INamespace namespace; NetworkLoadBalancer networkLoadBalancer; Role role; Secret secret; Vpc vpc; NetworkLoadBalancedServiceBaseProps networkLoadBalancedServiceBaseProps = NetworkLoadBalancedServiceBaseProps.builder() .capacityProviderStrategies(List.of(CapacityProviderStrategy.builder() .capacityProvider("capacityProvider") // the properties below are optional .base(123) .weight(123) .build())) .circuitBreaker(DeploymentCircuitBreaker.builder() .enable(false) .rollback(false) .build()) .cloudMapOptions(CloudMapOptions.builder() .cloudMapNamespace(namespace) .container(containerDefinition) .containerPort(123) .dnsRecordType(DnsRecordType.A) .dnsTtl(Duration.minutes(30)) .failureThreshold(123) .name("name") .build()) .cluster(cluster) .deploymentController(DeploymentController.builder() .type(DeploymentControllerType.ECS) .build()) .desiredCount(123) .domainName("domainName") .domainZone(hostedZone) .enableECSManagedTags(false) .enableExecuteCommand(false) .healthCheckGracePeriod(Duration.minutes(30)) .ipAddressType(IpAddressType.IPV4) .listenerCertificate(listenerCertificate) .listenerPort(123) .loadBalancer(networkLoadBalancer) .maxHealthyPercent(123) .minHealthyPercent(123) .propagateTags(PropagatedTagSource.SERVICE) .publicLoadBalancer(false) .recordType(NetworkLoadBalancedServiceRecordType.ALIAS) .serviceName("serviceName") .taskImageOptions(NetworkLoadBalancedTaskImageOptions.builder() .image(containerImage) // the properties below are optional .containerName("containerName") .containerPort(123) .dockerLabels(Map.of( "dockerLabelsKey", "dockerLabels")) .enableLogging(false) .environment(Map.of( "environmentKey", "environment")) .executionRole(role) .family("family") .logDriver(logDriver) .secrets(Map.of( "secretsKey", secret)) .taskRole(role) .build()) .vpc(vpc) .build();
Nested Class Summary
Nested ClassesModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptionstatic final class
A builder forNetworkLoadBalancedServiceBaseProps
static final class
An implementation forNetworkLoadBalancedServiceBaseProps
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionbuilder()
default List<CapacityProviderStrategy>
A list of Capacity Provider strategies used to place a service.default DeploymentCircuitBreaker
Whether to enable the deployment circuit breaker.default CloudMapOptions
The options for configuring an Amazon ECS service to use service discovery.default ICluster
The name of the cluster that hosts the service.default DeploymentController
Specifies which deployment controller to use for the service.default Number
The desired number of instantiations of the task definition to keep running on the service.default String
The domain name for the service, e.g.default IHostedZone
The Route53 hosted zone for the domain, e.g.default Boolean
Specifies whether to enable Amazon ECS managed tags for the tasks within the service.default Boolean
Whether ECS Exec should be enabled.default Duration
The period of time, in seconds, that the Amazon ECS service scheduler ignores unhealthy Elastic Load Balancing target health checks after a task has first started.default IpAddressType
The type of IP addresses to use.default IListenerCertificate
Listener certificate list of ACM cert ARNs.default Number
Listener port of the network load balancer that will serve traffic to the service.default INetworkLoadBalancer
The network load balancer that will serve traffic to the service.default Number
The maximum number of tasks, specified as a percentage of the Amazon ECS service's DesiredCount value, that can run in a service during a deployment.default Number
The minimum number of tasks, specified as a percentage of the Amazon ECS service's DesiredCount value, that must continue to run and remain healthy during a deployment.default PropagatedTagSource
Specifies whether to propagate the tags from the task definition or the service to the tasks in the service.default Boolean
Determines whether the Load Balancer will be internet-facing.Specifies whether the Route53 record should be a CNAME, an A record using the Alias feature or no record at all.default String
The name of the service.The properties required to create a new task definition.default IVpc
The VPC where the container instances will be launched or the elastic network interfaces (ENIs) will be deployed.Methods inherited from interface
Method Details
A list of Capacity Provider strategies used to place a service.Default: - undefined
Whether to enable the deployment circuit breaker.If this property is defined, circuit breaker will be implicitly enabled.
Default: - disabled
The options for configuring an Amazon ECS service to use service discovery.Default: - AWS Cloud Map service discovery is not enabled.
The name of the cluster that hosts the service.If a cluster is specified, the vpc construct should be omitted. Alternatively, you can omit both cluster and vpc.
Default: - create a new cluster; if both cluster and vpc are omitted, a new VPC will be created for you.
Specifies which deployment controller to use for the service.For more information, see Amazon ECS Deployment Types
Default: - Rolling update (ECS)
The desired number of instantiations of the task definition to keep running on the service.The minimum value is 1
Default: - The default is 1 for all new services and uses the existing service's desired count when updating an existing service.
The domain name for the service, e.g. "".Default: - No domain name.
The Route53 hosted zone for the domain, e.g. "".Default: - No Route53 hosted domain zone.
Specifies whether to enable Amazon ECS managed tags for the tasks within the service.For more information, see Tagging Your Amazon ECS Resources
Default: false
Whether ECS Exec should be enabled.Default: - false
The period of time, in seconds, that the Amazon ECS service scheduler ignores unhealthy Elastic Load Balancing target health checks after a task has first started.Default: - defaults to 60 seconds if at least one load balancer is in-use and it is not already set
The type of IP addresses to use.If you want to add a UDP or TCP_UDP listener to the load balancer, you must choose IPv4.
Default: IpAddressType.IPV4
- See Also:
Listener certificate list of ACM cert ARNs.If you provide a certificate, the listener's protocol will be TLS. If not, the listener's protocol will be TCP.
Default: - none
Listener port of the network load balancer that will serve traffic to the service.Default: 80 or 443 with listenerCertificate provided
The network load balancer that will serve traffic to the service.If the load balancer has been imported, the vpc attribute must be specified in the call to fromNetworkLoadBalancerAttributes().
Default: - a new load balancer will be created.
The maximum number of tasks, specified as a percentage of the Amazon ECS service's DesiredCount value, that can run in a service during a deployment.Default: - 100 if daemon, otherwise 200
The minimum number of tasks, specified as a percentage of the Amazon ECS service's DesiredCount value, that must continue to run and remain healthy during a deployment.Default: - 0 if daemon, otherwise 50
Specifies whether to propagate the tags from the task definition or the service to the tasks in the service.Tags can only be propagated to the tasks within the service during service creation.
Default: - none
Determines whether the Load Balancer will be internet-facing.Default: true
Specifies whether the Route53 record should be a CNAME, an A record using the Alias feature or no record at all.This is useful if you need to work with DNS systems that do not support alias records.
Default: NetworkLoadBalancedServiceRecordType.ALIAS
The name of the service.Default: - CloudFormation-generated name.
The properties required to create a new task definition.One of taskImageOptions or taskDefinition must be specified.
Default: - none
The VPC where the container instances will be launched or the elastic network interfaces (ENIs) will be deployed.If a vpc is specified, the cluster construct should be omitted. Alternatively, you can omit both vpc and cluster.
Default: - uses the VPC defined in the cluster or creates a new VPC.