Class CfnAssetModel.TumblingWindowProperty.Jsii$Proxy

All Implemented Interfaces:
Enclosing interface:

@Stability(Stable) @Internal public static final class CfnAssetModel.TumblingWindowProperty.Jsii$Proxy extends implements CfnAssetModel.TumblingWindowProperty
  • Constructor Details

    • Jsii$Proxy

      protected Jsii$Proxy( objRef)
      Constructor that initializes the object based on values retrieved from the JsiiObject.
      objRef - Reference to the JSII managed object.
    • Jsii$Proxy

      protected Jsii$Proxy(CfnAssetModel.TumblingWindowProperty.Builder builder)
      Constructor that initializes the object based on literal property values passed by the CfnAssetModel.TumblingWindowProperty.Builder.
  • Method Details

    • getInterval

      public final String getInterval()
      Description copied from interface: CfnAssetModel.TumblingWindowProperty
      The time interval for the tumbling window. The interval time must be between 1 minute and 1 week.

      AWS IoT SiteWise computes the 1w interval the end of Sunday at midnight each week (UTC), the 1d interval at the end of each day at midnight (UTC), the 1h interval at the end of each hour, and so on.

      When AWS IoT SiteWise aggregates data points for metric computations, the start of each interval is exclusive and the end of each interval is inclusive. AWS IoT SiteWise places the computed data point at the end of the interval.

      Specified by:
      getInterval in interface CfnAssetModel.TumblingWindowProperty
      See Also:
    • getOffset

      public final String getOffset()
      Description copied from interface: CfnAssetModel.TumblingWindowProperty
      The offset for the tumbling window. The offset parameter accepts the following:.

      • The offset time.

      For example, if you specify 18h for offset and 1d for interval , AWS IoT SiteWise aggregates data in one of the following ways:

      • If you create the metric before or at 6 PM (UTC), you get the first aggregation result at 6 PM (UTC) on the day when you create the metric.
      • If you create the metric after 6 PM (UTC), you get the first aggregation result at 6 PM (UTC) the next day.
      • The ISO 8601 format.

      For example, if you specify PT18H for offset and 1d for interval , AWS IoT SiteWise aggregates data in one of the following ways:

      • If you create the metric before or at 6 PM (UTC), you get the first aggregation result at 6 PM (UTC) on the day when you create the metric.
      • If you create the metric after 6 PM (UTC), you get the first aggregation result at 6 PM (UTC) the next day.
      • The 24-hour clock.

      For example, if you specify 00:03:00 for offset , 5m for interval , and you create the metric at 2 PM (UTC), you get the first aggregation result at 2:03 PM (UTC). You get the second aggregation result at 2:08 PM (UTC).

      • The offset time zone.

      For example, if you specify 2021-07-23T18:00-08 for offset and 1d for interval , AWS IoT SiteWise aggregates data in one of the following ways:

      • If you create the metric before or at 6 PM (PST), you get the first aggregation result at 6 PM (PST) on the day when you create the metric.
      • If you create the metric after 6 PM (PST), you get the first aggregation result at 6 PM (PST) the next day.

      Specified by:
      getOffset in interface CfnAssetModel.TumblingWindowProperty
      See Also:
    • $jsii$toJson

      @Internal public com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode $jsii$toJson()
      Specified by:
      $jsii$toJson in interface
    • equals

      public final boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public final int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object