AWS::Lex Construct Library
This module is part of the AWS Cloud Development Kit project.
There are no official hand-written (L2) constructs for this service yet. Here are some suggestions on how to proceed:
- Search Construct Hub for Lex construct libraries
- Use the automatically generated L1 constructs, in the same way you would use the CloudFormation AWS::Lex resources directly.
There are no hand-written (L2) constructs for this service yet. However, you can still use the automatically generated L1 constructs, and use this service exactly as you would using CloudFormation directly.
For more information on the resources and properties available for this service, see the CloudFormation documentation for AWS::Lex.
(Read the CDK Contributing Guide and submit an RFC if you are interested in contributing to this construct library.)
ClassDescriptionProvides settings that enable advanced recognition settings for slot values.A builder for
An implementation forCfnBot.AdvancedRecognitionSettingProperty
Specifies the allowed input types.A builder forCfnBot.AllowedInputTypesProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.AllowedInputTypesProperty
Specifies the audio and DTMF input specification.A builder forCfnBot.AudioAndDTMFInputSpecificationProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.AudioAndDTMFInputSpecificationProperty
The location of audio log files collected when conversation logging is enabled for a bot.A builder forCfnBot.AudioLogDestinationProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.AudioLogDestinationProperty
Settings for logging audio of conversations between Amazon Lex and a user.A builder forCfnBot.AudioLogSettingProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.AudioLogSettingProperty
Specifies the audio input specifications.A builder forCfnBot.AudioSpecificationProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.AudioSpecificationProperty
Specifies locale settings for a single locale.A builder forCfnBot.BotAliasLocaleSettingsItemProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.BotAliasLocaleSettingsItemProperty
Specifies settings that are unique to a locale.A builder forCfnBot.BotAliasLocaleSettingsProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.BotAliasLocaleSettingsProperty
Provides configuration information for a locale.A builder forCfnBot.BotLocaleProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.BotLocaleProperty
A fluent builder forCfnBot
.Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.A builder forCfnBot.ButtonProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.ButtonProperty
The Amazon CloudWatch Logs log group where the text and metadata logs are delivered.A builder forCfnBot.CloudWatchLogGroupLogDestinationProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.CloudWatchLogGroupLogDestinationProperty
Contains information about code hooks that Amazon Lex calls during a conversation.A builder forCfnBot.CodeHookSpecificationProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.CodeHookSpecificationProperty
A set of actions that Amazon Lex should run if the condition is matched.A builder forCfnBot.ConditionalBranchProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.ConditionalBranchProperty
Provides a list of conditional branches.A builder forCfnBot.ConditionalSpecificationProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.ConditionalSpecificationProperty
Provides an expression that evaluates to true or false.A builder forCfnBot.ConditionProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.ConditionProperty
Configures conversation logging that saves audio, text, and metadata for the conversations with your users.A builder forCfnBot.ConversationLogSettingsProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.ConversationLogSettingsProperty
A custom response string that Amazon Lex sends to your application.A builder forCfnBot.CustomPayloadProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.CustomPayloadProperty
Specifies an entry in a custom vocabulary.A builder forCfnBot.CustomVocabularyItemProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.CustomVocabularyItemProperty
Specifies a custom vocabulary.A builder forCfnBot.CustomVocabularyProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.CustomVocabularyProperty
By default, data stored by Amazon Lex is encrypted.A builder forCfnBot.DataPrivacyProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.DataPrivacyProperty
A set of actions that Amazon Lex should run if none of the other conditions are met.A builder forCfnBot.DefaultConditionalBranchProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.DefaultConditionalBranchProperty
Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.A builder forCfnBot.DialogActionProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.DialogActionProperty
Settings that specify the dialog code hook that is called by Amazon Lex at a step of the conversation.A builder forCfnBot.DialogCodeHookInvocationSettingProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.DialogCodeHookInvocationSettingProperty
Settings that determine the Lambda function that Amazon Lex uses for processing user responses.A builder forCfnBot.DialogCodeHookSettingProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.DialogCodeHookSettingProperty
The current state of the conversation with the user.A builder forCfnBot.DialogStateProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.DialogStateProperty
Specifies the DTMF input specifications.A builder forCfnBot.DTMFSpecificationProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.DTMFSpecificationProperty
Settings that specify the dialog code hook that is called by Amazon Lex between eliciting slot values.A builder forCfnBot.ElicitationCodeHookInvocationSettingProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.ElicitationCodeHookInvocationSettingProperty
Provides information about the external source of the slot type's definition.A builder forCfnBot.ExternalSourceSettingProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.ExternalSourceSettingProperty
Determines if a Lambda function should be invoked for a specific intent.A builder forCfnBot.FulfillmentCodeHookSettingProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.FulfillmentCodeHookSettingProperty
Provides settings for a message that is sent to the user when a fulfillment Lambda function starts running.A builder forCfnBot.FulfillmentStartResponseSpecificationProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.FulfillmentStartResponseSpecificationProperty
Provides settings for a message that is sent periodically to the user while a fulfillment Lambda function is running.A builder forCfnBot.FulfillmentUpdateResponseSpecificationProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.FulfillmentUpdateResponseSpecificationProperty
Provides information for updating the user on the progress of fulfilling an intent.A builder forCfnBot.FulfillmentUpdatesSpecificationProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.FulfillmentUpdatesSpecificationProperty
Settings requried for a slot type based on a grammar that you provide.A builder forCfnBot.GrammarSlotTypeSettingProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.GrammarSlotTypeSettingProperty
Describes the Amazon S3 bucket name and location for the grammar that is the source for the slot type.A builder forCfnBot.GrammarSlotTypeSourceProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.GrammarSlotTypeSourceProperty
A card that is shown to the user by a messaging platform.A builder forCfnBot.ImageResponseCardProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.ImageResponseCardProperty
Configuration setting for a response sent to the user before Amazon Lex starts eliciting slots.A builder forCfnBot.InitialResponseSettingProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.InitialResponseSettingProperty
A context that must be active for an intent to be selected by Amazon Lex.A builder forCfnBot.InputContextProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.InputContextProperty
Provides a statement the Amazon Lex conveys to the user when the intent is successfully fulfilled.A builder forCfnBot.IntentClosingSettingProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.IntentClosingSettingProperty
Provides a prompt for making sure that the user is ready for the intent to be fulfilled.A builder forCfnBot.IntentConfirmationSettingProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.IntentConfirmationSettingProperty
Override settings to configure the intent state.A builder forCfnBot.IntentOverrideProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.IntentOverrideProperty
Represents an action that the user wants to perform.A builder forCfnBot.IntentProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.IntentProperty
Provides configuration information for theAMAZON.KendraSearchIntent
intent.A builder forCfnBot.KendraConfigurationProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.KendraConfigurationProperty
Specifies a Lambda function that verifies requests to a bot or fulfills the user's request to a bot.A builder forCfnBot.LambdaCodeHookProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.LambdaCodeHookProperty
Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.A builder forCfnBot.MessageGroupProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.MessageGroupProperty
The object that provides message text and its type.A builder forCfnBot.MessageProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.MessageProperty
Indicates whether a slot can return multiple values.A builder forCfnBot.MultipleValuesSettingProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.MultipleValuesSettingProperty
Determines whether Amazon Lex obscures slot values in conversation logs.A builder forCfnBot.ObfuscationSettingProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.ObfuscationSettingProperty
Describes a session context that is activated when an intent is fulfilled.A builder forCfnBot.OutputContextProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.OutputContextProperty
Defines an ASCII text message to send to the user.A builder forCfnBot.PlainTextMessageProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.PlainTextMessageProperty
Specifies next steps to run after the dialog code hook finishes.A builder forCfnBot.PostDialogCodeHookInvocationSpecificationProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.PostDialogCodeHookInvocationSpecificationProperty
Provides a setting that determines whether the post-fulfillment response is sent to the user.A builder forCfnBot.PostFulfillmentStatusSpecificationProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.PostFulfillmentStatusSpecificationProperty
Specifies the settings on a prompt attempt.A builder forCfnBot.PromptAttemptSpecificationProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.PromptAttemptSpecificationProperty
Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex sends to a user to elicit a response.A builder forCfnBot.PromptSpecificationProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.PromptSpecificationProperty
Parameter used to create a replication of the source bot in the secondary region.A builder forCfnBot.ReplicationProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.ReplicationProperty
Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.A builder forCfnBot.ResponseSpecificationProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.ResponseSpecificationProperty
Specifies an Amazon S3 bucket for logging audio conversations.A builder forCfnBot.S3BucketLogDestinationProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.S3BucketLogDestinationProperty
Defines an Amazon S3 bucket location.A builder forCfnBot.S3LocationProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.S3LocationProperty
A sample utterance that invokes an intent or respond to a slot elicitation prompt.A builder forCfnBot.SampleUtteranceProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.SampleUtteranceProperty
Defines one of the values for a slot type.A builder forCfnBot.SampleValueProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.SampleValueProperty
Determines whether Amazon Lex will use Amazon Comprehend to detect the sentiment of user utterances.A builder forCfnBot.SentimentAnalysisSettingsProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.SentimentAnalysisSettingsProperty
A key/value pair representing session-specific context information.A builder forCfnBot.SessionAttributeProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.SessionAttributeProperty
Settings used when Amazon Lex successfully captures a slot value from a user.A builder forCfnBot.SlotCaptureSettingProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.SlotCaptureSettingProperty
Specifies the default value to use when a user doesn't provide a value for a slot.A builder forCfnBot.SlotDefaultValueProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.SlotDefaultValueProperty
The default value to use when a user doesn't provide a value for a slot.A builder forCfnBot.SlotDefaultValueSpecificationProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.SlotDefaultValueSpecificationProperty
Sets the priority that Amazon Lex should use when eliciting slot values from a user.A builder forCfnBot.SlotPriorityProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.SlotPriorityProperty
Specifies the definition of a slot.A builder forCfnBot.SlotProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.SlotProperty
Describes a slot type.A builder forCfnBot.SlotTypeProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.SlotTypeProperty
Each slot type can have a set of values.A builder forCfnBot.SlotTypeValueProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.SlotTypeValueProperty
Specifies the elicitation setting details eliciting a slot.A builder forCfnBot.SlotValueElicitationSettingProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.SlotValueElicitationSettingProperty
Maps a slot name to the SlotValueOverride object.A builder forCfnBot.SlotValueOverrideMapProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.SlotValueOverrideMapProperty
The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.A builder forCfnBot.SlotValueOverrideProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.SlotValueOverrideProperty
The value to set in a slot.A builder forCfnBot.SlotValueProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.SlotValueProperty
Provides a regular expression used to validate the value of a slot.A builder forCfnBot.SlotValueRegexFilterProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.SlotValueRegexFilterProperty
Contains settings used by Amazon Lex to select a slot value.A builder forCfnBot.SlotValueSelectionSettingProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.SlotValueSelectionSettingProperty
Defines a Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) prompt.A builder forCfnBot.SSMLMessageProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.SSMLMessageProperty
Defines the messages that Amazon Lex sends to a user to remind them that the bot is waiting for a response.A builder forCfnBot.StillWaitingResponseSpecificationProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.StillWaitingResponseSpecificationProperty
Specifies configuration settings for the alias used to test the bot.A builder forCfnBot.TestBotAliasSettingsProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.TestBotAliasSettingsProperty
Specifies the text input specifications.A builder forCfnBot.TextInputSpecificationProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.TextInputSpecificationProperty
Defines the Amazon CloudWatch Logs destination log group for conversation text logs.A builder forCfnBot.TextLogDestinationProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.TextLogDestinationProperty
Defines settings to enable text conversation logs.A builder forCfnBot.TextLogSettingProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.TextLogSettingProperty
Defines settings for using an Amazon Polly voice to communicate with a user.A builder forCfnBot.VoiceSettingsProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.VoiceSettingsProperty
Specifies the prompts that Amazon Lex uses while a bot is waiting for customer input.A builder forCfnBot.WaitAndContinueSpecificationProperty
An implementation forCfnBot.WaitAndContinueSpecificationProperty
Specifies the S3 bucket location where audio logs are stored.A builder forCfnBotAlias.AudioLogDestinationProperty
An implementation forCfnBotAlias.AudioLogDestinationProperty
Settings for logging audio of conversations between Amazon Lex and a user.A builder forCfnBotAlias.AudioLogSettingProperty
An implementation forCfnBotAlias.AudioLogSettingProperty
Specifies settings that are unique to a locale.A builder forCfnBotAlias.BotAliasLocaleSettingsItemProperty
An implementation forCfnBotAlias.BotAliasLocaleSettingsItemProperty
Specifies settings that are unique to a locale.A builder forCfnBotAlias.BotAliasLocaleSettingsProperty
An implementation forCfnBotAlias.BotAliasLocaleSettingsProperty
A fluent builder forCfnBotAlias
.The Amazon CloudWatch Logs log group where the text and metadata logs are delivered.A builder forCfnBotAlias.CloudWatchLogGroupLogDestinationProperty
An implementation forCfnBotAlias.CloudWatchLogGroupLogDestinationProperty
Contains information about code hooks that Amazon Lex calls during a conversation.A builder forCfnBotAlias.CodeHookSpecificationProperty
An implementation forCfnBotAlias.CodeHookSpecificationProperty
Configures conversation logging that saves audio, text, and metadata for the conversations with your users.A builder forCfnBotAlias.ConversationLogSettingsProperty
An implementation forCfnBotAlias.ConversationLogSettingsProperty
Specifies a Lambda function that verifies requests to a bot or fulfills the user's request to a bot.A builder forCfnBotAlias.LambdaCodeHookProperty
An implementation forCfnBotAlias.LambdaCodeHookProperty
Specifies an Amazon S3 bucket for logging audio conversations.A builder forCfnBotAlias.S3BucketLogDestinationProperty
An implementation forCfnBotAlias.S3BucketLogDestinationProperty
Determines whether Amazon Lex will use Amazon Comprehend to detect the sentiment of user utterances.A builder forCfnBotAlias.SentimentAnalysisSettingsProperty
An implementation forCfnBotAlias.SentimentAnalysisSettingsProperty
Defines the Amazon CloudWatch Logs destination log group for conversation text logs.A builder forCfnBotAlias.TextLogDestinationProperty
An implementation forCfnBotAlias.TextLogDestinationProperty
Defines settings to enable text conversation logs.A builder forCfnBotAlias.TextLogSettingProperty
An implementation forCfnBotAlias.TextLogSettingProperty
Properties for defining aCfnBotAlias
.A builder forCfnBotAliasProps
An implementation forCfnBotAliasProps
Properties for defining aCfnBot
.A builder forCfnBotProps
An implementation forCfnBotProps
The version of a bot used for a bot locale.A builder forCfnBotVersion.BotVersionLocaleDetailsProperty
An implementation forCfnBotVersion.BotVersionLocaleDetailsProperty
Specifies the locale that Amazon Lex adds to this version.A builder forCfnBotVersion.BotVersionLocaleSpecificationProperty
An implementation forCfnBotVersion.BotVersionLocaleSpecificationProperty
A fluent builder forCfnBotVersion
.Properties for defining aCfnBotVersion
.A builder forCfnBotVersionProps
An implementation forCfnBotVersionProps
A fluent builder forCfnResourcePolicy
.Properties for defining aCfnResourcePolicy
.A builder forCfnResourcePolicyProps
An implementation forCfnResourcePolicyProps