This is the AWS CDK v2 Developer Guide. The older CDK v1 entered maintenance on June 1, 2022 and ended support on June 1, 2023.
Constructs are the basic building blocks of AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) applications. A construct is a component within your application that represents one or more AWS CloudFormation resources and their configuration. You build your application, piece by piece, by importing and configuring constructs.
Import and use constructs
Constructs are classes that you import into your CDK applications from the AWS Construct Library. You can also create and distribute your own constructs, or use constructs created by third-party developers.
Constructs are part of the Construct Programming Model (CPM). They are available to use with other tools such as CDK for Terraform (CDKtf), CDK for Kubernetes (CDK8s), and Projen.
Numerous third parties have also published constructs compatible with the AWS CDK. Visit Construct Hub
Construct levels
Constructs from the AWS Construct Library are categorized into three levels. Each level offers an increasing level of abstraction. The higher the abstraction, the easier to configure, requiring less expertise. The lower the abstraction, the more customization available, requiring more expertise.
- Level 1 (L1) constructs
L1 constructs, also known as CFN resources, are the lowest-level construct and offer no abstraction. Each L1 construct maps directly to a single AWS CloudFormation resource. With L1 constructs, you import a construct that represents a specific AWS CloudFormation resource. You then define the resource’s properties within your construct instance.
L1 constructs are great to use when you are familiar with AWS CloudFormation and need complete control over defining your AWS resource properties.
In the AWS Construct Library, L1 constructs are named starting with
, followed by an identifier for the AWS CloudFormation resource that it represents. For example, theCfnBucket
construct is an L1 construct that represents anAWS::S3::Bucket
AWS CloudFormation resource.L1 constructs are generated from the AWS CloudFormation resource specification. If a resource exists in AWS CloudFormation, it'll be available in the AWS CDK as an L1 construct. New resources or properties may take up to a week to become available in the AWS Construct Library. For more information, see AWS resource and property types reference in the AWS CloudFormation User Guide.
- Level 2 (L2) constructs
L2 constructs, also known as curated constructs, are thoughtfully developed by the CDK team and are usually the most widely used construct type. L2 constructs map directly to single AWS CloudFormation resources, similar to L1 constructs. Compared to L1 constructs, L2 constructs provide a higher-level abstraction through an intuitive intent-based API. L2 constructs include sensible default property configurations, best practice security policies, and generate a lot of the boilerplate code and glue logic for you.
L2 constructs also provide helper methods for most resources that make it simpler and quicker to define properties, permissions, event-based interactions between resources, and more.
class is an example of an L2 construct for an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket resource.The AWS Construct Library contains L2 constructs that are designated stable and ready for production use. For L2 constructs under development, they are designated as experimental and offered in a separate module.
- Level 3 (L3) constructs
L3 constructs, also known as patterns, are the highest-level of abstraction. Each L3 construct can contain a collection of resources that are configured to work together to accomplish a specific task or service within your application. L3 constructs are used to create entire AWS architectures for particular use cases in your application.
To provide complete system designs, or substantial parts of a larger system, L3 constructs offer opinionated default property configurations. They are built around a particular approach toward solving a problem and providing a solution. With L3 constructs, you can create and configure multiple resources quickly, with the fewest amount of input and code.
class is an example of an L3 construct that represents an AWS Fargate service running on an Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) cluster and fronted by an application load balancer.Similar to L2 constructs, L3 constructs that are ready for production use are included in the AWS Construct Library. Those under development are offered in separate modules.
Defining constructs
Composition is the key pattern for defining higher-level abstractions through constructs. A high-level construct can be composed from any number of lower-level constructs. From a bottom-up perspective, you use constructs to organize the individual AWS resources that you want to deploy. You use whatever abstractions are convenient for your purpose, with as many levels as you need.
With composition, you define reusable components and share them like any other code. For example, a team can define a construct that implements the company’s best practice for an Amazon DynamoDB table, including backup, global replication, automatic scaling, and monitoring. The team can share the construct internally with other teams, or publicly.
Teams can use constructs like any other library package. When the library is updated, developers get access to the new version’s improvements and bug fixes, similar to any other code library.
Constructs are implemented in classes that extend the Construct
base class. You define a construct
by instantiating the class. All constructs take three parameters when they are initialized:
scope – The construct's parent or owner. This can either be a stack or another construct. Scope determines the construct's place in the construct tree. You should usually pass
in Python), which represents the current object, for the scope. -
id – An identifier that must be unique within the scope. The identifier serves as a namespace for everything that’s defined within the construct. It’s used to generate unique identifiers, such as resource names and AWS CloudFormation logical IDs.
Identifiers need only be unique within a scope. This lets you instantiate and reuse constructs without concern for the constructs and identifiers they might contain, and enables composing constructs into higher-level abstractions. In addition, scopes make it possible to refer to groups of constructs all at once. Examples include for tagging, or specifying where the constructs will be deployed.
props – A set of properties or keyword arguments, depending on the language, that define the construct’s initial configuration. Higher-level constructs provide more defaults, and if all prop elements are optional, you can omit the props parameter completely.
Most constructs accept props
as their third argument (or in Python, keyword arguments), a name/value
collection that defines the construct's configuration. The following example defines a bucket with AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS)
encryption and static website hosting enabled. Since it does not explicitly specify an encryption key, the
construct defines a new kms.Key
and associates it with the bucket.
new s3.Bucket(this, 'MyEncryptedBucket', {
encryption: s3.BucketEncryption.KMS,
websiteIndexDocument: 'index.html'
Interacting with constructs
Constructs are classes that extend the base Construct class. After you instantiate a construct, the construct object exposes a set of methods and properties that let you interact with the construct and pass it around as a reference to other parts of the system.
The AWS CDK framework doesn't put any restrictions on the APIs of constructs. Authors can define any API they want.
However, the AWS constructs that are included with the AWS Construct Library, such as s3.Bucket
follow guidelines and common patterns. This provides a consistent experience across all AWS resources.
Most AWS constructs have a set of grant methods that you can use to
grant AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions on that construct to a principal. The following example grants the IAM group
permission to read from the Amazon S3 bucket raw-data
const rawData = new s3.Bucket(this, 'raw-data');
const dataScience = new iam.Group(this, 'data-science');
Another common pattern is for AWS constructs to set one of the resource's attributes from data supplied elsewhere. Attributes can include Amazon Resource Names (ARNs), names, or URLs.
The following code defines an AWS Lambda function and associates it with an Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) queue through the queue's URL in an environment variable.
const jobsQueue = new sqs.Queue(this, 'jobs');
const createJobLambda = new lambda.Function(this, 'create-job', {
runtime: lambda.Runtime.NODEJS_18_X,
handler: 'index.handler',
code: lambda.Code.fromAsset('./create-job-lambda-code'),
environment: {
QUEUE_URL: jobsQueue.queueUrl
For information about the most common API patterns in the AWS Construct Library, see Resources and the AWS CDK.
The app and stack construct
The App
classes from
the AWS Construct Library are unique constructs. Compared to other constructs, they don't configure AWS resources on their
own. Instead, they are used to provide context for your other constructs. All constructs that represent AWS
resources must be defined, directly or indirectly, within the scope of a Stack
constructs are defined within the scope of an App
To learn more about CDK apps, see AWS CDK apps. To learn more about CDK stacks, see Introduction to AWS CDK stacks.
The following example defines an app with a single stack. Within the stack, an L2 construct is used to configure an Amazon S3 bucket resource.
import { App, Stack, StackProps } from 'aws-cdk-lib';
import * as s3 from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-s3';
class HelloCdkStack extends Stack {
constructor(scope: App, id: string, props?: StackProps) {
super(scope, id, props);
new s3.Bucket(this, 'MyFirstBucket', {
versioned: true
const app = new App();
new HelloCdkStack(app, "HelloCdkStack");
Working with constructs
Working with L1 constructs
L1 constructs map directly to individual AWS CloudFormation resources. You must provide the resource's required configuration.
In this example, we create a bucket
object using the CfnBucket
L1 construct:
const bucket = new s3.CfnBucket(this, "amzn-s3-demo-bucket", {
bucketName: "amzn-s3-demo-bucket"
Construct properties that aren't simple Booleans, strings, numbers, or containers are handled differently in the supported languages.
const bucket = new s3.CfnBucket(this, "amzn-s3-demo-bucket", {
bucketName: "amzn-s3-demo-bucket",
corsConfiguration: {
corsRules: [{
allowedOrigins: ["*"],
allowedMethods: ["GET"]
You can't use L2 property types with L1 constructs, or vice versa. When working with L1 constructs, always use the types defined for the L1 construct you're using. Do not use types from other L1 constructs (some may have the same name, but they are not the same type).
Some of our language-specific API references currently have errors in the paths to L1 property types, or don't document these classes at all. We hope to fix this soon. In the meantime, remember that such types are always inner classes of the L1 construct they are used with.
Working with L2 constructs
In the following example, we define an Amazon S3 bucket by creating an object from the Bucket
L2 construct:
import * as s3 from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-s3';
// "this" is HelloCdkStack
new s3.Bucket(this, 'MyFirstBucket', {
versioned: true
is not the name of the bucket that AWS CloudFormation creates. It is a logical identifier given to
the new construct within the context of your CDK app. The physicalName value will be used to name
the AWS CloudFormation resource.
Working with third-party constructs
Construct Hub
Writing your own constructs
In addition to using existing constructs, you can also write your own constructs and let anyone use them in their apps. All constructs are equal in the AWS CDK. Constructs from the AWS Construct Library are treated the same as a construct from a third-party library published via NPM, Maven, or PyPI. Constructs published to your company's internal package repository are also treated in the same way.
To declare a new construct, create a class that extends the Construct base class, in the
package, then follow the pattern for initializer arguments.
The following example shows how to declare a construct that represents an Amazon S3 bucket. The S3 bucket sends an Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) notification every time someone uploads a file into it.
export interface NotifyingBucketProps {
prefix?: string;
export class NotifyingBucket extends Construct {
constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: NotifyingBucketProps = {}) {
super(scope, id);
const bucket = new s3.Bucket(this, 'bucket');
const topic = new sns.Topic(this, 'topic');
bucket.addObjectCreatedNotification(new s3notify.SnsDestination(topic),
{ prefix: props.prefix });
Our NotifyingBucket
construct inherits not from Bucket
but rather from
. We are using composition, not inheritance, to bundle an Amazon S3 bucket and an Amazon SNS topic
together. In general, composition is preferred over inheritance when developing AWS CDK constructs.
The NotifyingBucket
constructor has a typical construct signature: scope
, and props
. The last argument, props
, is optional (gets the default value
) because all props are optional. (The base Construct
class does not take a
argument.) You could define an instance of this construct in your app without
, for example:
new NotifyingBucket(this, 'MyNotifyingBucket');
Or you could use props
(in Java, an additional parameter) to specify the path prefix to filter on,
for example:
new NotifyingBucket(this, 'MyNotifyingBucket', { prefix: 'images/' });
Typically, you would also want to expose some properties or methods on your constructs. It's not very useful to
have a topic hidden behind your construct, because users of your construct aren't able to subscribe to it. Adding a
property lets consumers access the inner topic, as shown in the following example:
export class NotifyingBucket extends Construct {
public readonly topic: sns.Topic;
constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: NotifyingBucketProps) {
super(scope, id);
const bucket = new s3.Bucket(this, 'bucket');
this.topic = new sns.Topic(this, 'topic');
bucket.addObjectCreatedNotification(new s3notify.SnsDestination(this.topic), { prefix: props.prefix });
Now, consumers can subscribe to the topic, for example:
const queue = new sqs.Queue(this, 'NewImagesQueue');
const images = new NotifyingBucket(this, '/images');
images.topic.addSubscription(new sns_sub.SqsSubscription(queue));
Learn more
The following video provides a comprehensive overview of CDK constructs, and explains how you can use them in your CDK apps.