Class HealthCheckProps.Jsii$Proxy

All Implemented Interfaces:
Enclosing interface:

@Stability(Stable) @Internal public static final class HealthCheckProps.Jsii$Proxy extends implements HealthCheckProps
An implementation for HealthCheckProps
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class

    Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface

    HealthCheckProps.Builder, HealthCheckProps.Jsii$Proxy
  • Constructor Summary

    Constructor that initializes the object based on literal property values passed by the HealthCheckProps.Builder.
    Jsii$Proxy( objRef)
    Constructor that initializes the object based on values retrieved from the JsiiObject.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    final boolean
    CloudWatch alarm that you want Amazon Route 53 health checkers to use to determine whether the specified health check is healthy.
    A list of health checks to monitor for this 'CALCULATED' health check.
    final Boolean
    Specify whether you want Amazon Route 53 to send the value of FullyQualifiedDomainName to the endpoint in the client_hello message during TLS negotiation.
    final Number
    The number of consecutive health checks that an endpoint must pass or fail for Amazon Route 53 to change the current status of the endpoint from unhealthy to healthy or vice versa.
    final String
    Fully qualified domain name of the endpoint to be checked.
    final Number
    The number of child health checks that are associated with a CALCULATED health that Amazon Route 53 must consider healthy for the CALCULATED health check to be considered healthy.
    The status of the health check when CloudWatch has insufficient data about the state of associated alarm.
    final Boolean
    Specify whether you want Amazon Route 53 to invert the status of a health check, so a health check that would normally be considered unhealthy is considered healthy, and vice versa.
    final String
    The IPv4 or IPv6 IP address for the endpoint that you want Amazon Route 53 to perform health checks on.
    final Boolean
    Specify whether you want Amazon Route 53 to measure the latency between health checkers in multiple AWS regions and your endpoint, and to display CloudWatch latency graphs on the Health Checks page in the Route 53 console.
    final Number
    The port on the endpoint that you want Amazon Route 53 to perform health checks on.
    final List<String>
    An array of region identifiers that you want Amazon Route 53 health checkers to check the health of the endpoint from.
    final Duration
    The duration between the time that Amazon Route 53 gets a response from your endpoint and the time that it sends the next health check request.
    final String
    The path that you want Amazon Route 53 to request when performing health checks.
    final String
    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Route 53 Application Recovery Controller routing control that you want Amazon Route 53 health checkers to use to determine whether the specified health check is healthy.
    final String
    The string that you want Amazon Route 53 to search for in the response body from the specified resource.
    The type of health check to be associated with the record.
    final int

    Methods inherited from class

    jsiiAsyncCall, jsiiAsyncCall, jsiiCall, jsiiCall, jsiiGet, jsiiGet, jsiiSet, jsiiStaticCall, jsiiStaticCall, jsiiStaticGet, jsiiStaticGet, jsiiStaticSet, jsiiStaticSet

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • Jsii$Proxy

      protected Jsii$Proxy( objRef)
      Constructor that initializes the object based on values retrieved from the JsiiObject.
      objRef - Reference to the JSII managed object.
    • Jsii$Proxy

      protected Jsii$Proxy(HealthCheckProps.Builder builder)
      Constructor that initializes the object based on literal property values passed by the HealthCheckProps.Builder.
  • Method Details

    • getType

      public final HealthCheckType getType()
      Description copied from interface: HealthCheckProps
      The type of health check to be associated with the record.
      Specified by:
      getType in interface HealthCheckProps
    • getAlarmIdentifier

      public final AlarmIdentifier getAlarmIdentifier()
      Description copied from interface: HealthCheckProps
      CloudWatch alarm that you want Amazon Route 53 health checkers to use to determine whether the specified health check is healthy.

      Default: - if the type is CLOUDWATCH_METRIC, this property is required. Otherwise, it is not configured.

      Specified by:
      getAlarmIdentifier in interface HealthCheckProps
    • getChildHealthChecks

      public final List<IHealthCheck> getChildHealthChecks()
      Description copied from interface: HealthCheckProps
      A list of health checks to monitor for this 'CALCULATED' health check.

      Default: - if the type is CALCULATED, this property is required. Otherwise, it is not configured.

      Specified by:
      getChildHealthChecks in interface HealthCheckProps
    • getEnableSNI

      public final Boolean getEnableSNI()
      Description copied from interface: HealthCheckProps
      Specify whether you want Amazon Route 53 to send the value of FullyQualifiedDomainName to the endpoint in the client_hello message during TLS negotiation.

      This allows the endpoint to respond to HTTPS health check requests with the applicable SSL/TLS certificate.

      Default: - if the type is HTTPS or HTTPS_STR_MATCH, this property default value is true. Otherwise, it is not configured.

      Specified by:
      getEnableSNI in interface HealthCheckProps
    • getFailureThreshold

      public final Number getFailureThreshold()
      Description copied from interface: HealthCheckProps
      The number of consecutive health checks that an endpoint must pass or fail for Amazon Route 53 to change the current status of the endpoint from unhealthy to healthy or vice versa.

      Default: - if the type is CALCULATED it's not configured - if the type is CLOUDWATCH_METRIC it's not configured - otherwise, the default value is 3.

      Specified by:
      getFailureThreshold in interface HealthCheckProps
    • getFqdn

      public final String getFqdn()
      Description copied from interface: HealthCheckProps
      Fully qualified domain name of the endpoint to be checked.

      Amazon Route 53 behavior depends on whether you specify a value for IPAddress.

      If you specify a value for IPAddress:

      Amazon Route 53 sends health check requests to the specified IPv4 or IPv6 address and passes the value of FullyQualifiedDomainName in the Host header for all health checks except TCP health checks. This is typically the fully qualified DNS name of the endpoint on which you want Route 53 to perform health checks. Note: If you specify a value for Port property other than 80 or 443, Route 53 will constract the value for Host header as FullyQualifiedDomainName:Port.

      If you don't specify a value for IPAddress:

      Route 53 sends a DNS request to the domain that you specify for FullyQualifiedDomainName at the interval that you specify for RequestInterval. Using an IPv4 address that DNS returns, Route 53 then checks the health of the endpoint.

      Additionally, if the type of the health check is HTTP, HTTPS, HTTP_STR_MATCH, or HTTPS_STR_MATCH, Route 53 passes the value of FullyQualifiedDomainName in the Host header, as it does when you specify value for IPAddress. If the type is TCP, Route 53 doesn't pass a Host header.

      Default: - not configured

      Specified by:
      getFqdn in interface HealthCheckProps
    • getHealthThreshold

      public final Number getHealthThreshold()
      Description copied from interface: HealthCheckProps
      The number of child health checks that are associated with a CALCULATED health that Amazon Route 53 must consider healthy for the CALCULATED health check to be considered healthy.

      Default: - if the type is CALCULATED, the default value is number of child health checks. Otherwise, it is not configured.

      Specified by:
      getHealthThreshold in interface HealthCheckProps
    • getInsufficientDataHealthStatus

      public final InsufficientDataHealthStatusEnum getInsufficientDataHealthStatus()
      Description copied from interface: HealthCheckProps
      The status of the health check when CloudWatch has insufficient data about the state of associated alarm.

      Default: - if the type is CLOUDWATCH_METRIC, the default value is InsufficientDataHealthStatus.LAST_KNOWN_STATUS. Otherwise, it is not configured.

      Specified by:
      getInsufficientDataHealthStatus in interface HealthCheckProps
    • getInverted

      public final Boolean getInverted()
      Description copied from interface: HealthCheckProps
      Specify whether you want Amazon Route 53 to invert the status of a health check, so a health check that would normally be considered unhealthy is considered healthy, and vice versa.

      Default: false

      Specified by:
      getInverted in interface HealthCheckProps
    • getIpAddress

      public final String getIpAddress()
      Description copied from interface: HealthCheckProps
      The IPv4 or IPv6 IP address for the endpoint that you want Amazon Route 53 to perform health checks on.

      If you don't specify a value for IPAddress, Route 53 sends a DNS request to resolve the domain name that you specify in FullyQualifiedDomainName at the interval that you specify in RequestInterval. Using an IPv4 address that DNS returns, Route 53 then checks the health of the endpoint.

      Default: - not configured

      Specified by:
      getIpAddress in interface HealthCheckProps
    • getMeasureLatency

      public final Boolean getMeasureLatency()
      Description copied from interface: HealthCheckProps
      Specify whether you want Amazon Route 53 to measure the latency between health checkers in multiple AWS regions and your endpoint, and to display CloudWatch latency graphs on the Health Checks page in the Route 53 console.

      Default: - if the type is CALCULATED it's not configured - if the type is CLOUDWATCH_METRIC it's not configured - otherwise, the default value is false.

      Specified by:
      getMeasureLatency in interface HealthCheckProps
    • getPort

      public final Number getPort()
      Description copied from interface: HealthCheckProps
      The port on the endpoint that you want Amazon Route 53 to perform health checks on.

      Default: - if the type is HTTP or HTTP_STR_MATCH, the default value is 80. - if the type is HTTPS or HTTPS_STR_MATCH, the default value is 443. - otherwise, it is not configured.

      Specified by:
      getPort in interface HealthCheckProps
    • getRegions

      public final List<String> getRegions()
      Description copied from interface: HealthCheckProps
      An array of region identifiers that you want Amazon Route 53 health checkers to check the health of the endpoint from.

      Please refer to the CloudFormation documentation for the most up-to-date list of regions.

      Default: - if the type is CALCULATED, CLOUDWATCH_METRIC, or RECOVERY_CONTROL, this property is not configured. - otherwise, the default value will be set by CloudFormation itself and will include all valid regions. Please refer to the CloudFormation documentation for the most up-to-date list of regions.

      Specified by:
      getRegions in interface HealthCheckProps
      See Also:
    • getRequestInterval

      public final Duration getRequestInterval()
      Description copied from interface: HealthCheckProps
      The duration between the time that Amazon Route 53 gets a response from your endpoint and the time that it sends the next health check request.

      Each Route 53 health checker makes requests at this interval.

      Default: - if the type is CALCULATED it's not configured - if the type is CLOUDWATCH_METRIC it's not configured - otherwise, the default value is 30 seconds.

      Specified by:
      getRequestInterval in interface HealthCheckProps
    • getResourcePath

      public final String getResourcePath()
      Description copied from interface: HealthCheckProps
      The path that you want Amazon Route 53 to request when performing health checks.

      The path can be any value for which your endpoint will return an HTTP status code of 2xx or 3xx when the endpoint is healthy, for example the file /docs/route53-health-check.html. Route 53 automatically adds the DNS name for the service and a leading forward slash (/) character.

      Default: - if the type is HTTP, HTTPS, HTTP_STR_MATCH, or HTTPS_STR_MATCH, the default value is empty string. - otherwise, it is not configured.

      Specified by:
      getResourcePath in interface HealthCheckProps
    • getRoutingControl

      public final String getRoutingControl()
      Description copied from interface: HealthCheckProps
      The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Route 53 Application Recovery Controller routing control that you want Amazon Route 53 health checkers to use to determine whether the specified health check is healthy.

      Default: - if the type is RECOVERY_CONTROL, this property is required. Otherwise, it is not configured.

      Specified by:
      getRoutingControl in interface HealthCheckProps
    • getSearchString

      public final String getSearchString()
      Description copied from interface: HealthCheckProps
      The string that you want Amazon Route 53 to search for in the response body from the specified resource.

      If the string appears in the response body, Route 53 considers the resource healthy.

      Route 53 considers case when searching for SearchString in the response body.

      Default: - if the type is HTTP_STR_MATCH or HTTPS_STR_MATCH, this property is required. Otherwise, it is not configured.

      Specified by:
      getSearchString in interface HealthCheckProps
    • $jsii$toJson

      @Internal public com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode $jsii$toJson()
      Specified by:
      $jsii$toJson in interface
    • equals

      public final boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public final int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object