Interface RecordSetOptions

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
AaaaRecordProps, ARecordAttrs, ARecordProps, CaaAmazonRecordProps, CaaRecordProps, CnameRecordProps, DsRecordProps, MxRecordProps, NsRecordProps, RecordSetProps, SrvRecordProps, TxtRecordProps, ZoneDelegationRecordProps
All Known Implementing Classes:
AaaaRecordProps.Jsii$Proxy, ARecordAttrs.Jsii$Proxy, ARecordProps.Jsii$Proxy, CaaAmazonRecordProps.Jsii$Proxy, CaaRecordProps.Jsii$Proxy, CnameRecordProps.Jsii$Proxy, DsRecordProps.Jsii$Proxy, MxRecordProps.Jsii$Proxy, NsRecordProps.Jsii$Proxy, RecordSetOptions.Jsii$Proxy, RecordSetProps.Jsii$Proxy, SrvRecordProps.Jsii$Proxy, TxtRecordProps.Jsii$Proxy, ZoneDelegationRecordProps.Jsii$Proxy

@Generated(value="jsii-pacmak/1.109.0 (build c221850)", date="2025-03-14T03:25:04.539Z") @Stability(Stable) public interface RecordSetOptions extends
Options for a RecordSet.


 // The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
 // The values are placeholders you should change.
 GeoLocation geoLocation;
 HealthCheck healthCheck;
 HostedZone hostedZone;
 RecordSetOptions recordSetOptions = RecordSetOptions.builder()
         // the properties below are optional
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type
    static final class 
    A builder for RecordSetOptions
    static final class 
    An implementation for RecordSetOptions
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default String
    A comment to add on the record.
    default Boolean
    Whether to delete the same record set in the hosted zone if it already exists (dangerous!).
    default GeoLocation
    The geographical origin for this record to return DNS records based on the user's location.
    default IHealthCheck
    The health check to associate with the record set.
    default Boolean
    Whether to return multiple values, such as IP addresses for your web servers, in response to DNS queries.
    default String
    The subdomain name for this record.
    default String
    The Amazon EC2 Region where you created the resource that this resource record set refers to.
    default String
    A string used to distinguish between different records with the same combination of DNS name and type.
    default Duration
    The resource record cache time to live (TTL).
    default Number
    Among resource record sets that have the same combination of DNS name and type, a value that determines the proportion of DNS queries that Amazon Route 53 responds to using the current resource record set.
    The hosted zone in which to define the new record.

    Methods inherited from interface

  • Method Details

    • getZone

      @Stability(Stable) @NotNull IHostedZone getZone()
      The hosted zone in which to define the new record.
    • getComment

      @Stability(Stable) @Nullable default String getComment()
      A comment to add on the record.

      Default: no comment

    • getDeleteExisting

      @Stability(Stable) @Nullable default Boolean getDeleteExisting()
      Whether to delete the same record set in the hosted zone if it already exists (dangerous!).

      This allows to deploy a new record set while minimizing the downtime because the new record set will be created immediately after the existing one is deleted. It also avoids "manual" actions to delete existing record sets.

      N.B.: this feature is dangerous, use with caution! It can only be used safely when deleteExisting is set to true as soon as the resource is added to the stack. Changing an existing Record Set's deleteExisting property from false -> true after deployment will delete the record!

      Default: false

    • getGeoLocation

      @Stability(Stable) @Nullable default GeoLocation getGeoLocation()
      The geographical origin for this record to return DNS records based on the user's location.
    • getHealthCheck

      @Stability(Stable) @Nullable default IHealthCheck getHealthCheck()
      The health check to associate with the record set.

      Route53 will return this record set in response to DNS queries only if the health check is passing.

      Default: - No health check configured

    • getMultiValueAnswer

      @Stability(Stable) @Nullable default Boolean getMultiValueAnswer()
      Whether to return multiple values, such as IP addresses for your web servers, in response to DNS queries.

      Default: false

    • getRecordName

      @Stability(Stable) @Nullable default String getRecordName()
      The subdomain name for this record. This should be relative to the zone root name.

      For example, if you want to create a record for, specify "acme".

      You can also specify the fully qualified domain name which terminates with a ".". For example, "".

      Default: zone root

    • getRegion

      @Stability(Stable) @Nullable default String getRegion()
      The Amazon EC2 Region where you created the resource that this resource record set refers to.

      The resource typically is an AWS resource, such as an EC2 instance or an ELB load balancer, and is referred to by an IP address or a DNS domain name, depending on the record type.

      When Amazon Route 53 receives a DNS query for a domain name and type for which you have created latency resource record sets, Route 53 selects the latency resource record set that has the lowest latency between the end user and the associated Amazon EC2 Region. Route 53 then returns the value that is associated with the selected resource record set.

      Default: - Do not set latency based routing

      See Also:
    • getSetIdentifier

      @Stability(Stable) @Nullable default String getSetIdentifier()
      A string used to distinguish between different records with the same combination of DNS name and type.

      It can only be set when either weight or geoLocation is defined.

      This parameter must be between 1 and 128 characters in length.

      Default: - Auto generated string

    • getTtl

      @Stability(Stable) @Nullable default Duration getTtl()
      The resource record cache time to live (TTL).

      Default: Duration.minutes(30)

    • getWeight

      @Stability(Stable) @Nullable default Number getWeight()
      Among resource record sets that have the same combination of DNS name and type, a value that determines the proportion of DNS queries that Amazon Route 53 responds to using the current resource record set.

      Route 53 calculates the sum of the weights for the resource record sets that have the same combination of DNS name and type. Route 53 then responds to queries based on the ratio of a resource's weight to the total.

      This value can be a number between 0 and 255.

      Default: - Do not set weighted routing

      See Also:
    • builder

      @Stability(Stable) static RecordSetOptions.Builder builder()
      a RecordSetOptions.Builder of RecordSetOptions