AWS Security Hub Construct Library
This module is part of the AWS Cloud Development Kit project.
There are no official hand-written (L2) constructs for this service yet. Here are some suggestions on how to proceed:
- Search Construct Hub for SecurityHub construct libraries
- Use the automatically generated L1 constructs, in the same way you would use the CloudFormation AWS::SecurityHub resources directly.
There are no hand-written (L2) constructs for this service yet. However, you can still use the automatically generated L1 constructs, and use this service exactly as you would using CloudFormation directly.
For more information on the resources and properties available for this service, see the CloudFormation documentation for AWS::SecurityHub.
(Read the CDK Contributing Guide and submit an RFC if you are interested in contributing to this construct library.)
resource specifies an automation rule based on input parameters.One or more actions that AWS Security Hub takes when a finding matches the defined criteria of a rule.A builder forCfnAutomationRule.AutomationRulesActionProperty
An implementation forCfnAutomationRule.AutomationRulesActionProperty
Identifies the finding fields that the automation rule action updates when a finding matches the defined criteria.An implementation forCfnAutomationRule.AutomationRulesFindingFieldsUpdateProperty
The criteria that determine which findings a rule applies to.A builder forCfnAutomationRule.AutomationRulesFindingFiltersProperty
An implementation forCfnAutomationRule.AutomationRulesFindingFiltersProperty
A fluent builder forCfnAutomationRule
.A date filter for querying findings.A builder forCfnAutomationRule.DateFilterProperty
An implementation forCfnAutomationRule.DateFilterProperty
A date range for the date filter.A builder forCfnAutomationRule.DateRangeProperty
An implementation forCfnAutomationRule.DateRangeProperty
A map filter for filtering AWS Security Hub findings.A builder forCfnAutomationRule.MapFilterProperty
An implementation forCfnAutomationRule.MapFilterProperty
The updated note.A builder forCfnAutomationRule.NoteUpdateProperty
An implementation forCfnAutomationRule.NoteUpdateProperty
A number filter for querying findings.A builder forCfnAutomationRule.NumberFilterProperty
An implementation forCfnAutomationRule.NumberFilterProperty
Provides details about a list of findings that the current finding relates to.A builder forCfnAutomationRule.RelatedFindingProperty
An implementation forCfnAutomationRule.RelatedFindingProperty
Updates to the severity information for a finding.A builder forCfnAutomationRule.SeverityUpdateProperty
An implementation forCfnAutomationRule.SeverityUpdateProperty
A string filter for filtering AWS Security Hub findings.A builder forCfnAutomationRule.StringFilterProperty
An implementation forCfnAutomationRule.StringFilterProperty
Used to update information about the investigation into the finding.A builder forCfnAutomationRule.WorkflowUpdateProperty
An implementation forCfnAutomationRule.WorkflowUpdateProperty
Properties for defining aCfnAutomationRule
.A builder forCfnAutomationRuleProps
An implementation forCfnAutomationRuleProps
resource creates a central configuration policy with the defined settings.A fluent builder forCfnConfigurationPolicy
.An object that provides the current value of a security control parameter and identifies whether it has been customized.A builder forCfnConfigurationPolicy.ParameterConfigurationProperty
An implementation forCfnConfigurationPolicy.ParameterConfigurationProperty
An object that includes the data type of a security control parameter and its current value.A builder forCfnConfigurationPolicy.ParameterValueProperty
An implementation forCfnConfigurationPolicy.ParameterValueProperty
An object that defines how AWS Security Hub is configured.A builder forCfnConfigurationPolicy.PolicyProperty
An implementation forCfnConfigurationPolicy.PolicyProperty
A list of security controls and control parameter values that are included in a configuration policy.An implementation forCfnConfigurationPolicy.SecurityControlCustomParameterProperty
An object that defines which security controls are enabled in an AWS Security Hub configuration policy.An implementation forCfnConfigurationPolicy.SecurityControlsConfigurationProperty
An object that defines how AWS Security Hub is configured.A builder forCfnConfigurationPolicy.SecurityHubPolicyProperty
An implementation forCfnConfigurationPolicy.SecurityHubPolicyProperty
Properties for defining aCfnConfigurationPolicy
.A builder forCfnConfigurationPolicyProps
An implementation forCfnConfigurationPolicyProps
resource designates the delegated AWS Security Hub administrator account for an organization.A fluent builder forCfnDelegatedAdmin
.Properties for defining aCfnDelegatedAdmin
.A builder forCfnDelegatedAdminProps
An implementation forCfnDelegatedAdminProps
resource enables cross-Region aggregation.A fluent builder forCfnFindingAggregator
.Properties for defining aCfnFindingAggregator
.A builder forCfnFindingAggregatorProps
An implementation forCfnFindingAggregatorProps
resource specifies the enablement of the AWS Security Hub service in your AWS account .A fluent builder forCfnHub
.Properties for defining aCfnHub
.A builder forCfnHubProps
An implementation forCfnHubProps
resource creates a custom insight in AWS Security Hub .A collection of filters that are applied to all active findings aggregated by AWS Security Hub .A builder forCfnInsight.AwsSecurityFindingFiltersProperty
An implementation forCfnInsight.AwsSecurityFindingFiltersProperty
Boolean filter for querying findings.A builder forCfnInsight.BooleanFilterProperty
An implementation forCfnInsight.BooleanFilterProperty
A fluent builder forCfnInsight
.A date filter for querying findings.A builder forCfnInsight.DateFilterProperty
An implementation forCfnInsight.DateFilterProperty
A date range for the date filter.A builder forCfnInsight.DateRangeProperty
An implementation forCfnInsight.DateRangeProperty
The IP filter for querying findings.A builder forCfnInsight.IpFilterProperty
An implementation forCfnInsight.IpFilterProperty
A keyword filter for querying findings.A builder forCfnInsight.KeywordFilterProperty
An implementation forCfnInsight.KeywordFilterProperty
A map filter for filtering AWS Security Hub findings.A builder forCfnInsight.MapFilterProperty
An implementation forCfnInsight.MapFilterProperty
A number filter for querying findings.A builder forCfnInsight.NumberFilterProperty
An implementation forCfnInsight.NumberFilterProperty
A string filter for filtering AWS Security Hub findings.A builder forCfnInsight.StringFilterProperty
An implementation forCfnInsight.StringFilterProperty
Properties for defining aCfnInsight
.A builder forCfnInsightProps
An implementation forCfnInsightProps
resource specifies the way that your AWS organization is configured in AWS Security Hub .A fluent builder forCfnOrganizationConfiguration
.Properties for defining aCfnOrganizationConfiguration
.A builder forCfnOrganizationConfigurationProps
An implementation forCfnOrganizationConfigurationProps
resource specifies associations for a configuration policy or a self-managed configuration.A fluent builder forCfnPolicyAssociation
.Properties for defining aCfnPolicyAssociation
.A builder forCfnPolicyAssociationProps
An implementation forCfnPolicyAssociationProps
resource creates a subscription to a third-party product that generates findings that you want to receive in AWS Security Hub .A fluent builder forCfnProductSubscription
.Properties for defining aCfnProductSubscription
.A builder forCfnProductSubscriptionProps
An implementation forCfnProductSubscriptionProps
resource specifies custom parameter values for an AWS Security Hub control.A fluent builder forCfnSecurityControl
.An object that provides the current value of a security control parameter and identifies whether it has been customized.A builder forCfnSecurityControl.ParameterConfigurationProperty
An implementation forCfnSecurityControl.ParameterConfigurationProperty
An object that includes the data type of a security control parameter and its current value.A builder forCfnSecurityControl.ParameterValueProperty
An implementation forCfnSecurityControl.ParameterValueProperty
Properties for defining aCfnSecurityControl
.A builder forCfnSecurityControlProps
An implementation forCfnSecurityControlProps
resource specifies the enablement of a security standard.A fluent builder forCfnStandard
.Provides details about an individual security control.A builder forCfnStandard.StandardsControlProperty
An implementation forCfnStandard.StandardsControlProperty
Properties for defining aCfnStandard
.A builder forCfnStandardProps
An implementation forCfnStandardProps