Cryptographic computing parameters - AWS Clean Rooms

Cryptographic computing parameters

Cryptographic computing parameters are available for collaborations using Cryptographic Computing for Clean Rooms (C3R) when creating a collaboration. You can create a collaboration using either the AWS Clean Rooms console or the CreateCollaboration API operation. In the console, you can set values for the parameters in Cryptographic computing parameters after you turn on the Support cryptographic computing option. For more information, see the following topics.

Allow cleartext columns parameter

In the console, you can set the Allow cleartext columns parameter when creating a collaboration to specify if cleartext data is allowed in a table with encrypted data.

The following table describes the values for the Allow cleartext columns parameter.

Parameter value Description

Cleartext columns aren't allowed in the encrypted table. All data is cryptographically protected.


Cleartext columns are allowed in the encrypted table.

Cleartext columns are not cryptographically protected and are included as cleartext. You should take note of what your rows’ cleartext data might reveal about the other data in the table.

To run SUM or AVG on specific columns, the columns must be in cleartext.

Using the CreateCollaboration API operation, for the dataEncryptionMetadata parameter, you can set the value of allowCleartext to true or false. For more information about API operations, see the AWS Clean Rooms API Reference.

Cleartext columns correspond to columns that are classified as cleartext in the table-specific schema. Data in these columns is not encrypted and can be used in any way. Cleartext columns can be useful if the data is not sensitive and/or if more flexibility is needed than an encrypted sealed column or fingerprint column allows.

Allow duplicates parameter

In the console, you can set the Allow duplicates parameter when creating a collaboration to specify if columns encrypted for JOIN queries can contain duplicate non-NULL values.


The Allow duplicates, Allow JOIN of columns with different names, and Preserve NULL values parameters have separate but related effects.

The following table describes the values for the Allow duplicates parameter.

Parameter value Description

Repeated values are not allowed in a fingerprint column. All values in a single fingerprint column must be unique.


Repeated values are allowed in a fingerprint column.

If you need to join columns with repeated values, set this value to Yes. When set to Yes, frequency patterns appearing within fingerprint columns in the C3R table or results might imply some additional information about the structure of the cleartext data.

Using the CreateCollaboration API operation, for the dataEncryptionMetadata parameter you can set the value of allowDuplicates to true or false. For more information about API operations, see the AWS Clean Rooms API Reference.

By default, if encrypted data must be used in JOIN queries, the C3R encryption client requires that those columns have no duplicate values. This requirement is an effort to increase data protection. This behavior can help ensure that repeated patterns in the data are not observable. However, if you want to work with encrypted data in JOIN queries and aren't concerned about duplicate values, the Allow duplicates parameter can disable this conservative check.

Allow JOIN of columns with different names parameter

In the console, you can set the Allow JOIN of columns with different names parameter when creating a collaboration to specify if JOIN statements between columns with different names are supported.

For more information, see Normalization of column header names

The following table describes the values for the Allow JOIN of columns with different names parameter.

Parameter value Description

Joins of fingerprint columns with different names are not supported. JOIN statements only provide accurate results on columns that have the same name.


The No value provides increased information security but requires collaboration participants to agree previously about column names. If two columns have different names when encrypted as fingerprint columns and Allow JOIN of columns with different names is set to No, JOIN statements on those columns produce no results. This is because no values post-encryption are shared between them.


Joins of fingerprint columns with different names are supported. For additional flexibility, users can set this value to Yes, which allows JOIN statements on columns regardless of their column name.

If set to Yes, the C3R encryption client doesn't consider the column name when protecting fingerprint columns. As a result, common values across different fingerprint columns are observable in the C3R table.

For example, if a row has the same encrypted JOIN value in both a City column and a State column, it might be reasonable to infer that value is New York.

Using the CreateCollaboration API operation, for the dataEncryptionMetadata parameter, you can set the value of allowJoinsOnColumnsWithDifferentNames to true or false. For more information about API operations, see the AWS Clean Rooms API Reference.

By default, fingerprint column encryption is affected by the targetHeader for that column, set in Step 4: Generate an encryption schema for a tabular file . Therefore, the same cleartext value has different encrypted representations in each different fingerprint column that it's encrypted for.

This parameter can be useful at preventing the inference of cleartext values in some cases. For example, seeing the same encrypted value in fingerprint columns City and State might be used to reasonably infer the value is New York. However, this parameter's use requires additional coordination in advance, so that all columns to be joined in queries have shared names.

You can use the Allow JOIN of columns with different names parameter to loosen this restriction. When the parameter value is set to Yes, it allows any columns encrypted for JOIN to be used together regardless of name.

Preserve NULL values parameter

In the console, you can set the Preserve NULL values parameter when creating a collaboration to indicate that there is no value present for that column.

The following table describes the values for the Preserve NULL values parameter.

Parameter value Description

NULL values are not preserved. NULL values don't appear as NULL in an encrypted table. NULL values appear as unique random values in a C3R table.

Yes NULL values are preserved. NULL values appear as NULL in an encrypted table. If you require SQL semantics of NULL values, you can set this value to Yes. As a result, NULL entries appear as NULL in the C3R table, regardless of whether the column is encrypted and regardless of the parameter setting for Allow duplicates.

Using the CreateCollaboration API operation, for the dataEncryptionMetadata parameter, you can set the value of preserveNulls to true or false. For more information about API operations, see the AWS Clean Rooms API Reference.

When the Preserve NULL values parameter is set to No for the collaboration:

  1. NULL entries in cleartext columns are unchanged.

  2. NULL entries in encrypted fingerprint columns are encrypted as random values to conceal their contents. Joining on an encrypted column with NULL entries in the cleartextcolumn doesn't produce any matches for any of the NULL entries. No matches are made because they each receive their own, unique random content.

  3. NULL entries in encrypted sealed columns are encrypted.

When the value of the Preserve NULL values parameter is set to Yes for the collaboration, NULL entries from all columns remain as NULL regardless of whether the column is encrypted.

The Preserve NULL values parameter is useful in scenarios such as data enrichment, where you want to share a lack of information expressed as NULL. The Preserve NULL values parameter is also useful in fingerprint or HMAC format if you have NULL values in the column you want to JOIN or GROUP BY.

If the value of the Allow duplicates and Preserve NULL values parameters is set to No, having more than one NULL entry in a fingerprint column produces an error and stops encryption. If the value of either parameter is set to Yes, no such error occurs.