Step 4: Generate an encryption schema for a tabular file - AWS Clean Rooms

Step 4: Generate an encryption schema for a tabular file

To encrypt data, an encryption schema describing how the data will be used is required. This section describes how the C3R encryption client assists in generating an encryption schema for a CSV file with a header row or a Parquet file.

You only need to do this once per file. After the schema exists, it can be re-used to encrypt the same file (or any file with identical column names). If the column names or desired encryption schema changes, you must update the schema file. For more information, see (Optional) Create a schema (advanced users).


It is paramount that all collaborating parties use the same shared secret key. Collaborating parties should also coordinate column names to match if they will be JOINed or otherwise compared for equality in queries. Otherwise, the SQL queries might produce unexpected or incorrect results. However, this is not necessary if the collaboration creator enabled the allowJoinsOnColumnsWithDifferentNames encryption setting during collaboration creation. For more information about encryption-relevant settings, see Cryptographic computing parameters.

When run in schema mode, the C3R encryption client goes through the input file column by column, prompting you if and how that column should be treated. If the file contains many columns that aren't wanted for the encrypted output, the interactive schema generation might become tedious because you must skip each undesired column. To avoid this, you could manually write a schema, or create a simplified version of the input file featuring only the wanted columns. Then, the interactive schema generator could be run on that reduced file. The C3R encryption client outputs information about the schema file and asks you how the source columns should be included or encrypted (if at all) in the target output.

For each source column in the input file, you are prompted for:

  1. How many target columns should be generated

  2. How each target column should be encrypted (if at all)

  3. The name of each target column

  4. How data should be padded before encryption if the column is being encrypted as a sealed column


When you encrypt data for a column that has been encrypted as a sealed column, you must determine which data needs padding. The C3R encryption client suggests a default padding during schema generation that pads all entries in a column to the same length.

When determining the length for fixed, note that padding is in bytes, not bits.

The following is a decision table for creating the schema.

Schema decision table
Decision Number of target columns from source column <‘name-of-column’> ? Target column type: [c] cleartext, [f] fingerprint, or [s] sealed ? Target column headername <default 'name-of-column'> Add suffix <suffix> to header to indicate how it was encrypted, [y] yes or [n] no <default 'yes'> <‘name-of-column_sealed’> padding type: [n] one, [f] fixed, or [m] max <default ’max’>
Leave the column unencrypted. 1 c Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Encrypt the column as a fingerprint column. 1 f Choose default or enter a new header name. Enter y to choose default (_fingerprint) or enter n. Not applicable
Encrypt the column as a sealed column. 1 s Choose default or enter a new header name. Enter y to choose default (_sealed) or enter n.

Choose padding type .

For more information, see (Optional) Create a schema (advanced users).

Encrypt the column as both fingerprint and sealed. 2

Enter first target column: f .

Enter second target column: s.

Choose the target headers for each target column. Enter y to choose default or enter n.

Choose padding type (for sealed columns only).

For more information, see (Optional) Create a schema (advanced users).

The following are two examples of how to create encryption schemas. The exact content of your interaction depends on the input file and the responses that you provide.

Example: Generate an encryption schema for a fingerprint column and a cleartext column

In this example, for ads.csv, there are only two columns: username and ad_variant. For these columns, we want the following:

  • For the username column to be encrypted as a fingerprint column

  • For the ad_variant column to be a cleartext column

To generate an encryption schema for a fingerprint column and a cleartext column
  1. (Optional) To ensure the c3r-cli.jar file and file to be encrypted are present:

    1. Navigate to the desired directory and run ls (if using a Mac or Unix/Linux) or dir if using Windows).

    2. View the list of tabular data files (for example, .csv) and choose a file to encrypt.

      In this example, ads.csv is the file that we want to encrypt.

  2. From the CLI, run the following command to create a schema interactively.

    java -jar c3r-cli.jar schema ads.csv --interactive --output=ads.json

    • You can run java --jar PATH/TO/c3r-cli.jar. Or, if you have added PATH/TO/c3r-cli.jar to your CLASSPATH environment variable, you can also run the class name. The C3R encryption client will look in the CLASSPATH to find it (for example, java

    • The --interactive flag selects the interactive mode for developing the schema. This walks the user through a wizard for creating the schema. Users with advanced skills can create their own schema JSON without using the wizard. For more information, see (Optional) Create a schema (advanced users).

    • The --output flag sets an output name. If you don't include the --output flag, the C3R encryption client tries to pick a default output name (such as <input>.out.csv or for the schema, <input>.json).

  3. For Number of target columns from source column ‘username’?, enter 1 and then press Enter.

  4. For Target column type: [c]leartext, [f]ingerprint, or [s]ealed?, enter f and then press Enter.

  5. For Target column headername <default 'username'>, press Enter.

    The default name ‘username’ is used.

  6. For Add suffix '_fingerprint' to header to indicate how it was encrypted, [y]es or [n]o <default 'yes'>, enter y and then press Enter.


    The interactive mode suggests suffixes to add to the encrypted column headers (_fingerprint for fingerprint columns and _sealed for sealed columns). The suffixes might be helpful when you're performing tasks such as uploading data to AWS services or creating AWS Clean Rooms collaborations. These suffixes can help indicate what can be done with the encrypted data in each column. For example, things will not work if you encrypt a column as a sealed column (_sealed) and try to JOIN on it or try the reverse.

  7. For Number of target columns from source column ‘ad_variant’?, enter 1 and then press Enter.

  8. For Target column type: [c]leartext, [f]ingerprint, or [s]ealed?, enter c and then press Enter.

  9. For Target column headername <default 'username'>, press Enter.

    The default name ‘ad_variant’ is used.

    The schema is written to a new file called ads.json.


    You can view the schema by opening it in any text editor, such as Notepad on Windows or TextEdit on macOS.

  10. You are now ready to encrypt data.

Example: Generate an encryption schema with sealed, fingerprint, and cleartext columns

In this example, for sales.csv, there are three columns: username , purchased, and product. For these columns, we want the following:

  • For the product column to be a sealed column

  • For the username column to be encrypted as a fingerprint column

  • For the purchased column to be a cleartext column

To generate an encryption schema with sealed, fingerprint, and cleartext columns
  1. (Optional) To ensure the c3r-cli.jar file and file to be encrypted are present:

    1. Navigate to the desired directory and run ls (if using a Mac or Unix/Linux) or dir if using Windows).

    2. View the list of tabular data files (.csv) and choose a file to encrypt.

      In this example, sales.csv is the file that we want to encrypt.

  2. From the CLI, run the following command to create a schema interactively.

    java -jar c3r-cli.jar schema sales.csv --interactive --output=sales.json

    • The --interactive flag selects the interactive mode for developing the schema. This walks the user through a guided workflow for creating the schema.

    • If you are an advanced user, you can create your own schema JSON without using the guided workflow. For more information, see (Optional) Create a schema (advanced users).

    • For .csv files with no column headers, see the --noHeaders flag for the schema command available in the CLI.

    • The --output flag sets an output name. If you don't include the --output flag, the C3R encryption client tries to pick a default output name (such as <input>.out or for the schema, <input>.json).

  3. For Number of target columns from source column ‘username’?, enter 1 and then press Enter.

  4. For Target column type: [c]leartext, [f]ingerprint, or [s]ealed?, enter f and then press Enter.

  5. For Target column headername <default 'username'>, press Enter.

    The default name ‘username’ is used.

  6. For Add suffix '_fingerprint' to header to indicate how it was encrypted, [y]es or [n]o <default 'yes'>, enter y and then press Enter.

  7. For Number of target columns from source column ‘purchased’?, enter 1 and then press Enter.

  8. For Target column type: [c]leartext, [f]ingerprint, or [s]ealed?, enter c and then press Enter.

  9. For Target column headername <default 'purchased'>, press Enter.

    The default name ‘purchased’ is used.

  10. For Number of target columns from source column ‘product’?, enter 1 and then press Enter.

  11. For Target column type: [c]leartext, [f]ingerprint, or [s]ealed?, enter s and then press Enter.

  12. For Target column headername <default 'product'>, press Enter.

    The default name ‘product’ is used.

  13. For ‘product_sealed’ padding type: [n]one, [f]ixed, or [m]ax <default ’max’?>, press Enter to choose the default.

  14. For Byte-length beyond max length to pad cleartext to in ‘product_sealed’ <default ‘0’>? press Enter to choose the default.

    The schema is written to a new file called sales.json.

  15. You are now ready to encrypt data.