(Optional) Create a schema (advanced users) - AWS Clean Rooms

(Optional) Create a schema (advanced users)

Creating a schema manually is for advanced users.

The following is a description of the JSON schema file format for input files with or without column headers. Advanced users can directly write or modify the schema if desired.


The C3R encryption client can assist you in making a schema through either the interactive process described in Example: Generate an encryption schema with sealed, fingerprint, and cleartext columns or through the creation of a stub template.

Mapped and positional table schemas

The following section describes two kinds of table schemas:

  • Mapped table schema – This schema is used for encrypting .csv files with a header row and Apache Parquet files.

  • Positional table schema – This schema is used for encrypting .csv files without a header row.

The C3R encryption client can encrypt a tabular file for a collaboration. To do this, it must have a corresponding schema file that specifies how the encrypted output should be derived from the input.

The C3R encryption client can help generate a schema for an INPUT file by running the C3R encryption client schema command at the command line. An example of a command is java -jar c3r-cli.jar schema --interactive INPUT.

The schema specifies the following information:

  1. Which source columns map to which transformed columns in the output file through their header names (mapped schemas) or position (positional schemas)

  2. Which target columns are to remain cleartext

  3. Which target columns are to be encrypted for SELECT queries

  4. Which target columns are to be encrypted for JOIN queries

This information is encoded in a table-specific JSON schema file, which consists of a single object whose headerRow field is a Boolean value. The value must be true for Parquet files and .csv files with a header row, and false otherwise.

Mapped table schema

The mapped schema has the following shape.

{ "headerRow": true, "columns": [ { "sourceHeader": STRING, "targetHeader": STRING, "type": TYPE, "pad": PAD }, ... ] }

If headerRow is true, the next field in the object is columns, which contains an array of column schemas that map source headers to target headers (that is, JSON objects describing what the output columns should contain).

  • sourceHeader – The STRING header name of the source column that the data is derived from.


    The same source column can be used for multiple target columns.

    A column from the input file not listed as a sourceHeader anywhere in the schema doesn't appear in the output file.

  • targetHeader – The STRING header name of the corresponding column in the output file.


    This field is optional for mapped schemas. If this field is omitted, the sourceHeader is re-used for the header name in the output. Either _fingerprint or _sealed is appended if the output column is a fingerprint column or sealed column respectively.

  • type – The TYPE of the target column in the output file. That is, one of cleartext, sealed, or fingerprint depending on how the column will be used in the collaboration.

  • pad – A field of a column schema object that is only present when the TYPE is sealed. Its corresponding value of PAD is an object that describes how the data should be padded before it's encrypted.

    { "type": PAD_TYPE, "length": INT }

    To specify pre-encryption padding, type and length are used as follows:

    • PAD_TYPE as none – No padding will be applied to the column's data and the length field is not applicable (that is, omitted).

    • PAD_TYPE as fixed – The column's data is padded to the specified length of bytes.

    • PAD_TYPE as max – The column's data is padded to the size of the longest value's byte length plus an additional length bytes.

The following is an example mapped schema, with a column of each type.

{ "headerRow": true, "columns": [ { "sourceHeader": "FullName", "targetHeader": "name", "type": "cleartext" }, { "sourceHeader": "City", "targetHeader": "city_sealed", "type": "sealed", "pad": { "type": "max", "length": 16 } }, { "sourceHeader": "PhoneNumber", "targetHeader": "phone_number_fingerprint", "type": "fingerprint" }, { "sourceHeader": "PhoneNumber", "targetHeader": "phone_number_sealed", "type": "sealed", "pad": { "type": "fixed", "length": 20 } } ] }

As a more complex example, the following is an example .csv file with headers.

FirstName,LastName,Address,City,State,PhoneNumber,Title,Level,Notes Jorge,Souza,12345 Mills Rd,Anytown,SC,703-555-1234,CEO,10, Paulo,Santos,0 Street,Anytown,MD,404-555-111,CIO,9,This is a really long note that could really be a paragraph Mateo,Jackson,1 Two St,Anytown,NY,304-555-1324,COO,9,"" Terry,Whitlock4 N St,Anytown,VA,407-555-8888,EA,7,Secret notes Diego,Ramirez,9 Hollows Rd,Anytown,VA,407-555-1222,SDE I,4,null John,Doe,8 Hollows Rd,Anytown,VA,407-555-4321,SDE I,4,Jane's younger brother Jane,Doe,8 Hollows Rd,Anytown,VA,407-555-4322,SDE II,5,John's older sister

In the following mapped schema example, the columns FirstName and LastName are cleartext columns. The State column is encrypted as a fingerprint column and as a sealed column with a padding of none. The remaining columns are omitted.

{ "headerRow": true, "columns": [ { "sourceHeader": "FirstName", "targetHeader": "GivenName", "type": "cleartext" }, { "sourceHeader": "LastName", "targetHeader": "Surname", "type": "cleartext" }, { "sourceHeader": "State", "targetHeader": "State_Join", "type": "fingerprint" }, { "sourceHeader": "State", "targetHeader": "State", "type": "sealed", "pad": { "type": "none" } } ] }

The following is the .csv file that results from the mapped schema.

givenname,surname,state_fingerprint,state John,Doe,01:hmac:UK8s8Cn/WR2JO/To2dTxWD73aDEe2ZUXeSHy3Tv+1Mk=,01:enc:FQ3n3Ahv9BQQNWQGcugeHzHYzEZE1vapHa2Uu4SRgSAtZ3qObjPA4TcsHt+BOkMKBcnHWI13BeGG/SBqmj7vKpI= Paulo,Santos,01:hmac:CHF4eIrtTNgAooU9v4h9Qjc+txBnMidQTjdjWuaDTTA=,01:enc:KZ5n5GtaXACco65AXk48BQO2durDNR2ULc4YxmMC8NaZZKKJiksU1IwFadAvV4iBQ1Bus5TU5c4biez3bilfTY8= Mateo,Jackson,01:hmac:iIRnjfNBzryusIJ1w35lgNzeY1RQ1bSfq6PDHW8Xrbk=,01:enc:mLKpS5HIOSgphdEsrzhEdIp/eN9nBO2gAbIygt4OFn4LalYn9Xyj/XUWXlmn8zFe2T4kyDTD8kGOvpQEUGxAUFk= Diego,Ramirez,01:hmac:UK8s8Cn/WR2JO/To2dTxWD73aDEe2ZUXeSHy3Tv+1Mk=,01:enc:rmZhT98Zm+IIGw1UTjMIJP4IrW/AAltBLMXcHvnYfRgmWP623VFQ6aUnhsb2MDqEw4G5Uwg5rKKZepUxx5uKbfk= Jorge,Souza,01:hmac:3BxJdXiFFyZ8HBbYNqqEhBVqhNOd7s2ZiKUe7QiTyo8=,01:enc:vVaqWC1VRbhvkf8gnuR7q0zxVPcvEjuaglYz34+KyyLcGZLpAmsDUc6wZ07f2KvHoOySqRsEU7dG1QfdHYcTSWE= Terry,Whitlock01:hmac:UK8s8Cn/WR2JO/To2dTxWD73aDEe2ZUXeSHy3Tv+1Mk=,01:enc:3c9VEWbODO/xbQjdGuccLvI7oZTBdPU+SyrJIyr2kudfAxbuMQ2uRdU/q7rbgyJjxZS8M2U35ILJf/lDgTyg7cM= Jane,Doe,01:hmac:UK8s8Cn/WR2JO/To2dTxWD73aDEe2ZUXeSHy3Tv+1Mk=,01:enc:9RWv46YLveykeNZ/G0NdlYFg+AVdOnu05hHyAYTQkPLHnyX+0/jbzD/g9ZT8GCgVE9aB5bV4ooJIXHGBVMXcjrQ=

Positional table schema

The positional schema has the following shape.

{ "headerRow": false, "columns": [ [ { "targetHeader": STRING, "type": TYPE, "pad": PAD }, { "targetHeader": STRING, "type": TYPE, "pad": PAD } ], [], ... ] }

If headerRow is false, the next field in the object is columns, which contains an array of entries. Each entry is itself an array of zero or more positional column schemas (no sourceHeader field), which are JSON objects describing what the output should contain.

  • sourceHeader – The STRING header name of the source column that the data is derived from.


    This field must be omitted in positional schemas. In positional schemas, the source column is inferred by the column's corresponding index in the schema file.

  • targetHeader – The STRING header name of the corresponding column in the output file.


    This field is required for positional schemas.

  • type – The TYPE of the target column in the output file. That is, one of cleartext, sealed, or fingerprint depending on how the column will be used in the collaboration.

  • pad – A field of a column schema object that is only present when the TYPE is sealed. Its corresponding value of PAD is an object that describes how the data should be padded before it's encrypted.

    { "type": PAD_TYPE, "length": INT }

    To specify pre-encryption padding, type and length are used as follows:

    • PAD_TYPE as none – No padding will be applied to the column's data and the length field is not applicable (that is, omitted).

    • PAD_TYPE as fixed – The column's data is padded to the specified length of bytes.

    • PAD_TYPE as max – The column's data is padded to the size of the longest value's byte length plus an additional length bytes.


      fixed is useful if you know ahead of time of an upper bound on the byte size of the column's data. An error is raised if any data in that column is longer than the specified length.

      max is convenient when the exact size of input data is unknown because it works regardless of the data's size. However, max requires additional processing time because it encrypts the data twice. max encrypts the data once when read in to the temporary file and once after the longest data entry in the column is known.

      Also, the length of the longest value isn't saved between invocations of the client. If you plan to encrypt your data in batches, or to encrypt new data periodically, be aware that the resulting ciphertext-lengths might vary among batches.

The following is an example of a positional schema.

{ "headerRow": false, "columns": [ [ { "targetHeader": "name", "type": "cleartext" } ], [ { "targetHeader": "city_sealed", "type": "sealed", "pad": { "type": "max", "length": 16 } } ], [ { "targetHeader": "phone_number_fingerprint", "type": "fingerprint" }, { "targetHeader": "phone_number_sealed", "type": "sealed", "pad": { "type": "fixed", "length": 20 } } ] ] }

As a complex example, the following is an example .csv file if it didn't have the first row with the headers.

Jorge,Souza,12345 Mills Rd,Anytown,SC, 703 -555 -1234,CEO, 10, Paulo,Santos, 0 Street,Anytown,MD, 404-555-111,CIO, 9,This is a really long note that could really be a paragraph Mateo,Jackson, 1 Two St,Anytown,NY, 304-555-1324,COO, 9, "" Terry,Whitlock, 4 N St,Anytown,VA, 407-555-8888,EA, 7,Secret notes Diego,Ramirez, 9 Hollows Rd,Anytown,VA, 407-555-1222,SDE I, 4,null John,Doe, 8 Hollows Rd,Anytown,VA, 407-555-4321,SDE I, 4,Jane's younger brother Jane,Doe, 8 Hollows Rd,Anytown,VA, 407-555-4322,SDE II, 5,John's older sister

The positional schema has the following form.

{ "headerRow": false, "columns": [ [ { "targetHeader": "GivenName", "type": "cleartext" } ], [ { "targetHeader": "Surname", "type": "cleartext" } ], [], [], [ { "targetHeader": "State_Join", "type": "fingerprint" }, { "targetHeader": "State", "type": "sealed", "pad": { "type": "none" } } ], [], [], [], [] ] }

The preceding schema produces the following output file with a header row containing the specified target headers.

givenname,surname,state_fingerprint,state Mateo,Jackson,01:hmac:iIRnjfNBzryusIJ1w35lgNzeY1RQ1bSfq6PDHW8Xrbk=,01:enc:ENS6QD3cMVl9vQEGfe9MNWfR0UOupchswZFr94zOMG5jY/Q8m/Y5SA89dJwKpT5rGPp8e36h6klwDoslpFzGvU0= Jorge,Souza,01:hmac:3BxJdXiFFyZ8HBbYNqqEhBVqhNOd7s2ZiKUe7QiTyo8=,01:enc:LKo0zirq2++XEIIIMNRjAsGMdyWUDwYaum0B+IFP+rUf1BNeZDJjtFe1Z+zbZfXQWwJy52Rt7HqvAb2WIK1oMmk= Paulo,Santos,01:hmac:CHF4eIrtTNgAooU9v4h9Qjc+txBnMidQTjdjWuaDTTA=,01:enc:MyQKyWxJ9kvK1xDQQtXlUNwv3F+yrBRr0xrUY/1BGg5KFgOn9pK+MZ7g+ZNqZEPcPz4lht1u0t/wbTaqzOCLXFQ= Jane,Doe,01:hmac:UK8s8Cn/WR2JO/To2dTxWD73aDEe2ZUXeSHy3Tv+1Mk=,01:enc:Pd8sbITBfb0/ttUB4svVsgoYkDfnDvgkvxzeci0Yxq54rLSwccy1o3/B50C3cpkkn56dovCwzgmmPNwrmCmYtb4= Terry,Whitlock01:hmac:UK8s8Cn/WR2JO/To2dTxWD73aDEe2ZUXeSHy3Tv+1Mk=,01:enc:Qmtzu3B3GAXKh2KkRYTiEAaMopYedsSdF2e/ADUiBQ9kv2CxKPzWyYTD3ztmKPMka19dHre5VhUHNpO3O+j1AQ8= Diego,Ramirez,01:hmac:UK8s8Cn/WR2JO/To2dTxWD73aDEe2ZUXeSHy3Tv+1Mk=,01:enc:ysdg+GHKdeZrS/geBIooOEPLHG68MsWpx1dh3xjb+fG5rmFmqUcJLNuuYBHhHAlxchM2WVeV1fmHkBX3mvZNvkc= John,Doe,01:hmac:UK8s8Cn/WR2JO/To2dTxWD73aDEe2ZUXeSHy3Tv+1Mk=,01:enc:9uX0wZuO7kAPAx+Hf6uvQownkWqFSKtWS7gQIJSe5aXFquKWCK6yZN0X5Ea2N3bn03Uj1kh0agDWoiP9FRZGJA4=