Decrypting data tables with the C3R encryption client - AWS Clean Rooms

Decrypting data tables with the C3R encryption client

Follow this procedure for collaborations that use Cryptographic Computing for Clean Rooms and the C3R encryption client to encrypt data tables. Use this procedure after you have queried data in the collaboration.

The shared secret key and collaboration ID are required for this procedure.

The member who can receive results decrypts the data using the same shared secret key and collaboration ID that was used to encrypt the data for the collaboration.


AWS Clean Rooms collaborations already limit who can perform and view query results. To perform the decryption, whoever has access to these results needs the same shared secret key and collaboration ID that was used to encrypt the data.

To decrypt an encrypted data table
  1. (Optional) View the available commands in the C3R encryption client.

  2. (Optional) Navigate to the desired directory and run ls (macOS) or dir (Windows).

    1. Verify that the c3r-cli.jar file and encrypted query results data file are in the desired directory.


      If query results are downloaded from the AWS Clean Rooms console interface, they are likely in the Downloads folder for your user account. (For example, the Downloads folder in your user directory on Windows and macOS.) We recommend that you move the query results file to the same folder as the c3r-cli.jar.

  3. Store the shared secret key in the C3R_SHARED_SECRET environment variable. For more information, see Step 6: Store the shared secret key in an environment variable.

  4. From the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), run the following command.

    java -jar c3r-cli.jar decrypt <name of input .csv file> --id=<collaboration id> --output=<output file name>

  5. Replace each user input placeholder with your own information:

    1. For id=, enter the collaboration ID.

    2. For output=, enter the name of the output file (for example, results-decrypted.csv).

      If you don't specify an output name, a default name is displayed in the terminal.

    3. View the decrypted data in the specified output file using your preferred CSV or Parquet viewing application (such as Microsoft Excel, a text editor, or other application).