As the member who can query, you can run a PySpark job on a configured table by using an approved PySpark analysis template.
Before you run a Python job, you must have:
An active membership in AWS Clean Rooms collaboration
Access to at least one analysis template in the collaboration
Access to at least one configured table in the collaboration
Permissions to write the results of a PySpark job to a specified S3 bucket
For information about creating the required service role, see Create a service role to write results of a PySpark job.
The member who is responsible to pay for compute costs has joined the collaboration as an active member
For information about how to query data or view queries by calling the AWS Clean Rooms
API operation directly or by using the AWS SDKs, see the
AWS Clean Rooms API
For information about job logging, see Analysis logging in AWS Clean Rooms.
For information about receiving job results, see Receiving and using analysis results.
The following topics explain how to run a PySpark job on a configured table in a collaboration using the AWS Clean Rooms console.