Prepare data tables in AWS Clean Rooms
Preparing data tables can take place before or after you have joined a collaboration. After a table is prepared, you can reuse it across multiple collaborations as long as your privacy needs for that table are the same.
As a member in the collaboration, you must prepare your data tables before they can be queried in AWS Clean Rooms by the collaboration member who can query.
The data tables that you use for queries in AWS Clean Rooms are commonly the same types of data tables that you use for other applications. For example, the same types of datasets are used with Amazon Athena, Amazon EMR, Amazon Redshift Spectrum, and Amazon QuickSight.
You can query the data in its original format directly from any of the following data sources:
Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3)
Amazon Athena
AWS Clean Rooms accesses the dataset at query run time, ensuring that members who can query always access the most up-to-date data. Any data that is temporarily read into an AWS Clean Rooms collaboration is deleted after the query completes. The query results are written to your Amazon S3 bucket.
If your use case involves querying identity data, see AWS Entity Resolution in AWS Clean Rooms.