Manage 2FA for HSM users using AWS CloudHSM Management Utility - AWS CloudHSM

Manage 2FA for HSM users using AWS CloudHSM Management Utility

Use changePswd in AWS CloudHSM Management Utility (CMU) to modify two-factor authentication (2FA) for a user. Each time you enable 2FA, you must provide a public key for 2FA logins.

changePswd performs any of the following scenarios:

  • Change the password for a 2FA user

  • Change the password for a non-2FA user

  • Add 2FA to a non-2FA user

  • Remove 2FA from a 2FA user

  • Rotate the key for a 2FA user

You can also combine tasks. For example, you can remove 2FA from a user and change the password at the same time, or you might rotate the 2FA key and change the user password.

To change passwords or rotate keys for CO users with 2FA enabled
  1. Use CMU to log in to the HSM as a CO with 2FA enabled.

  2. Use changePswd to change the password or rotate the key from CO users with 2FA enabled. Use the -2fa parameter and include a location in the file system for the system to write the authdata file. This file includes a digest for each HSM in the cluster.

    aws-cloudhsm>changePswd CO example-user <new-password> -2fa /path/to/authdata

    CMU prompts you to use the private key to sign the digests in the authdata file and return the signatures with the public key.

  3. Use the private key to sign the digests in the authdata file, add the signatures and the public key to the JSON formatted authdata file and then provide CMU with the location of the authdata file. For more information, see Configuration reference for 2FA with AWS CloudHSM Management Utility.


    The cluster uses the same key for quorum authentication and 2FA. If you are using quorum authentication or plan to use quorum authentication, see Quorum authentication and 2FA in AWS CloudHSM clusters using AWS CloudHSM Management Utility.