The cluster uses the same key for quorum authentication and for two-factor authentication 2FA). This means a user with 2FA enabled is effectively registered for M-of-N-access-control (MofN). To successfully use 2FA and quorum authentication for the same HSM user, consider the following points:
If you are using quorum authentication for a user today, you should use the same key pair you created for the quorum user to enable 2FA for the user.
If you add the 2FA requirement for a non-2FA user that is not a quorum authentication user, then you register that user as an MofN user with 2FA authentication.
If you remove the 2FA requirement or change the password for a 2FA user that is also a quorum authentication user, you will also remove the registration of the quorum user as an MofN user.
If you remove the 2FA requirement or change the password for a 2FA user that is also a quorum authentication user, but you still want that user to participate in quorum authentication, then you must register that user again as an MofN user.
For more information about quorum authentication, see Using CMU to manage quorum authentication.