The AWS CloudHSM cluster uses the same key for quorum authentication and for multi-factor authentication (MFA). This means a user with MFA enabled is effectively registered for MofN or quorum access control. To successfully use MFA and quorum authentication for the same HSM user, consider the following points:
If you are using quorum authentication for a user today, you should use the same key pair you created for the quorum user to enable MFA for the user.
If you add the MFA requirement for a non-MFA user who is not a quorum authentication user, then you register that user as a quorum (MofN) registered user with MFA authentication.
If you remove the MFA requirement or change the password for an MFA user who is also a registered quorum authentication user, you will also remove the user's registration as a quorum (MofN) user.
If you remove the MFA requirement or change the password for an MFA user who is also a quorum authentication user, but you still want that user to participate in quorum authentication, then you must register that user again as a Quorum (MofN) user.
For more information about quorum authentication, see Manage quorum authentication (M of N).