In CloudHSM CLI, you can run commands two different ways: in single command mode and interactive mode. Interactive mode is designed for users, and single command mode is designed for scripts.
All commands work in interactive mode and single command mode.
Interactive mode
Use the following commands to start CloudHSM CLI interactive mode
/opt/cloudhsm/bin/cloudhsm-cli interactive
When using the CLI in Interactive Mode, you can log in to a user account using the login command.
To list all CloudHSM CLI commands, run the following command:
aws-cloudhsm >
To get the syntax for a CloudHSM CLI command, run the following command:
aws-cloudhsm >
To get a list of users on the HSMs, enter user list.
aws-cloudhsm >
user list
To end your CloudHSM CLI session, run the following command:
aws-cloudhsm >
Single Command mode
If you run CloudHSM CLI using Single Command Mode, you need to set two environment variables to provide credentials: CLOUDHSM_PIN and CLOUDHSM_ROLE:
After doing this, you can execute commands using the credentials stored in your environment.
cloudhsm-cliuser change-password --username alice --role crypto-user
Enter password: Confirm password: { "error_code": 0, "data": { "username": "alice", "role": "crypto-user" } }