Use the genSymKey command in the AWS CloudHSM key_mgmt_util tool to generate a symmetric key in your hardware security modules (HSM). You can specify the key type and size, assign an ID and label, and share the key with other HSM users. You can also create nonextractable keys and keys that expire when the session ends. When the command succeeds, it returns a key handle that the HSM assigns to the key. You can use the key handle to identify the key to other commands.
Before you run any key_mgmt_util command, you must start key_mgmt_util and log in to the HSM as a crypto user (CU).
genSymKey -h genSymKey -t
] [-min_srv<minimum-number-of-servers>
] [-m_value<0..8>
] [-nex] [-sess] [-timeout<number-of-seconds>
] [-u<user-ids>
] [-attest]
These examples show how to use genSymKey to create symmetric keys in your HSMs.
To use the keys you make with these examples for HMAC operations, you must set
after you
generate the key. To set these values, use setAttribute in CloudHSM
Management Utility (CMU). For more information, see setAttribute.
Example : Generate an AES key
This command creates a 256-bit AES key with an aes256
label. The output
shows that the key handle of the new key is 6
genSymKey -t 31 -s 32 -l aes256
Cfm3GenerateSymmetricKey returned: 0x00 : HSM Return: SUCCESS Symmetric Key Created. Key Handle: 6 Cluster Error Status Node id 0 and err state 0x00000000 : HSM Return: SUCCESS
Example : Create a session key
This command creates a nonextractable 192-bit AES key that is valid only in the current session. You might want to create a key like this to wrap (and then immediately unwrap) a key that is being exported.
genSymKey -t 31 -s 24 -l tmpAES -id wrap01 -nex -sess
Example : Return quickly
This command creates a generic 512-byte key with a label of IT_test_key
The command does not wait for the key to be synchronized to all HSMs in the cluster.
Instead, it returns as soon as the key is created on any one HSM (-min_srv 1
or in 1 second (-timeout 1
), whichever is shorter. If the key is not
synchronized to the specified minimum number of HSMs before the timeout expires, it is not
generated. You might want to use a command like this in a script that creates numerous keys,
like the for
loop in the following example.
genSymKey -t 16 -s 512 -l IT_test_key -min_srv 1 -timeout 1
for i in {1..30}; do /opt/cloudhsm/bin/key_mgmt_util singlecmd loginHSM -u CU -s example_user -p example_pwd genSymKey -l aes -t 31 -s 32 -min_srv 1 -timeout 1; done;
Example : Create a quorum authorized generic key
This command creates a 2048-bit generic secret key with the label
. The command uses the -u
parameter to share the key
with another CU, user 6. It uses the -m_value
parameter to require a quorum of
at least two approvals for any cryptographic operations that use the key. The command also
uses the -attest
parameter to verify the integrity of the firmware on which the
key is generated.
The output shows that the command generated a key with key handle 9
that the attestation check on the cluster firmware passed.
genSymKey -t 16 -s 2048 -l generic-mV2 -m_value 2 -u 6 -attest
Cfm3GenerateSymmetricKey returned: 0x00 : HSM Return: SUCCESS Symmetric Key Created. Key Handle: 9 Attestation Check : [PASS] Cluster Error Status Node id 1 and err state 0x00000000 : HSM Return: SUCCESS Node id 0 and err state 0x00000000 : HSM Return: SUCCESS
Example : Create and examine a key
This command creates a Triple DES key with a 3DES_shared
label and an ID of
. The key can be used by the current user, and users 4 and 5. The command
fails if the ID is not unique in the cluster or if the current user is user 4 or 5.
The output shows that the new key has key handle 7
genSymKey -t 21 -s 24 -l 3DES_shared -id IT-02 -u 4,5
Cfm3GenerateSymmetricKey returned: 0x00 : HSM Return: SUCCESS Symmetric Key Created. Key Handle: 7 Cluster Error Status Node id 0 and err state 0x00000000 : HSM Return: SUCCESS
To verify that the new 3DES key is owned by the current user and shared with users 4 and
5, use getKeyInfo. The command uses the
handle that was assigned to the new key (Key Handle: 7
The output confirms that the key is owned by user 3 and shared with users 4 and 5.
getKeyInfo -k 7
Cfm3GetKey returned: 0x00 : HSM Return: SUCCESS Owned by user 3 also, shared to following 2 user(s): 4, 5
To confirm the other properties of the key, use getAttribute. The first command uses
to get all attributes (-a 512
) of key handle 7
(-o 7
). It writes them to the attr_7
file. The second
command uses cat
to get the contents of the attr_7
This command confirms that key 7 is a 192-bit (OBJ_ATTR_VALUE_LEN
or 24-byte) 3DES (OBJ_ATTR_KEY_TYPE 0x15
) symmetric key
) with a label of 3DES_shared
) and an ID of IT_02
). The key is persistent (OBJ_ATTR_TOKEN 0x01
) and extractable
) and can be used for encryption, decryption, and
To find the attributes of a key that you have created, such as the type, length, label, and ID, use getAttribute. To find the keys for a particular user, use getKeyInfo. To find keys based on their attribute values, use findKey.
For help interpreting the key attributes, see the AWS CloudHSM key attribute reference for KMU.
getAttribute -o 7 -a 512 -out attr_7
got all attributes of size 444 attr cnt 17 Attributes dumped into attr_7 file Cfm3GetAttribute returned: 0x00 : HSM Return: SUCCESS
cat attr_7
To use the keys you make with these examples for HMAC operations, you must set
you generate the key. To set these values, use setAttribute in CMU. For
more information, see setAttribute.
- -h
Displays help for the command.
Required: Yes
- -t
Specifies the type of the symmetric key. Enter the constant that represents the key type. For example, to create an AES key, type
-t 31
.Valid values:
. A generic secret key is a byte array that does not conform to any particular standard, such as the requirements for an AES key. -
18: RC4
. RC4 keys are not valid on FIPS-mode HSMs -
21: Triple DES (3DES)
. In accordance with NIST guidance, this is disallowed for clusters in FIPS mode after 2023. For clusters in non-FIPS mode, it is still allowed after 2023. See FIPS 140 Compliance: 2024 Mechanism Deprecation for details. -
31: AES
Required: Yes
- -s
Specifies the key size in bytes. For example, to create a 192-bit key, type
.Valid values for each key type:
AES: 16 (128 bits), 24 (192 bits), 32 (256 bits)
3DES: 24 (192 bits)
Generic Secret: <3584 (28672 bits)
Required: Yes
- -l
Specifies a user-defined label for the key. Type a string.
You can use any phrase that helps you to identify the key. Because the label does not have to be unique, you can use it to group and categorize keys.
Required: Yes
- -attest
Runs an integrity check that verifies that the firmware on which the cluster runs has not been tampered with.
Default: No attestation check.
Required: No
- -id
Specifies a user-defined identifier for the key. Type a string that is unique in the cluster. The default is an empty string.
Default: No ID value.
Required: No
- -min_srv
Specifies the minimum number of HSMs on which the key is synchronized before the value of the
parameter expires. If the key is not synchronized to the specified number of servers in the time allotted, it is not created.AWS CloudHSM automatically synchronizes every key to every HSM in the cluster. To speed up your process, set the value of
to less than the number of HSMs in the cluster and set a low timeout value. Note, however, that some requests might not generate a key.Default: 1
Required: No
- -m_value
Specifies the number of users who must approve any cryptographic operation that uses the key. Type a value from
.This parameter establishes a quorum authentication requirement for the key. The default value,
, disables the quorum authentication feature for the key. When quorum authentication is enabled, the specified number of users must sign a token to approve cryptographic operations that use the key, and operations that share or unshare the key.To find the
of a key, use getKeyInfo.This parameter is valid only when the
parameter in the command shares the key with enough users to satisfy them_value
requirement.Default: 0
Required: No
- -nex
Makes the key nonextractable. The key that is generated cannot be exported from the HSM.
Default: The key is extractable.
Required: No
- -sess
Creates a key that exists only in the current session. The key cannot be recovered after the session ends.
Use this parameter when you need a key only briefly, such as a wrapping key that encrypts, and then quickly decrypts, another key. Do not use a session key to encrypt data that you might need to decrypt after the session ends.
To change a session key to a persistent (token) key, use setAttribute.
Default: The key is persistent.
Required: No
- -timeout
Specifies how long (in seconds) the command waits for a key to be synchronized to the number of HSMs specified by the
parameter.This parameter is valid only when the
parameter is also used in the command.Default: No timeout. The command waits indefinitely and returns only when the key is synchronized to the minimum number of servers.
Required: No
- -u
Shares the key with the specified users. This parameter gives other HSM crypto users (CUs) permission to use this key in cryptographic operations.
Type a comma-separated list of HSM user IDs, such as -
u 5,6
. Do not include the HSM user ID of the current user. To find HSM user IDs of CUs on the HSM, use listUsers. To share and unshare existing keys, use shareKey in the cloudhsm_mgmt_util.Default: Only the current user can use the key.
Required: No