Use the findKey command in the AWS CloudHSM key_mgmt_util to search for keys by the values of the key attributes. When a key matches all the criteria that you set, findKey returns the key handle. With no parameters, findKey returns the key handles of all the keys that you can use in the HSM. To find the attribute values of a particular key, use getAttribute.
Like all key_mgmt_util commands, findKey is user specific. It returns only the keys that the current user can use in cryptographic operations. This includes keys that current user owns and keys that have been shared with the current user.
Before you run any key_mgmt_util command, you must start key_mgmt_util and log in to the HSM as a crypto user (CU).
findKey -h findKey [-c
<key class>
] [-t<key type>
] [-l<key label>
] [-id<key ID>
] [-sess (0 | 1)] [-u<user-ids>
] [-m<modulus>
] [-kcv<key_check_value>
These examples show how to use findKey to find and identify keys in your HSMs.
Example : Find all keys
This command finds all keys for the current user in the HSM. The output includes keys that the user owns and shares, and all public keys in the HSMs.
To get the attributes of a key with a particular key handle, use getAttribute. To determine whether the current user owns or shares a particular key, use getKeyInfo or findAllKeys in cloudhsm_mgmt_util.
Total number of keys present 13 number of keys matched from start index 0::12 6, 7, 524296, 9, 262154, 262155, 262156, 262157, 262158, 262159, 262160, 262161, 262162 Cluster Error Status Node id 1 and err state 0x00000000 : HSM Return: SUCCESS Node id 0 and err state 0x00000000 : HSM Return: SUCCESS Cfm3FindKey returned: 0x00 : HSM Return: SUCCESS
Example : Find keys by type, user, and session
This command finds persistent AES keys that the current user and user 3 can use. (User 3 might be able to use other keys that the current user cannot see.)
findKey -t 31 -sess 0 -u 3
Example : Find keys by class and label
This command finds all public keys for the current user with the 2018-sept
findKey -c 2 -l 2018-sept
Example : Find RSA keys by modulus
This command finds RSA keys (type 0) for the current user that were created by using the
modulus in the m4.txt
findKey -t 0 -m m4.txt
- -h
Displays help for the command.
Required: Yes
- -t
Finds keys of the specified type. Enter the constant that represents the key class. For example, to find 3DES keys, type
-t 21
.Valid values:
Required: No
- -c
Finds keys in the specified class. Enter the constant that represents the key class. For example, to find public keys, type
-c 2
.Valid values for each key type:
2: Public. This class contains the public keys of public–private key pairs.
3: Private. This class contains the private keys of public–private key pairs.
4: Secret. This class contains all symmetric keys.
Required: No
- -l
Finds keys with the specified label. Type the exact label. You cannot use wildcard characters or regular expressions in the
value.Required: No
- -id
Finds the key with the specified ID. Type the exact ID string. You cannot use wildcard characters or regular expressions in the
value.Required: No
- -sess
Finds keys by session status. To find keys that are valid only in the current session, type
. To find persistent keys, type0
.Required: No
- -u
Finds keys the specified users and the current user share. Type a comma-separated list of HSM user IDs, such as
-u 3
or-u 4,7
. To find the IDs of users on an HSM, use listUsers.When you specify one user ID, findKey returns the keys for that user. When you specify multiple user IDs, findKey returns the keys that all the specified users can use.
Because findKey only returns keys that the current user can use, the
results are always identical to or a subset of the current user's keys. To get all keys that are owned by or shared with any user, crypto officers (COs) can use findAllKeys in cloudhsm_mgmt_util.Required: No
- -m
Finds keys that were created by using the RSA modulus in the specified file. Type the path to file that stores the modulus.
-m specifies the binary file containing RSA modulus to match with (optional).
Required: No
- -kcv
Finds keys with the specified key check value.
The key check value (KCV) is a 3-byte hash or checksum of a key that is generated when the HSM imports or generates a key. You can also calculate a KCV outside of the HSM, such as after you export a key. You can then compare the KCV values to confirm the identity and integrity of the key. To get the KCV of a key, use getAttribute.
AWS CloudHSM uses the following standard method to generate a key check value:
Symmetric keys: First 3 bytes of the result of encrypting a zero-block with the key.
Asymmetric key pairs: First 3 bytes of the SHA-1 hash of the public key.
HMAC keys: KCV for HMAC keys is not supported at this time.
Required: No
The findKey output lists the total number of matching keys and their key handles.
Command: findKey Total number of keys present 10 number of keys matched from start index 0::9 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 262156, 262157, 262158, 262159 Cluster Error Status Node id 1 and err state 0x00000000 : HSM Return: SUCCESS Node id 2 and err state 0x00000000 : HSM Return: SUCCESS Cfm3FindKey returned: 0x00 : HSM Return: SUCCESS
Related topics
findAllKeys in cloudhsm_mgmt_util