Deleting an AWS CloudHSM cluster
Before you can delete a cluster, you must remove all HSMs from the cluster. For more information, see Removing an HSM from an AWS CloudHSM cluster.
After you remove all HSMs, you can delete a cluster by using the AWS CloudHSM console
To delete a cluster (console)
Open the AWS CloudHSM console at
. -
Choose the cluster that you are deleting. Then choose Delete cluster.
Confirm that you want to delete the cluster, then choose Delete.
To delete a cluster (AWS CLI)
At a command prompt, issue the delete-cluster command, passing the ID of the cluster that you are deleting. If you don't know the cluster ID, issue the describe-clusters command.
aws cloudhsmv2 delete-cluster --cluster-id
<cluster ID>
{ "Cluster": { "Certificates": { "ClusterCertificate": "
<certificate string>
" }, "SourceBackupId": "backup-rtq2dwi2gq6", "SecurityGroup": "sg-40399d28", "CreateTimestamp": 1504903546.035, "SubnetMapping": { "us-east-2a": "subnet-f1d6e798", "us-east-2c": "subnet-0e358c43", "us-east-2b": "subnet-40ed9d3b" }, "ClusterId": "cluster-kdmrayrc7gi", "VpcId": "vpc-641d3c0d", "State": "DELETE_IN_PROGRESS", "HsmType": "hsm1.medium", "StateMessage": "The cluster is being deleted.", "Hsms": [], "BackupPolicy": "DEFAULT" } }
To delete a cluster (AWS CloudHSM API)
Send a DeleteCluster request, specifying the ID of the cluster that you are deleting.