Delete HSM users using CloudHSM CLI - AWS CloudHSM

Delete HSM users using CloudHSM CLI

Use user delete in the CloudHSM CLI to delete a hardware security module (HSM) user. You must log in as an admin to delete another user.


You can't delete crypto users (CU) that own keys.

To delete a user
  1. Use the following command to start CloudHSM CLI interactive mode.

    $ /opt/cloudhsm/bin/cloudhsm-cli interactive
    C:\Program Files\Amazon\CloudHSM\bin\> .\cloudhsm-cli.exe interactive
  2. Use the login command and log in to the cluster as the admin.

    aws-cloudhsm > login --username <USERNAME> --role admin
  3. The system prompts you for your password. Enter the password, and the output shows that the command was successful.

    Enter password: { "error_code": 0, "data": { "username": "admin", "role": "admin" } }
  4. Use the user delete command to delete the user.

    aws-cloudhsm > user delete --username <USERNAME> --role <ROLE>

For more information about user delete, see deleteUser.