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Use CreateLaunchConfiguration
with a CLI
The following code examples show how to use CreateLaunchConfiguration
Example 1: To create a launch configuration
This example creates a simple launch configuration.
aws autoscaling create-launch-configuration \ --launch-configuration-name
\ --image-idami-04d5cc9b88example
\ --instance-typem5.large
This command produces no output.
For more information, see Creating a launch configuration in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
Example 2: To create a launch configuration with a security group, key pair, and bootrapping script
This example creates a launch configuration with a security group, a key pair, and a bootrapping script contained in the user data.
aws autoscaling create-launch-configuration \ --launch-configuration-name
\ --image-idami-04d5cc9b88example
\ --instance-typem5.large
\ --security-groupssg-eb2af88example
\ --key-namemy-key-pair
\ --user-datafile://myuserdata.txt
This command produces no output.
For more information, see Creating a launch configuration in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
Example 3: To create a launch configuration with an IAM role
This example creates a launch configuration with the instance profile name of an IAM role.
aws autoscaling create-launch-configuration \ --launch-configuration-name
\ --image-idami-04d5cc9b88example
\ --instance-typem5.large
\ --iam-instance-profilemy-autoscaling-role
This command produces no output.
For more information, see IAM role for applications that run on Amazon EC2 instances in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
Example 4: To create a launch configuration with detailed monitoring enabled
This example creates a launch configuration with EC2 detailed monitoring enabled, which sends EC2 metrics to CloudWatch in 1-minute periods.
aws autoscaling create-launch-configuration \ --launch-configuration-name
\ --image-idami-04d5cc9b88example
\ --instance-typem5.large
\ --instance-monitoringEnabled=true
This command produces no output.
For more information, see Configuring monitoring for Auto Scaling instances in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
Example 5: To create a launch configuration that launches Spot Instances
This example creates a launch configuration that uses Spot Instances as the only purchase option.
aws autoscaling create-launch-configuration \ --launch-configuration-name
\ --image-idami-04d5cc9b88example
\ --instance-typem5.large
\ --spot-price"0.50"
This command produces no output.
For more information, see Requesting Spot Instances in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
Example 6: To create a launch configuration using an EC2 instance
This example creates a launch configuration based on the attributes of an existing instance. It overrides the placement tenancy and whether a public IP address is set by including the
and--no-associate-public-ip-address autoscaling create-launch-configuration \ --launch-configuration-name
\ --instance-idi-0123a456700123456
\ --instance-typem5.large
\ --no-associate-public-ip-address \ --placement-tenancydedicated
This command produces no output.
For more information, see Creating a launch configuration using an EC2 instance in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
Example 7: To create a launch configuration with a block device mapping for an Amazon EBS volume
This example creates a launch configuration with a block device mapping for an Amazon EBS
volume with the device name/dev/sdh
and a volume size of autoscaling create-launch-configuration \ --launch-configuration-name
\ --image-idami-04d5cc9b88example
\ --instance-typem5.large
\ --block-device-mappings '[{"DeviceName":"/dev/sdh","Ebs":{"VolumeSize":20,"VolumeType":"gp3"}}]
'This command produces no output.
For more information, see EBS in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling API Reference.
For information about the syntax for quoting JSON-formatted parameter values, see Using quotation marks with strings in the AWS CLI in the AWS Command Line Interface User Guide.
Example 8: To create a launch configuration with a block device mapping for an instance store volume
This example creates a launch configuration with
as an instance store volume with the device name/dev/sdc
.aws autoscaling create-launch-configuration \ --launch-configuration-name
\ --image-idami-04d5cc9b88example
\ --instance-typem5.large
\ --block-device-mappings '[{"DeviceName":"/dev/sdc","VirtualName":"ephemeral1"}]
'This command produces no output.
For more information, see BlockDeviceMapping in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling API Reference.
For information about the syntax for quoting JSON-formatted parameter values, see Using quotation marks with strings in the AWS CLI in the AWS Command Line Interface User Guide.
Example 9: To create a launch configuration and suppress a block device from attaching at launch time
This example creates a launch configuration that suppresses a block device specified by the block device mapping of the AMI (for example,
).aws autoscaling create-launch-configuration \ --launch-configuration-name
\ --image-idami-04d5cc9b88example
\ --instance-typem5.large
\ --block-device-mappings '[{"DeviceName":"/dev/sdf","NoDevice":""}]
'This command produces no output.
For more information, see BlockDeviceMapping in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling API Reference.
For information about the syntax for quoting JSON-formatted parameter values, see Using quotation marks with strings in the AWS CLI in the AWS Command Line Interface User Guide.
For API details, see CreateLaunchConfiguration
in AWS CLI Command Reference.
- PowerShell
- Tools for PowerShell
Example 1: This example creates a launch configuration named 'my-lc'. The EC2 instances launched by Auto Scaling groups that use this launch configuration use specified instance type, AMI, security group, and IAM role.
New-ASLaunchConfiguration -LaunchConfigurationName my-lc -InstanceType "m3.medium" -ImageId "ami-12345678" -SecurityGroup "sg-12345678" -IamInstanceProfile "myIamRole"
For API details, see CreateLaunchConfiguration in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.