AWS AppConfig examples using AWS CLI - AWS SDK Code Examples

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AWS AppConfig examples using AWS CLI

The following code examples show you how to perform actions and implement common scenarios by using the AWS Command Line Interface with AWS AppConfig.

Actions are code excerpts from larger programs and must be run in context. While actions show you how to call individual service functions, you can see actions in context in their related scenarios.

Each example includes a link to the complete source code, where you can find instructions on how to set up and run the code in context.



The following code example shows how to use create-application.


To create an application

The following create-application example creates an application in AWS AppConfig.

aws appconfig create-application \ --name "example-application" \ --description "An application used for creating an example."


{ "Description": "An application used for creating an example.", "Id": "339ohji", "Name": "example-application" }

For more information, see Step 1: Creating an AWS AppConfig application in the AWS AppConfig User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use create-configuration-profile.


To create a configuration profile

The following create-configuration-profile example creates a configuration profile using a configuration stored in Parameter Store, a capability of Systems Manager.

aws appconfig create-configuration-profile \ --application-id "339ohji" \ --name "Example-Configuration-Profile" \ --location-uri "ssm-parameter://Example-Parameter" \ --retrieval-role-arn "arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/Example-App-Config-Role"


{ "ApplicationId": "339ohji", "Description": null, "Id": "ur8hx2f", "LocationUri": "ssm-parameter://Example-Parameter", "Name": "Example-Configuration-Profile", "RetrievalRoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/Example-App-Config-Role", "Type": null, "Validators": null }

For more information, see Step 3: Creating a configuration and a configuration profile in the AWS AppConfig User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use create-environment.


To create an environment

The following create-environment example creates an AWS AppConfig environment named Example-Environment using the application you created using create-application.

aws appconfig create-environment \ --application-id "339ohji" \ --name "Example-Environment"


{ "ApplicationId": "339ohji", "Description": null, "Id": "54j1r29", "Monitors": null, "Name": "Example-Environment", "State": "ReadyForDeployment" }

For more information, see Step 2: Creating an environment in the AWS AppConfig User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use create-extension-association.


To create an extension association

The following create-extension-association example creates a new extension association in AWS AppConfig.

aws appconfig create-extension-association \ --region us-west-2 \ --extension-identifier S3-backup-extension \ --resource-identifier "arn:aws:appconfig:us-west-2:123456789012:application/Finance" \ --parameters S3bucket=FinanceConfigurationBackup


{ "Id": "a1b2c3d4", "ExtensionArn": "arn:aws:appconfig:us-west-2:123456789012:extension/S3-backup-extension/1", "ResourceArn": "arn:aws:appconfig:us-west-2:123456789012:application/Finance", "Parameters": { "S3bucket": "FinanceConfigurationBackup" }, "ExtensionVersionNumber": 1 }

For more information, see Working with AWS AppConfig extensions in the AWS AppConfig User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use create-extension.


To create an extension

The following create-extension example creates a new extension in AWS AppConfig.

aws appconfig create-extension \ --region us-west-2 \ --name S3-backup-extension \ --actions PRE_CREATE_HOSTED_CONFIGURATION_VERSION=[{Name=S3backup,Uri=arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:123456789012:function:s3backupfunction,RoleArn=arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/appconfigextensionrole}] \ --parameters S3bucket={Required=true}


{ "Id": "1A2B3C4D", "Name": "S3-backup-extension", "VersionNumber": 1, "Arn": "arn:aws:appconfig:us-west-2:123456789012:extension/1A2B3C4D/1", "Actions": { "PRE_CREATE_HOSTED_CONFIGURATION_VERSION": [ { "Name": "S3backup", "Uri": "arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:123456789012:function:s3backupfunction", "RoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/appconfigextensionrole" } ] }, "Parameters": { "S3bucket": { "Required": true } } }

For more information, see Working with AWS AppConfig extensions in the AWS AppConfig User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use create-hosted-configuration-version.


To create a hosted configuration version

The following create-hosted-configuration-version example creates a new configuration in the AWS AppConfig hosted configuration store. The configuration content must first be converted to base64.

aws appconfig create-hosted-configuration-version \ --application-id "339ohji" \ --configuration-profile-id "ur8hx2f" \ --content eyAiTmFtZSI6ICJFeGFtcGxlQXBwbGljYXRpb24iLCAiSWQiOiBFeGFtcGxlSUQsICJSYW5rIjogNyB9 \ --content-type "application/json" \ configuration_version_output_file

Contents of configuration_version_output_file:

{ "Name": "ExampleApplication", "Id": ExampleID, "Rank": 7 }


{ "ApplicationId": "339ohji", "ConfigurationProfileId": "ur8hx2f", "VersionNumber": "1", "ContentType": "application/json" }

For more information, see About the AWS AppConfig hosted configuration store in the AWS Appconfig User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use delete-application.


To delete an application

The following delete-application example deletes the specified application.

aws appconfig delete-application \ --application-id 339ohji

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Step 1: Creating an AWS AppConfig application in the AWS AppConfig User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use delete-configuration-profile.


To delete a configuration profile

The following delete-configuration-profile example deletes the specified configuration profile.

aws appconfig delete-configuration-profile \ --application-id 339ohji \ --configuration-profile-id ur8hx2f

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Step 3: Creating a configuration and a configuration profile in the AWS AppConfig User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use delete-deployment-strategy.


To delete a deployment strategy

The following delete-deployment-strategy example deletes the specified deployment strategy.

aws appconfig delete-deployment-strategy \ --deployment-strategy-id 1225qzk

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Step 4: Creating a deployment strategy in the AWS AppConfig User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use delete-environment.


To delete an environment

The following delete-environment example deletes the specified application environment.

aws appconfig delete-environment \ --application-id 339ohji \ --environment-id 54j1r29

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Step 2: Creating an environment in the AWS AppConfig User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use delete-extension-association.


To delete an extension association

The following delete-extension-association example deletes an extension association from AWS AppConfig.

aws appconfig delete-extension-association \ --region us-west-2 \ --extension-association-id a1b2c3d4

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Working with AWS AppConfig extensions in the AWS AppConfig User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use delete-extension.


To delete an extension

The following delete-extension example deletes an extension from AWS AppConfig.

aws appconfig delete-extension \ --region us-west-2 \ --extension-identifier S3-backup-extension

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Working with AWS AppConfig extensions in the AWS AppConfig User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use delete-hosted-configuration-version.


To delete a hosted configuration version

The following delete-hosted-configuration-version example deletes a configuration version hosted in the AWS AppConfig hosted configuration store.

aws appconfig delete-hosted-configuration-version \ --application-id 339ohji \ --configuration-profile-id ur8hx2f \ --version-number 1

Output:: This command produces no output.

For more information, see Step 3: Creating a configuration and a configuration profile in the AWS AppConfig User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use get-application.


To list details of an application

The following get-application example lists the details of the specified application.

aws appconfig get-application \ --application-id 339ohji


{ "Description": "An application used for creating an example.", "Id": "339ohji", "Name": "example-application" }

For more information, see How AWS AppConfig works in the AWS AppConfig User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use get-configuration-profile.


To retrieve configuration profile details

The following get-configuration-profile example returns the details of the specified configuration profile.

aws appconfig get-configuration-profile \ --application-id 339ohji \ --configuration-profile-id ur8hx2f


{ "ApplicationId": "339ohji", "Id": "ur8hx2f", "Name": "Example-Configuration-Profile", "LocationUri": "ssm-parameter://Example-Parameter", "RetrievalRoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/Example-App-Config-Role" }

For more information, see Step 3: Creating a configuration and a configuration profile in the AWS AppConfig User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use get-configuration.


To retrieve configuration details

The following get-configuration example returns the configuration details of the example application. On subsequent calls to get-configuration use the client-configuration-version parameter to only update the configuration of your application if the version has changed. Only updating the configuration when the version has changed avoids excess charges incurred by calling get-configuration.

aws appconfig get-configuration \ --application "example-application" \ --environment "Example-Environment" \ --configuration "Example-Configuration-Profile" \ --client-id "test-id" \ configuration-output-file

Contents of configuration-output-file:

{ "Name": "ExampleApplication", "Id": ExampleID, "Rank": 7 }


{ "ConfigurationVersion": "1", "ContentType": "application/json" }

For more information, see Step 6: Receiving the configuration in the AWS AppConfig User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use get-deployment-strategy.


To retrieve details of a deployment strategy

The following get-deployment-strategy example lists the details of the specified deployment strategy.

aws appconfig get-deployment-strategy \ --deployment-strategy-id 1225qzk


{ "Id": "1225qzk", "Name": "Example-Deployment", "DeploymentDurationInMinutes": 15, "GrowthType": "LINEAR", "GrowthFactor": 25.0, "FinalBakeTimeInMinutes": 0, "ReplicateTo": "SSM_DOCUMENT" }

For more information, see Step 4: Creating a deployment strategy in the AWS AppConfig User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use get-deployment.


To retrieve deployment details

The following get-deployment example lists details of the deployment to the application in the specified environment and deployment.

aws appconfig get-deployment \ --application-id 339ohji \ --environment-id 54j1r29 \ --deployment-number 1


{ "ApplicationId": "339ohji", "EnvironmentId": "54j1r29", "DeploymentStrategyId": "1225qzk", "ConfigurationProfileId": "ur8hx2f", "DeploymentNumber": 1, "ConfigurationName": "Example-Configuration-Profile", "ConfigurationLocationUri": "ssm-parameter://Example-Parameter", "ConfigurationVersion": "1", "DeploymentDurationInMinutes": 15, "GrowthType": "LINEAR", "GrowthFactor": 25.0, "FinalBakeTimeInMinutes": 0, "State": "COMPLETE", "EventLog": [ { "EventType": "DEPLOYMENT_COMPLETED", "TriggeredBy": "APPCONFIG", "Description": "Deployment completed", "OccurredAt": "2021-09-17T21:59:03.888000+00:00" }, { "EventType": "BAKE_TIME_STARTED", "TriggeredBy": "APPCONFIG", "Description": "Deployment bake time started", "OccurredAt": "2021-09-17T21:58:57.722000+00:00" }, { "EventType": "PERCENTAGE_UPDATED", "TriggeredBy": "APPCONFIG", "Description": "Configuration available to 100.00% of clients", "OccurredAt": "2021-09-17T21:55:56.816000+00:00" }, { "EventType": "PERCENTAGE_UPDATED", "TriggeredBy": "APPCONFIG", "Description": "Configuration available to 75.00% of clients", "OccurredAt": "2021-09-17T21:52:56.567000+00:00" }, { "EventType": "PERCENTAGE_UPDATED", "TriggeredBy": "APPCONFIG", "Description": "Configuration available to 50.00% of clients", "OccurredAt": "2021-09-17T21:49:55.737000+00:00" }, { "EventType": "PERCENTAGE_UPDATED", "TriggeredBy": "APPCONFIG", "Description": "Configuration available to 25.00% of clients", "OccurredAt": "2021-09-17T21:46:55.187000+00:00" }, { "EventType": "DEPLOYMENT_STARTED", "TriggeredBy": "USER", "Description": "Deployment started", "OccurredAt": "2021-09-17T21:43:54.205000+00:00" } ], "PercentageComplete": 100.0, "StartedAt": "2021-09-17T21:43:54.205000+00:00", "CompletedAt": "2021-09-17T21:59:03.888000+00:00" }

For more information, see Step 5: Deploying a configuration in the AWS AppConfig User Guide.

  • For API details, see GetDeployment in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use get-environment.


To retrieve environment details

The following get-environment example returns the details and state of the specified environment.

aws appconfig get-environment \ --application-id 339ohji \ --environment-id 54j1r29


{ "ApplicationId": "339ohji", "Id": "54j1r29", "Name": "Example-Environment", "State": "ReadyForDeployment" }

For more information, see Step 2: Creating an environment in the AWS AppConfig User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use get-extension-association.


To get extension association details

The following get-extension-association example displays information about an extension association.

aws appconfig get-extension-association \ --region us-west-2 \ --extension-association-id a1b2c3d4


{ "Id": "a1b2c3d4", "ExtensionArn": "arn:aws:appconfig:us-west-2:123456789012:extension/S3-backup-extension/1", "ResourceArn": "arn:aws:appconfig:us-west-2:123456789012:application/Finance", "Parameters": { "S3bucket": "FinanceConfigurationBackup" }, "ExtensionVersionNumber": 1 }

For more information, see Working with AWS AppConfig extensions in the AWS AppConfig User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use get-extension.


To get extension details

The following get-extension example displays information about an extension.

aws appconfig get-extension \ --region us-west-2 \ --extension-identifier S3-backup-extension


{ "Id": "1A2B3C4D", "Name": "S3-backup-extension", "VersionNumber": 1, "Arn": "arn:aws:appconfig:us-west-2:123456789012:extension/S3-backup-extension/1", "Actions": { "PRE_CREATE_HOSTED_CONFIGURATION_VERSION": [ { "Name": "S3backup", "Uri": "arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:123456789012:function:S3backupfunction", "RoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/appconfigextensionrole" } ] }, "Parameters": { "S3bucket": { "Required": true } } }

For more information, see Working with AWS AppConfig extensions in the AWS AppConfig User Guide.

  • For API details, see GetExtension in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use get-hosted-configuration-version.


To retreive hosted configuration details

The following get-hosted-configuration-version example retrieves the configuration details of the AWS AppConfig hosted configuration.

aws appconfig get-hosted-configuration-version \ --application-id 339ohji \ --configuration-profile-id ur8hx2f \ --version-number 1 \ hosted-configuration-version-output

Contents of hosted-configuration-version-output:

{ "Name": "ExampleApplication", "Id": ExampleID, "Rank": 7 }


{ "ApplicationId": "339ohji", "ConfigurationProfileId": "ur8hx2f", "VersionNumber": "1", "ContentType": "application/json" }

For more information, see About the AWS AppConfig hosted configuration store in the AWS AppConfig User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use list-applications.


To list the available applications

The following list-applications example lists the available applications in your AWS account.

aws appconfig list-applications


{ "Items": [ { "Id": "339ohji", "Name": "test-application", "Description": "An application used for creating an example." }, { "Id": "rwalwu7", "Name": "Test-Application" } ] }

For more information, see Step 1: Creating an AWS AppConfig application in the AWS AppConfig User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use list-configuration-profiles.


To list the available configuration profiles

The following list-configuration-profiles example lists the available configuration profiles for the specified application.

aws appconfig list-configuration-profiles \ --application-id 339ohji


{ "Items": [ { "ApplicationId": "339ohji", "Id": "ur8hx2f", "Name": "Example-Configuration-Profile", "LocationUri": "ssm-parameter://Example-Parameter" } ] }

For more information, see Step 3: Creating a configuration and a configuration profile in the AWS AppConfig User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use list-deployment-strategies.


To list the available deployment strategies

The following list-deployment-strategies example lists the available deployment strategies in your AWS account.

aws appconfig list-deployment-strategies


{ "Items": [ { "Id": "1225qzk", "Name": "Example-Deployment", "DeploymentDurationInMinutes": 15, "GrowthType": "LINEAR", "GrowthFactor": 25.0, "FinalBakeTimeInMinutes": 0, "ReplicateTo": "SSM_DOCUMENT" }, { "Id": "AppConfig.AllAtOnce", "Name": "AppConfig.AllAtOnce", "Description": "Quick", "DeploymentDurationInMinutes": 0, "GrowthType": "LINEAR", "GrowthFactor": 100.0, "FinalBakeTimeInMinutes": 10, "ReplicateTo": "NONE" }, { "Id": "AppConfig.Linear50PercentEvery30Seconds", "Name": "AppConfig.Linear50PercentEvery30Seconds", "Description": "Test/Demo", "DeploymentDurationInMinutes": 1, "GrowthType": "LINEAR", "GrowthFactor": 50.0, "FinalBakeTimeInMinutes": 1, "ReplicateTo": "NONE" }, { "Id": "AppConfig.Canary10Percent20Minutes", "Name": "AppConfig.Canary10Percent20Minutes", "Description": "AWS Recommended", "DeploymentDurationInMinutes": 20, "GrowthType": "EXPONENTIAL", "GrowthFactor": 10.0, "FinalBakeTimeInMinutes": 10, "ReplicateTo": "NONE" } ] }

For more information, see Step 4: Creating a deployment strategy in the AWS AppConfig User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use list-deployments.


To list the available deployments

The following list-deployments example lists the available deployments in your AWS account for the specified application and environment.

aws appconfig list-deployments \ --application-id 339ohji \ --environment-id 54j1r29


{ "Items": [ { "DeploymentNumber": 1, "ConfigurationName": "Example-Configuration-Profile", "ConfigurationVersion": "1", "DeploymentDurationInMinutes": 15, "GrowthType": "LINEAR", "GrowthFactor": 25.0, "FinalBakeTimeInMinutes": 0, "State": "COMPLETE", "PercentageComplete": 100.0, "StartedAt": "2021-09-17T21:43:54.205000+00:00", "CompletedAt": "2021-09-17T21:59:03.888000+00:00" } ] }

For more information, see Step 5: Deploying a configuration in the AWS AppConfig User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use list-environments.


To list the available environments

The following list-environments example lists the available environments in your AWS account for the specified application.

aws appconfig list-environments \ --application-id 339ohji


{ "Items": [ { "ApplicationId": "339ohji", "Id": "54j1r29", "Name": "Example-Environment", "State": "ReadyForDeployment" } ] }

For more information, see Step 2: Creating an environment in the AWS AppConfig User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use list-extension-associations.


To list all AWS AppConfig extension associations in your AWS account for an AWS Region

The following list-extension-associations example lists all AWS AppConfig extension associations for the current AWS account in a specific AWS Region.

aws appconfig list-extension-associations \ --region us-west-2


{ "Items": [ { "Id": "a1b2c3d4", "ExtensionArn": "arn:aws:appconfig:us-west-2:123456789012:extension/S3-backup-extension/1", "ResourceArn": "arn:aws:appconfig:us-west-2:123456789012:application/Finance" } ] }

For more information, see Working with AWS AppConfig extensions in the AWS AppConfig User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use list-extensions.


To list all AWS AppConfig extensions in your AWS account for an AWS Region

The following list-extensions example lists all AWS AppConfig extensions for the current AWS account in a specific AWS Region. The command returns custom and AWS authored extensions.

aws appconfig list-extensions \ --region us-west-2


{ "Items": [ { "Id": "1A2B3C4D", "Name": "S3-backup-extension", "VersionNumber": 1, "Arn": "arn:aws:appconfig:us-west-2:123456789012:extension/1A2B3C4D/1" }, { "Id": "AWS.AppConfig.FeatureFlags", "Name": "AppConfig Feature Flags Helper", "VersionNumber": 1, "Arn": "arn:aws:appconfig:us-west-2::extension/AWS.AppConfig.FeatureFlags/1", "Description": "Validates AppConfig feature flag data automatically against a JSON schema that includes structure and constraints. Also transforms feature flag data prior to sending to the client. This extension is automatically associated to configuration profiles with type \"AWS.AppConfig.FeatureFlags\"." }, { "Id": "AWS.AppConfig.JiraIntegration", "Name": "AppConfig integration with Atlassian Jira", "VersionNumber": 1, "Arn": "arn:aws:appconfig:us-west-2::extension/AWS.AppConfig.JiraIntegration/1", "Description": "Exports feature flag data from AWS AppConfig into Jira. The lifecycle of each feature flag in AppConfig is tracked in Jira as an individual issue. Customers can see in Jira when flags are updated, turned on or off. Works in conjunction with the AppConfig app in the Atlassian Marketplace and is automatically associated to configuration profiles configured within that app." }, { "Id": "AWS.AppConfig.DeploymentNotificationsToEventBridge", "Name": "AppConfig deployment events to Amazon EventBridge", "VersionNumber": 1, "Arn": "arn:aws:appconfig:us-west-2::extension/AWS.AppConfig.DeploymentNotificationsToEventBridge/1", "Description": "Sends events to Amazon EventBridge when a deployment of configuration data in AppConfig is started, completed, or rolled back. Can be associated to the following resources in AppConfig: Application, Environment, Configuration Profile." }, { "Id": "AWS.AppConfig.DeploymentNotificationsToSqs", "Name": "AppConfig deployment events to Amazon SQS", "VersionNumber": 1, "Arn": "arn:aws:appconfig:us-west-2::extension/AWS.AppConfig.DeploymentNotificationsToSqs/1", "Description": "Sends messages to the configured Amazon SQS queue when a deployment of configuration data in AppConfig is started, completed, or rolled back. Can be associated to the following resources in AppConfig: Application, Environment, Configuration Profile." }, { "Id": "AWS.AppConfig.DeploymentNotificationsToSns", "Name": "AppConfig deployment events to Amazon SNS", "VersionNumber": 1, "Description": "Sends events to the configured Amazon SNS topic when a deployment of configuration data in AppConfig is started, completed, or rolled back. Can be associated to the following resources in AppConfig: Application, Environment, Configuration Profile." } ] }

For more information, see Working with AWS AppConfig extensions in the AWS AppConfig User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use list-hosted-configuration-versions.


To list the available hosted configuration versions

The following list-hosted-configuration-versions example lists the configurations versions hosted in the AWS AppConfig hosted configuration store for the specified application and configuration profile.

aws appconfig list-hosted-configuration-versions \ --application-id 339ohji \ --configuration-profile-id ur8hx2f


{ "Items": [ { "ApplicationId": "339ohji", "ConfigurationProfileId": "ur8hx2f", "VersionNumber": 1, "ContentType": "application/json" } ] }

For more information, see About the AWS AppConfig hosted configuration store in the AWS AppConfig User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use list-tags-for-resource.


To list the tags of an application

The following list-tags-for-resource example lists the tags of a specified application.

aws appconfig list-tags-for-resource \ --resource-arn arn:aws:appconfig:us-east-1:682428703967:application/339ohji


{ "Tags": { "group1": "1" } }

For more information, see Step 1: Creating an AWS AppConfig application in the AWS AppConfig User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use start-deployment.


To start a configuration deployment

The following start-deployment example starts a deployment to the application using the specified environment, deployment strategy, and configuration profile.

aws appconfig start-deployment \ --application-id 339ohji \ --environment-id 54j1r29 \ --deployment-strategy-id 1225qzk \ --configuration-profile-id ur8hx2f \ --configuration-version 1


{ "ApplicationId": "339ohji", "EnvironmentId": "54j1r29", "DeploymentStrategyId": "1225qzk", "ConfigurationProfileId": "ur8hx2f", "DeploymentNumber": 1, "ConfigurationName": "Example-Configuration-Profile", "ConfigurationLocationUri": "ssm-parameter://Example-Parameter", "ConfigurationVersion": "1", "DeploymentDurationInMinutes": 15, "GrowthType": "LINEAR", "GrowthFactor": 25.0, "FinalBakeTimeInMinutes": 0, "State": "DEPLOYING", "EventLog": [ { "EventType": "DEPLOYMENT_STARTED", "TriggeredBy": "USER", "Description": "Deployment started", "OccurredAt": "2021-09-17T21:43:54.205000+00:00" } ], "PercentageComplete": 0.0, "StartedAt": "2021-09-17T21:43:54.205000+00:00" }

For more information, see Step 5: Deploying a configuration in the AWS AppConfig User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use stop-deployment.


To stop configuration deployment

The following stop-deployment example stops the deployment of an application configuration to the specified environment.

aws appconfig stop-deployment \ --application-id 339ohji \ --environment-id 54j1r29 \ --deployment-number 2


{ "DeploymentNumber": 0, "DeploymentDurationInMinutes": 0, "GrowthFactor": 0.0, "FinalBakeTimeInMinutes": 0, "PercentageComplete": 0.0 }

For more information, see Step 5: Deploying a configuration in the AWS AppConfig User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use tag-resource.


To tag an application

The following tag-resource example tags an application resource.

aws appconfig tag-resource \ --resource-arn arn:aws:appconfig:us-east-1:682428703967:application/339ohji \ --tags '{"group1" : "1"}'

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Step 1: Creating an AWS AppConfig application in the AWS AppConfig User Guide.

  • For API details, see TagResource in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use untag-resource.


To remove a tag from an application

The following untag-resource example removes the group1 tag from the specified application.

aws appconfig untag-resource \ --resource-arn arn:aws:appconfig:us-east-1:111122223333:application/339ohji \ --tag-keys '["group1"]'

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Step 1: Creating an AWS AppConfig application in the AWS AppConfig User Guide.

  • For API details, see UntagResource in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use update-application.


To update an application

The following update-application example updates the name of the specified application.

aws appconfig update-application \ --application-id 339ohji \ --name "Example-Application"


{ "Id": "339ohji", "Name": "Example-Application", "Description": "An application used for creating an example." }

For more information, see Step 1: Creating an AWS AppConfig application in the AWS AppConfig User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use update-configuration-profile.


To update a configuration profile

The following update-configuration-profile example updates the description of the specified configuration profile.

aws appconfig update-configuration-profile \ --application-id 339ohji \ --configuration-profile-id ur8hx2f \ --description "Configuration profile used for examples."


{ "ApplicationId": "339ohji", "Id": "ur8hx2f", "Name": "Example-Configuration-Profile", "Description": "Configuration profile used for examples.", "LocationUri": "ssm-parameter://Example-Parameter", "RetrievalRoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/Example-App-Config-Role" }

For more information, see Step 3: Creating a configuration and a configuration profile in the AWS AppConfig User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use update-deployment-strategy.


To update a deployment strategy

The following update-deployment-strategy example updates final bake time to 20 minutes in the specified deployment strategy.

aws appconfig update-deployment-strategy \ --deployment-strategy-id 1225qzk \ --final-bake-time-in-minutes 20


{ "Id": "1225qzk", "Name": "Example-Deployment", "DeploymentDurationInMinutes": 15, "GrowthType": "LINEAR", "GrowthFactor": 25.0, "FinalBakeTimeInMinutes": 20, "ReplicateTo": "SSM_DOCUMENT" }

For more information, see Step 4: Creating a deployment strategy in the AWS AppConfig User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use update-environment.


To update an environment

The following update-environment example updates an environment's description.

aws appconfig update-environment \ --application-id 339ohji \ --environment-id 54j1r29 \ --description "An environment for examples."


{ "ApplicationId": "339ohji", "Id": "54j1r29", "Name": "Example-Environment", "Description": "An environment for examples.", "State": "RolledBack" }

For more information, see Step 2: Creating an environment in the AWS AppConfig User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use update-extension-association.


To update an AWS AppConfig extension association

The following update-extension-association example adds a new parameter value to an extension association in AWS AppConfig.

aws appconfig update-extension-association \ --region us-west-2 \ --extension-association-id a1b2c3d4 \ --parameters S3bucket=FinanceMobileApp


{ "Id": "a1b2c3d4", "ExtensionArn": "arn:aws:appconfig:us-west-2:123456789012:extension/S3-backup-extension/1", "ResourceArn": "arn:aws:appconfig:us-west-2:123456789012:application/Finance", "Parameters": { "S3bucket": "FinanceMobileApp" }, "ExtensionVersionNumber": 1 }

For more information, see Working with AWS AppConfig extensions in the AWS AppConfig User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use update-extension.


To update an AWS AppConfig extension

The following update-extension example adds an additional parameter Key to an extension in AWS AppConfig.

aws appconfig update-extension \ --region us-west-2 \ --extension-identifier S3-backup-extension \ --parameters S3bucket={Required=true},CampaignID={Required=false}


{ "Id": "1A2B3C4D", "Name": "S3-backup-extension", "VersionNumber": 1, "Arn": "arn:aws:appconfig:us-west-2:123456789012:extension/1A2B3C4D/1", "Actions": { "PRE_CREATE_HOSTED_CONFIGURATION_VERSION": [ { "Name": "S3backup", "Uri": "arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:123456789012:function:S3backupfunction", "RoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/appconfigextensionrole" } ] }, "Parameters": { "CampaignID": { "Required": false }, "S3bucket": { "Required": true } } }

For more information, see Working with AWS AppConfig extensions in the AWS AppConfig User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use validate-configuration.


To validate a configuration

The following validate-configuration example uses the validators in a configuration profile to validate a configuration.

aws appconfig validate-configuration \ --application-id abc1234 \ --configuration-profile-id ur8hx2f \ --configuration-version 1

The command produces no output.

For more information, see Step 3: Creating a configuration and a configuration profile in the AWS AppConfig User Guide.