IAM examples using AWS CLI - AWS SDK Code Examples

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IAM examples using AWS CLI

The following code examples show you how to perform actions and implement common scenarios by using the AWS Command Line Interface with IAM.

Actions are code excerpts from larger programs and must be run in context. While actions show you how to call individual service functions, you can see actions in context in their related scenarios.

Each example includes a link to the complete source code, where you can find instructions on how to set up and run the code in context.



The following code example shows how to use add-client-id-to-open-id-connect-provider.


To add a client ID (audience) to an Open-ID Connect (OIDC) provider

The following add-client-id-to-open-id-connect-provider command adds the client ID my-application-ID to the OIDC provider named server.example.com.

aws iam add-client-id-to-open-id-connect-provider \ --client-id my-application-ID \ --open-id-connect-provider-arn arn:aws:iam::123456789012:oidc-provider/server.example.com

This command produces no output.

To create an OIDC provider, use the create-open-id-connect-provider command.

For more information, see Creating OpenID Connect (OIDC) identity providers in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use add-role-to-instance-profile.


To add a role to an instance profile

The following add-role-to-instance-profile command adds the role named S3Access to the instance profile named Webserver.

aws iam add-role-to-instance-profile \ --role-name S3Access \ --instance-profile-name Webserver

This command produces no output.

To create an instance profile, use the create-instance-profile command.

For more information, see Using an IAM role to grant permissions to applications running on Amazon EC2 instances in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use add-user-to-group.


To add a user to an IAM group

The following add-user-to-group command adds an IAM user named Bob to the IAM group named Admins.

aws iam add-user-to-group \ --user-name Bob \ --group-name Admins

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Adding and removing users in an IAM user group in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use attach-group-policy.


To attach a managed policy to an IAM group

The following attach-group-policy command attaches the AWS managed policy named ReadOnlyAccess to the IAM group named Finance.

aws iam attach-group-policy \ --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/ReadOnlyAccess \ --group-name Finance

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Managed policies and inline policies in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use attach-role-policy.


To attach a managed policy to an IAM role

The following attach-role-policy command attaches the AWS managed policy named ReadOnlyAccess to the IAM role named ReadOnlyRole.

aws iam attach-role-policy \ --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/ReadOnlyAccess \ --role-name ReadOnlyRole

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Managed policies and inline policies in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use attach-user-policy.


To attach a managed policy to an IAM user

The following attach-user-policy command attaches the AWS managed policy named AdministratorAccess to the IAM user named Alice.

aws iam attach-user-policy \ --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AdministratorAccess \ --user-name Alice

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Managed policies and inline policies in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use change-password.


To change the password for your IAM user

To change the password for your IAM user, we recommend using the --cli-input-json parameter to pass a JSON file that contains your old and new passwords. Using this method, you can use strong passwords with non-alphanumeric characters. It can be difficult to use passwords with non-alphanumeric characters when you pass them as command line parameters. To use the --cli-input-json parameter, start by using the change-password command with the --generate-cli-skeleton parameter, as in the following example.

aws iam change-password \ --generate-cli-skeleton > change-password.json

The previous command creates a JSON file called change-password.json that you can use to fill in your old and new passwords. For example, the file might look like the following.

{ "OldPassword": "3s0K_;xh4~8XXI", "NewPassword": "]35d/{pB9Fo9wJ" }

Next, to change your password, use the change-password command again, this time passing the --cli-input-json parameter to specify your JSON file. The following change-password command uses the --cli-input-json parameter with a JSON file called change-password.json.

aws iam change-password \ --cli-input-json file://change-password.json

This command produces no output.

This command can be called by IAM users only. If this command is called using AWS account (root) credentials, the command returns an InvalidUserType error.

For more information, see How an IAM user changes their own password in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use create-access-key.


To create an access key for an IAM user

The following create-access-key command creates an access key (access key ID and secret access key) for the IAM user named Bob.

aws iam create-access-key \ --user-name Bob


{ "AccessKey": { "UserName": "Bob", "Status": "Active", "CreateDate": "2015-03-09T18:39:23.411Z", "SecretAccessKey": "wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYzEXAMPLEKEY", "AccessKeyId": "AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE" } }

Store the secret access key in a secure location. If it is lost, it cannot be recovered, and you must create a new access key.

For more information, see Managing access keys for IAM users in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use create-account-alias.


To create an account alias

The following create-account-alias command creates the alias examplecorp for your AWS account.

aws iam create-account-alias \ --account-alias examplecorp

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Your AWS account ID and its alias in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use create-group.


To create an IAM group

The following create-group command creates an IAM group named Admins.

aws iam create-group \ --group-name Admins


{ "Group": { "Path": "/", "CreateDate": "2015-03-09T20:30:24.940Z", "GroupId": "AIDGPMS9RO4H3FEXAMPLE", "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:group/Admins", "GroupName": "Admins" } }

For more information, see Creating IAM user groups in the AWS IAM User Guide.

  • For API details, see CreateGroup in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use create-instance-profile.


To create an instance profile

The following create-instance-profile command creates an instance profile named Webserver.

aws iam create-instance-profile \ --instance-profile-name Webserver


{ "InstanceProfile": { "InstanceProfileId": "AIPAJMBYC7DLSPEXAMPLE", "Roles": [], "CreateDate": "2015-03-09T20:33:19.626Z", "InstanceProfileName": "Webserver", "Path": "/", "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:instance-profile/Webserver" } }

To add a role to an instance profile, use the add-role-to-instance-profile command.

For more information, see Using an IAM role to grant permissions to applications running on Amazon EC2 instances in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use create-login-profile.


To create a password for an IAM user

To create a password for an IAM user, we recommend using the --cli-input-json parameter to pass a JSON file that contains the password. Using this method, you can create a strong password with non-alphanumeric characters. It can be difficult to create a password with non-alphanumeric characters when you pass it as a command line parameter.

To use the --cli-input-json parameter, start by using the create-login-profile command with the --generate-cli-skeleton parameter, as in the following example.

aws iam create-login-profile \ --generate-cli-skeleton > create-login-profile.json

The previous command creates a JSON file called create-login-profile.json that you can use to fill in the information for a subsequent create-login-profile command. For example:

{ "UserName": "Bob", "Password": "&1-3a6u:RA0djs", "PasswordResetRequired": true }

Next, to create a password for an IAM user, use the create-login-profile command again, this time passing the --cli-input-json parameter to specify your JSON file. The following create-login-profile command uses the --cli-input-json parameter with a JSON file called create-login-profile.json.

aws iam create-login-profile \ --cli-input-json file://create-login-profile.json


{ "LoginProfile": { "UserName": "Bob", "CreateDate": "2015-03-10T20:55:40.274Z", "PasswordResetRequired": true } }

If the new password violates the account password policy, the command returns a PasswordPolicyViolation error.

To change the password for a user that already has one, use update-login-profile. To set a password policy for the account, use the update-account-password-policy command.

If the account password policy allows them to, IAM users can change their own passwords using the change-password command.

For more information, see Managing passwords for IAM users in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use create-open-id-connect-provider.


To create an OpenID Connect (OIDC) provider

To create an OpenID Connect (OIDC) provider, we recommend using the --cli-input-json parameter to pass a JSON file that contains the required parameters. When you create an OIDC provider, you must pass the URL of the provider, and the URL must begin with https://. It can be difficult to pass the URL as a command line parameter, because the colon (:) and forward slash (/) characters have special meaning in some command line environments. Using the --cli-input-json parameter gets around this limitation.

To use the --cli-input-json parameter, start by using the create-open-id-connect-provider command with the --generate-cli-skeleton parameter, as in the following example.

aws iam create-open-id-connect-provider \ --generate-cli-skeleton > create-open-id-connect-provider.json

The previous command creates a JSON file called create-open-id-connect-provider.json that you can use to fill in the information for a subsequent create-open-id-connect-provider command. For example:

{ "Url": "https://server.example.com", "ClientIDList": [ "example-application-ID" ], "ThumbprintList": [ "c3768084dfb3d2b68b7897bf5f565da8eEXAMPLE" ] }

Next, to create the OpenID Connect (OIDC) provider, use the create-open-id-connect-provider command again, this time passing the --cli-input-json parameter to specify your JSON file. The following create-open-id-connect-provider command uses the --cli-input-json parameter with a JSON file called create-open-id-connect-provider.json.

aws iam create-open-id-connect-provider \ --cli-input-json file://create-open-id-connect-provider.json


{ "OpenIDConnectProviderArn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:oidc-provider/server.example.com" }

For more information about OIDC providers, see Creating OpenID Connect (OIDC) identity providers in the AWS IAM User Guide.

For more information about obtaining thumbprints for an OIDC provider, see Obtaining the thumbprint for an OpenID Connect Identity Provider in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use create-policy-version.


To create a new version of a managed policy

This example creates a new v2 version of the IAM policy whose ARN is arn:aws:iam::123456789012:policy/MyPolicy and makes it the default version.

aws iam create-policy-version \ --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::123456789012:policy/MyPolicy \ --policy-document file://NewPolicyVersion.json \ --set-as-default


{ "PolicyVersion": { "CreateDate": "2015-06-16T18:56:03.721Z", "VersionId": "v2", "IsDefaultVersion": true } }

For more information, see Versioning IAM policies in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use create-policy.


Example 1: To create a customer managed policy

The following command creates a customer managed policy named my-policy. The file policy.json is a JSON document in the current folder that grants read only access to the shared folder in an Amazon S3 bucket named amzn-s3-demo-bucket.

aws iam create-policy \ --policy-name my-policy \ --policy-document file://policy.json

Contents of policy.json:

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "s3:Get*", "s3:List*" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:s3:::amzn-s3-demo-bucket/shared/*" ] } ] }


{ "Policy": { "PolicyName": "my-policy", "CreateDate": "2015-06-01T19:31:18.620Z", "AttachmentCount": 0, "IsAttachable": true, "PolicyId": "ZXR6A36LTYANPAI7NJ5UV", "DefaultVersionId": "v1", "Path": "/", "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::0123456789012:policy/my-policy", "UpdateDate": "2015-06-01T19:31:18.620Z" } }

For more information on using files as input for string parameters, see Specify parameter values for the AWS CLI in the AWS CLI User Guide.

Example 2: To create a customer managed policy with a description

The following command creates a customer managed policy named my-policy with an immutable description.

The file policy.json is a JSON document in the current folder that grants access to all Put, List, and Get actions for an Amazon S3 bucket named amzn-s3-demo-bucket.

aws iam create-policy \ --policy-name my-policy \ --policy-document file://policy.json \ --description "This policy grants access to all Put, Get, and List actions for amzn-s3-demo-bucket"

Contents of policy.json:

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "s3:ListBucket*", "s3:PutBucket*", "s3:GetBucket*" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:s3:::amzn-s3-demo-bucket" ] } ] }


{ "Policy": { "PolicyName": "my-policy", "PolicyId": "ANPAWGSUGIDPEXAMPLE", "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:policy/my-policy", "Path": "/", "DefaultVersionId": "v1", "AttachmentCount": 0, "PermissionsBoundaryUsageCount": 0, "IsAttachable": true, "CreateDate": "2023-05-24T22:38:47+00:00", "UpdateDate": "2023-05-24T22:38:47+00:00" } }

For more information on Idenity-based Policies, see Identity-based policies and resource-based policies in the AWS IAM User Guide.

Example 3: To create a customer managed policy with tags

The following command creates a customer managed policy named my-policy with tags. This example uses the --tags parameter with the following JSON-formatted tags: '{"Key": "Department", "Value": "Accounting"}' '{"Key": "Location", "Value": "Seattle"}'. Alternatively, the --tags parameter can be used with tags in the shorthand format: 'Key=Department,Value=Accounting Key=Location,Value=Seattle'.

The file policy.json is a JSON document in the current folder that grants access to all Put, List, and Get actions for an Amazon S3 bucket named amzn-s3-demo-bucket.

aws iam create-policy \ --policy-name my-policy \ --policy-document file://policy.json \ --tags '{"Key": "Department", "Value": "Accounting"}' '{"Key": "Location", "Value": "Seattle"}'

Contents of policy.json:

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "s3:ListBucket*", "s3:PutBucket*", "s3:GetBucket*" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:s3:::amzn-s3-demo-bucket" ] } ] }


{ "Policy": { "PolicyName": "my-policy", "PolicyId": "ANPAWGSUGIDPEXAMPLE", "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::12345678012:policy/my-policy", "Path": "/", "DefaultVersionId": "v1", "AttachmentCount": 0, "PermissionsBoundaryUsageCount": 0, "IsAttachable": true, "CreateDate": "2023-05-24T23:16:39+00:00", "UpdateDate": "2023-05-24T23:16:39+00:00", "Tags": [ { "Key": "Department", "Value": "Accounting" }, "Key": "Location", "Value": "Seattle" { ] } }

For more information on Tagging policies, see Tagging customer managed policies in the AWS IAM User Guide.

  • For API details, see CreatePolicy in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use create-role.


Example 1: To create an IAM role

The following create-role command creates a role named Test-Role and attaches a trust policy to it.

aws iam create-role \ --role-name Test-Role \ --assume-role-policy-document file://Test-Role-Trust-Policy.json


{ "Role": { "AssumeRolePolicyDocument": "<URL-encoded-JSON>", "RoleId": "AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE", "CreateDate": "2013-06-07T20:43:32.821Z", "RoleName": "Test-Role", "Path": "/", "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/Test-Role" } }

The trust policy is defined as a JSON document in the Test-Role-Trust-Policy.json file. (The file name and extension do not have significance.) The trust policy must specify a principal.

To attach a permissions policy to a role, use the put-role-policy command.

For more information, see Creating IAM roles in the AWS IAM User Guide.

Example 2: To create an IAM role with specified maximum session duration

The following create-role command creates a role named Test-Role and sets a maximum session duration of 7200 seconds (2 hours).

aws iam create-role \ --role-name Test-Role \ --assume-role-policy-document file://Test-Role-Trust-Policy.json \ --max-session-duration 7200


{ "Role": { "Path": "/", "RoleName": "Test-Role", "RoleId": "AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE", "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::12345678012:role/Test-Role", "CreateDate": "2023-05-24T23:50:25+00:00", "AssumeRolePolicyDocument": { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "Statement1", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::12345678012:root" }, "Action": "sts:AssumeRole" } ] } } }

For more information, see Modifying a role maximum session duration (AWS API) in the AWS IAM User Guide.

Example 3: To create an IAM Role with tags

The following command creates an IAM Role Test-Role with tags. This example uses the --tags parameter flag with the following JSON-formatted tags: '{"Key": "Department", "Value": "Accounting"}' '{"Key": "Location", "Value": "Seattle"}'. Alternatively, the --tags flag can be used with tags in the shorthand format: 'Key=Department,Value=Accounting Key=Location,Value=Seattle'.

aws iam create-role \ --role-name Test-Role \ --assume-role-policy-document file://Test-Role-Trust-Policy.json \ --tags '{"Key": "Department", "Value": "Accounting"}' '{"Key": "Location", "Value": "Seattle"}'


{ "Role": { "Path": "/", "RoleName": "Test-Role", "RoleId": "AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE", "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/Test-Role", "CreateDate": "2023-05-25T23:29:41+00:00", "AssumeRolePolicyDocument": { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "Statement1", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:root" }, "Action": "sts:AssumeRole" } ] }, "Tags": [ { "Key": "Department", "Value": "Accounting" }, { "Key": "Location", "Value": "Seattle" } ] } }

For more information, see Tagging IAM roles in the AWS IAM User Guide.

  • For API details, see CreateRole in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use create-saml-provider.


To create a SAML provider

This example creates a new SAML provider in IAM named MySAMLProvider. It is described by the SAML metadata document found in the file SAMLMetaData.xml.

aws iam create-saml-provider \ --saml-metadata-document file://SAMLMetaData.xml \ --name MySAMLProvider


{ "SAMLProviderArn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:saml-provider/MySAMLProvider" }

For more information, see Creating IAM SAML identity providers in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use create-service-linked-role.


To create a service-linked role

The following create-service-linked-role example creates a service-linked role for the specified AWS service and attaches the specified description.

aws iam create-service-linked-role \ --aws-service-name lex.amazonaws.com \ --description "My service-linked role to support Lex"


{ "Role": { "Path": "/aws-service-role/lex.amazonaws.com/", "RoleName": "AWSServiceRoleForLexBots", "RoleId": "AROA1234567890EXAMPLE", "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::1234567890:role/aws-service-role/lex.amazonaws.com/AWSServiceRoleForLexBots", "CreateDate": "2019-04-17T20:34:14+00:00", "AssumeRolePolicyDocument": { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Action": [ "sts:AssumeRole" ], "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service": [ "lex.amazonaws.com" ] } } ] } } }

For more information, see Using service-linked roles in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use create-service-specific-credential.


Create a set of service-specific credentials for a user

The following create-service-specific-credential example creates a username and password that can be used to access only the configured service.

aws iam create-service-specific-credential \ --user-name sofia \ --service-name codecommit.amazonaws.com


{ "ServiceSpecificCredential": { "CreateDate": "2019-04-18T20:45:36+00:00", "ServiceName": "codecommit.amazonaws.com", "ServiceUserName": "sofia-at-123456789012", "ServicePassword": "k1zPZM6uVxMQ3oxqgoYlNuJPyRTZ1vREs76zTQE3eJk=", "ServiceSpecificCredentialId": "ACCAEXAMPLE123EXAMPLE", "UserName": "sofia", "Status": "Active" } }

For more information, see Create Git credentials for HTTPS connections to CodeCommit in the AWS CodeCommit User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use create-user.


Example 1: To create an IAM user

The following create-user command creates an IAM user named Bob in the current account.

aws iam create-user \ --user-name Bob


{ "User": { "UserName": "Bob", "Path": "/", "CreateDate": "2023-06-08T03:20:41.270Z", "UserId": "AIDAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE", "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/Bob" } }

For more information, see Creating an IAM user in your AWS account in the AWS IAM User Guide.

Example 2: To create an IAM user at a specified path

The following create-user command creates an IAM user named Bob at the specified path.

aws iam create-user \ --user-name Bob \ --path /division_abc/subdivision_xyz/


{ "User": { "Path": "/division_abc/subdivision_xyz/", "UserName": "Bob", "UserId": "AIDAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE", "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::12345678012:user/division_abc/subdivision_xyz/Bob", "CreateDate": "2023-05-24T18:20:17+00:00" } }

For more information, see IAM identifiers in the AWS IAM User Guide.

Example 3: To Create an IAM User with tags

The following create-user command creates an IAM user named Bob with tags. This example uses the --tags parameter flag with the following JSON-formatted tags: '{"Key": "Department", "Value": "Accounting"}' '{"Key": "Location", "Value": "Seattle"}'. Alternatively, the --tags flag can be used with tags in the shorthand format: 'Key=Department,Value=Accounting Key=Location,Value=Seattle'.

aws iam create-user \ --user-name Bob \ --tags '{"Key": "Department", "Value": "Accounting"}' '{"Key": "Location", "Value": "Seattle"}'


{ "User": { "Path": "/", "UserName": "Bob", "UserId": "AIDAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE", "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::12345678012:user/Bob", "CreateDate": "2023-05-25T17:14:21+00:00", "Tags": [ { "Key": "Department", "Value": "Accounting" }, { "Key": "Location", "Value": "Seattle" } ] } }

For more information, see Tagging IAM users in the AWS IAM User Guide.

Example 3: To create an IAM user with a set permissions boundary

The following create-user command creates an IAM user named Bob with the permissions boundary of AmazonS3FullAccess.

aws iam create-user \ --user-name Bob \ --permissions-boundary arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonS3FullAccess


{ "User": { "Path": "/", "UserName": "Bob", "UserId": "AIDAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE", "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::12345678012:user/Bob", "CreateDate": "2023-05-24T17:50:53+00:00", "PermissionsBoundary": { "PermissionsBoundaryType": "Policy", "PermissionsBoundaryArn": "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonS3FullAccess" } } }

For more information, see Permissions boundaries for IAM entities in the AWS IAM User Guide.

  • For API details, see CreateUser in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use create-virtual-mfa-device.


To create a virtual MFA device

This example creates a new virtual MFA device called BobsMFADevice. It creates a file that contains bootstrap information called QRCode.png and places it in the C:/ directory. The bootstrap method used in this example is QRCodePNG.

aws iam create-virtual-mfa-device \ --virtual-mfa-device-name BobsMFADevice \ --outfile C:/QRCode.png \ --bootstrap-method QRCodePNG


{ "VirtualMFADevice": { "SerialNumber": "arn:aws:iam::210987654321:mfa/BobsMFADevice" }

For more information, see Using multi-factor authentication (MFA) in AWS in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use deactivate-mfa-device.


To deactivate an MFA device

This command deactivates the virtual MFA device with the ARN arn:aws:iam::210987654321:mfa/BobsMFADevice that is associated with the user Bob.

aws iam deactivate-mfa-device \ --user-name Bob \ --serial-number arn:aws:iam::210987654321:mfa/BobsMFADevice

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Using multi-factor authentication (MFA) in AWS in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use decode-authorization-message.


To decode a authorization failure message

The following decode-authorization-message example decodes the message returned by the EC2 console when attempting to launch an instance without the required permissions.

aws sts decode-authorization-message \ --encoded-message lxzA8VEjEvu-s0TTt3PgYCXik9YakOqsrFJGRZR98xNcyWAxwRq14xIvd-npzbgTevuufCTbjeBAaDARg9cbTK1rJbg3awM33o-Vy3ebPErE2-mWR9hVYdvX-0zKgVOWF9pWjZaJSMqxB-aLXo-I_8TTvBq88x8IFPbMArNdpu0IjxDjzf22PF3SOE3XvIQ-_PEO0aUqHCCcsSrFtvxm6yQD1nbm6VTIVrfa0Bzy8lsoMo7SjIaJ2r5vph6SY5vCCwg6o2JKe3hIHTa8zRrDbZSFMkcXOT6EOPkQXmaBsAC6ciG7Pz1JnEOvuj5NSTlSMljrAXczWuRKAs5GsMYiU8KZXZhokVzdQCUZkS5aVHumZbadu0io53jpgZqhMqvS4fyfK4auK0yKRMtS6JCXPlhkolEs7ZMFA0RVkutqhQqpSDPB5SX5l00lYipWyFK0_AyAx60vumPuVh8P0AzXwdFsT0l4D0m42NFIKxbWXsoJdqaOqVFyFEd0-Xx9AYAAIr6bhcis7C__bZh4dlAAWooHFGKgfoJcWGwgdzgbu9hWyVvKTpeot5hsb8qANYjJRCPXTKpi6PZfdijIkwb6gDMEsJ9qMtr62qP_989mwmtNgnVvBa_ir6oxJxVe_kL9SH1j5nsGDxQFajvPQhxWOHvEQIg_H0bnKWk

The output is formatted as a single-line string of JSON text that you can parse with any JSON text processor.

{ "DecodedMessage": "{\"allowed\":false,\"explicitDeny\":false,\"matchedStatements\":{\"items\":[]},\"failures\":{\"items\":[]},\"context\":{\"principal\":{\"id\":\"AIDAV3ZUEFP6J7GY7O6LO\",\"name\":\"chain-user\",\"arn\":\"arn:aws:iam::403299380220:user/chain-user\"},\"action\":\"ec2:RunInstances\",\"resource\":\"arn:aws:ec2:us-east-2:403299380220:instance/*\",\"conditions\":{\"items\":[{\"key\":\"ec2:InstanceMarketType\",\"values\":{\"items\":[{\"value\":\"on-demand\"}]}},{\"key\":\"aws:Resource\",\"values\":{\"items\":[{\"value\":\"instance/*\"}]}},{\"key\":\"aws:Account\",\"values\":{\"items\":[{\"value\":\"403299380220\"}]}},{\"key\":\"ec2:AvailabilityZone\",\"values\":{\"items\":[{\"value\":\"us-east-2b\"}]}},{\"key\":\"ec2:ebsOptimized\",\"values\":{\"items\":[{\"value\":\"false\"}]}},{\"key\":\"ec2:IsLaunchTemplateResource\",\"values\":{\"items\":[{\"value\":\"false\"}]}},{\"key\":\"ec2:InstanceType\",\"values\":{\"items\":[{\"value\":\"t2.micro\"}]}},{\"key\":\"ec2:RootDeviceType\",\"values\":{\"items\":[{\"value\":\"ebs\"}]}},{\"key\":\"aws:Region\",\"values\":{\"items\":[{\"value\":\"us-east-2\"}]}},{\"key\":\"aws:Service\",\"values\":{\"items\":[{\"value\":\"ec2\"}]}},{\"key\":\"ec2:InstanceID\",\"values\":{\"items\":[{\"value\":\"*\"}]}},{\"key\":\"aws:Type\",\"values\":{\"items\":[{\"value\":\"instance\"}]}},{\"key\":\"ec2:Tenancy\",\"values\":{\"items\":[{\"value\":\"default\"}]}},{\"key\":\"ec2:Region\",\"values\":{\"items\":[{\"value\":\"us-east-2\"}]}},{\"key\":\"aws:ARN\",\"values\":{\"items\":[{\"value\":\"arn:aws:ec2:us-east-2:403299380220:instance/*\"}]}}]}}}" }

For more information, see How can I decode an authorization failure message after receiving an "UnauthorizedOperation" error during an EC2 instance launch? in AWS re:Post.

The following code example shows how to use delete-access-key.


To delete an access key for an IAM user

The following delete-access-key command deletes the specified access key (access key ID and secret access key) for the IAM user named Bob.

aws iam delete-access-key \ --access-key-id AKIDPMS9RO4H3FEXAMPLE \ --user-name Bob

This command produces no output.

To list the access keys defined for an IAM user, use the list-access-keys command.

For more information, see Managing access keys for IAM users in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use delete-account-alias.


To delete an account alias

The following delete-account-alias command removes the alias mycompany for the current account.

aws iam delete-account-alias \ --account-alias mycompany

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Your AWS account ID and its alias in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use delete-account-password-policy.


To delete the current account password policy

The following delete-account-password-policy command removes the password policy for the current account.

aws iam delete-account-password-policy

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Setting an account password policy for IAM users in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use delete-group-policy.


To delete a policy from an IAM group

The following delete-group-policy command deletes the policy named ExamplePolicy from the group named Admins.

aws iam delete-group-policy \ --group-name Admins \ --policy-name ExamplePolicy

This command produces no output.

To see the policies attached to a group, use the list-group-policies command.

For more information, see Managing IAM policies in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use delete-group.


To delete an IAM group

The following delete-group command deletes an IAM group named MyTestGroup.

aws iam delete-group \ --group-name MyTestGroup

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Deleting an IAM user group in the AWS IAM User Guide.

  • For API details, see DeleteGroup in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use delete-instance-profile.


To delete an instance profile

The following delete-instance-profile command deletes the instance profile named ExampleInstanceProfile.

aws iam delete-instance-profile \ --instance-profile-name ExampleInstanceProfile

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Using instance profiles in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use delete-login-profile.


To delete a password for an IAM user

The following delete-login-profile command deletes the password for the IAM user named Bob.

aws iam delete-login-profile \ --user-name Bob

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Managing passwords for IAM users in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use delete-open-id-connect-provider.


To delete an IAM OpenID Connect identity provider

This example deletes the IAM OIDC provider that connects to the provider example.oidcprovider.com.

aws iam delete-open-id-connect-provider \ --open-id-connect-provider-arn arn:aws:iam::123456789012:oidc-provider/example.oidcprovider.com

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Creating OpenID Connect (OIDC) identity providers in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use delete-policy-version.


To delete a version of a managed policy

This example deletes the version identified as v2 from the policy whose ARN is arn:aws:iam::123456789012:policy/MySamplePolicy.

aws iam delete-policy-version \ --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::123456789012:policy/MyPolicy \ --version-id v2

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Policies and permissions in IAM in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use delete-policy.


To delete an IAM policy

This example deletes the policy whose ARN is arn:aws:iam::123456789012:policy/MySamplePolicy.

aws iam delete-policy \ --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::123456789012:policy/MySamplePolicy

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Policies and permissions in IAM in the AWS IAM User Guide.

  • For API details, see DeletePolicy in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use delete-role-permissions-boundary.


To delete a permissions boundary from an IAM role

The following delete-role-permissions-boundary example deletes the permissions boundary for the specified IAM role. To apply a permissions boundary to a role, use the put-role-permissions-boundary command.

aws iam delete-role-permissions-boundary \ --role-name lambda-application-role

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Policies and permissions in IAM in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use delete-role-policy.


To remove a policy from an IAM role

The following delete-role-policy command removes the policy named ExamplePolicy from the role named Test-Role.

aws iam delete-role-policy \ --role-name Test-Role \ --policy-name ExamplePolicy

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Modifying a role in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use delete-role.


To delete an IAM role

The following delete-role command removes the role named Test-Role.

aws iam delete-role \ --role-name Test-Role

This command produces no output.

Before you can delete a role, you must remove the role from any instance profile (remove-role-from-instance-profile), detach any managed policies (detach-role-policy) and delete any inline policies that are attached to the role (delete-role-policy).

For more information, see Creating IAM roles and Using instance profiles in the AWS IAM User Guide.

  • For API details, see DeleteRole in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use delete-saml-provider.


To delete a SAML provider

This example deletes the IAM SAML 2.0 provider whose ARN is arn:aws:iam::123456789012:saml-provider/SAMLADFSProvider.

aws iam delete-saml-provider \ --saml-provider-arn arn:aws:iam::123456789012:saml-provider/SAMLADFSProvider

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Creating IAM SAML identity providers in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use delete-server-certificate.


To delete a server certificate from your AWS account

The following delete-server-certificate command removes the specified server certificate from your AWS account.

aws iam delete-server-certificate \ --server-certificate-name myUpdatedServerCertificate

This command produces no output.

To list the server certificates available in your AWS account, use the list-server-certificates command.

For more information, see Managing server certificates in IAM in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use delete-service-linked-role.


To delete a service-linked role

The following delete-service-linked-role example deletes the specified service-linked role that you no longer need. The deletion happens asynchronously. You can check the status of the deletion and confirm when it is done by using the get-service-linked-role-deletion-status command.

aws iam delete-service-linked-role \ --role-name AWSServiceRoleForLexBots


{ "DeletionTaskId": "task/aws-service-role/lex.amazonaws.com/AWSServiceRoleForLexBots/1a2b3c4d-1234-abcd-7890-abcdeEXAMPLE" }

For more information, see Using service-linked roles in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use delete-service-specific-credential.


Example 1: Delete a service-specific credential for the requesting user

The following delete-service-specific-credential example deletes the specified service-specific credential for the user making the request. The service-specific-credential-id is provided when you create the credential and you can retrieve it by using the list-service-specific-credentials command.

aws iam delete-service-specific-credential \ --service-specific-credential-id ACCAEXAMPLE123EXAMPLE

This command produces no output.

Example 2: Delete a service-specific credential for a specified user

The following delete-service-specific-credential example deletes the specified service-specific credential for the specified user. The service-specific-credential-id is provided when you create the credential and you can retrieve it by using the list-service-specific-credentials command.

aws iam delete-service-specific-credential \ --user-name sofia \ --service-specific-credential-id ACCAEXAMPLE123EXAMPLE

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Create Git credentials for HTTPS connections to CodeCommit in the AWS CodeCommit User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use delete-signing-certificate.


To delete a signing certificate for an IAM user

The following delete-signing-certificate command deletes the specified signing certificate for the IAM user named Bob.

aws iam delete-signing-certificate \ --user-name Bob \ --certificate-id TA7SMP42TDN5Z26OBPJE7EXAMPLE

This command produces no output.

To get the ID for a signing certificate, use the list-signing-certificates command.

For more information, see Manage signing certificates in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use delete-ssh-public-key.


To delete an SSH public keys attached to an IAM user

The following delete-ssh-public-key command deletes the specified SSH public key attached to the IAM user sofia.

aws iam delete-ssh-public-key \ --user-name sofia \ --ssh-public-key-id APKA123456789EXAMPLE

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Use SSH keys and SSH with CodeCommit in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use delete-user-permissions-boundary.


To delete a permissions boundary from an IAM user

The following delete-user-permissions-boundary example deletes the permissions boundary attached to the IAM user named intern. To apply a permissions boundary to a user, use the put-user-permissions-boundary command.

aws iam delete-user-permissions-boundary \ --user-name intern

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Policies and permissions in IAM in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use delete-user-policy.


To remove a policy from an IAM user

The following delete-user-policy command removes the specified policy from the IAM user named Bob.

aws iam delete-user-policy \ --user-name Bob \ --policy-name ExamplePolicy

This command produces no output.

To get a list of policies for an IAM user, use the list-user-policies command.

For more information, see Creating an IAM user in your AWS account in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use delete-user.


To delete an IAM user

The following delete-user command removes the IAM user named Bob from the current account.

aws iam delete-user \ --user-name Bob

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Deleting an IAM user in the AWS IAM User Guide.

  • For API details, see DeleteUser in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use delete-virtual-mfa-device.


To remove a virtual MFA device

The following delete-virtual-mfa-device command removes the specified MFA device from the current account.

aws iam delete-virtual-mfa-device \ --serial-number arn:aws:iam::123456789012:mfa/MFATest

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Deactivating MFA devices in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use detach-group-policy.


To detach a policy from a group

This example removes the managed policy with the ARN arn:aws:iam::123456789012:policy/TesterAccessPolicy from the group called Testers.

aws iam detach-group-policy \ --group-name Testers \ --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::123456789012:policy/TesterAccessPolicy

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Managing IAM user groups in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use detach-role-policy.


To detach a policy from a role

This example removes the managed policy with the ARN arn:aws:iam::123456789012:policy/FederatedTesterAccessPolicy from the role called FedTesterRole.

aws iam detach-role-policy \ --role-name FedTesterRole \ --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::123456789012:policy/FederatedTesterAccessPolicy

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Modifying a role in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use detach-user-policy.


To detach a policy from a user

This example removes the managed policy with the ARN arn:aws:iam::123456789012:policy/TesterPolicy from the user Bob.

aws iam detach-user-policy \ --user-name Bob \ --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::123456789012:policy/TesterPolicy

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Changing permissions for an IAM user in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use disable-organizations-root-credentials-management.


To disable the RootCredentialsManagement feature in your organization

The following disable-organizations-root-credentials-management command disables the management of privileged root user credentials across member accounts in your organization.

aws iam disable-organizations-root-credentials-management


{ "EnabledFeatures": [ "RootSessions" ] "OrganizationId": "o-aa111bb222" }

For more information, see Centralize root access for member accounts in the AWS IAM User Guide.g

The following code example shows how to use disable-organizations-root-sessions.


To disable the RootSessions feature in your organization

The following disable-organizations-root-sessions command disables root user sessions for privileged tasks across member accounts in your organization.

aws iam disable-organizations-root-sessions


{ "EnabledFeatures": [ "RootCredentialsManagement" ] "OrganizationId": "o-aa111bb222" }

For more information, see Centralize root access for member accounts in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use enable-mfa-device.


To enable an MFA device

After you use the create-virtual-mfa-device command to create a new virtual MFA device, you can assign the MFA device to a user. The following enable-mfa-device example assigns the MFA device with the serial number arn:aws:iam::210987654321:mfa/BobsMFADevice to the user Bob. The command also synchronizes the device with AWS by including the first two codes in sequence from the virtual MFA device.

aws iam enable-mfa-device \ --user-name Bob \ --serial-number arn:aws:iam::210987654321:mfa/BobsMFADevice \ --authentication-code1 123456 \ --authentication-code2 789012

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Enabling a virtual multi-factor authentication (MFA) device in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use enable-organizations-root-credentials-management.


To enable the RootCredentialsManagement feature in your organization

The following enable-organizations-root-credentials-management command enables the management of privileged root user credentials across member accounts in your organization.

aws iam enable-organizations-root-credentials-management


{ "EnabledFeatures": [ "RootCredentialsManagement" ] "OrganizationId": "o-aa111bb222" }

For more information, see Centralize root access for member accounts in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use enable-organizations-root-sessions.


To enable the RootSessions feature in your organization

The following enable-organizations-root-sessions command allows the management account or delegated administrator to perform privileged tasks on member accounts in your organization.

aws iam enable-organizations-root-sessions


{ "EnabledFeatures": [ "RootSessions" ] "OrganizationId": "o-aa111bb222" }

For more information, see Centralize root access for member accounts in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use generate-credential-report.


To generate a credential report

The following example attempts to generate a credential report for the AWS account.

aws iam generate-credential-report


{ "State": "STARTED", "Description": "No report exists. Starting a new report generation task" }

For more information, see Getting credential reports for your AWS account in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use generate-organizations-access-report.


Example 1: To generate an access report for a root in an organization

The following generate-organizations-access-report example starts a background job to create an access report for the specified root in an organization. You can display the report after it's created by running the get-organizations-access-report command.

aws iam generate-organizations-access-report \ --entity-path o-4fxmplt198/r-c3xb


{ "JobId": "a8b6c06f-aaa4-8xmp-28bc-81da71836359" }

Example 2: To generate an access report for an account in an organization

The following generate-organizations-access-report example starts a background job to create an access report for account ID 123456789012 in the organization o-4fxmplt198. You can display the report after it's created by running the get-organizations-access-report command.

aws iam generate-organizations-access-report \ --entity-path o-4fxmplt198/r-c3xb/123456789012


{ "JobId": "14b6c071-75f6-2xmp-fb77-faf6fb4201d2" }

Example 3: To generate an access report for an account in an organizational unit in an organization

The following generate-organizations-access-report example starts a background job to create an access report for account ID 234567890123 in organizational unit ou-c3xb-lmu7j2yg in the organization o-4fxmplt198. You can display the report after it's created by running the get-organizations-access-report command.

aws iam generate-organizations-access-report \ --entity-path o-4fxmplt198/r-c3xb/ou-c3xb-lmu7j2yg/234567890123


{ "JobId": "2eb6c2e6-0xmp-ec04-1425-c937916a64af" }

To get details about roots and organizational units in your organization, use the organizations list-roots and organizations list-organizational-units-for-parent commands.

For more information, see Refining permissions in AWS using last accessed information in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use generate-service-last-accessed-details.


Example 1: To generate a service access report for a custom policy

The following generate-service-last-accessed-details example starts a background job to generate a report that lists the services accessed by IAM users and other entities with a custom policy named intern-boundary. You can display the report after it is created by running the get-service-last-accessed-details command.

aws iam generate-service-last-accessed-details \ --arn arn:aws:iam::123456789012:policy/intern-boundary


{ "JobId": "2eb6c2b8-7b4c-3xmp-3c13-03b72c8cdfdc" }

Example 2: To generate a service access report for the AWS managed AdministratorAccess policy

The following generate-service-last-accessed-details example starts a background job to generate a report that lists the services accessed by IAM users and other entities with the AWS managed AdministratorAccess policy. You can display the report after it is created by running the get-service-last-accessed-details command.

aws iam generate-service-last-accessed-details \ --arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AdministratorAccess


{ "JobId": "78b6c2ba-d09e-6xmp-7039-ecde30b26916" }

For more information, see Refining permissions in AWS using last accessed information in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use get-access-key-last-used.


To retrieve information about when the specified access key was last used

The following example retrieves information about when the access key ABCDEXAMPLE was last used.

aws iam get-access-key-last-used \ --access-key-id ABCDEXAMPLE


{ "UserName": "Bob", "AccessKeyLastUsed": { "Region": "us-east-1", "ServiceName": "iam", "LastUsedDate": "2015-06-16T22:45:00Z" } }

For more information, see Managing access keys for IAM users in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use get-account-authorization-details.


To list an AWS account's IAM users, groups, roles, and policies

The following get-account-authorization-details command returns information about all IAM users, groups, roles, and policies in the AWS account.

aws iam get-account-authorization-details


{ "RoleDetailList": [ { "AssumeRolePolicyDocument": { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service": "ec2.amazonaws.com" }, "Action": "sts:AssumeRole" } ] }, "RoleId": "AROA1234567890EXAMPLE", "CreateDate": "2014-07-30T17:09:20Z", "InstanceProfileList": [ { "InstanceProfileId": "AIPA1234567890EXAMPLE", "Roles": [ { "AssumeRolePolicyDocument": { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service": "ec2.amazonaws.com" }, "Action": "sts:AssumeRole" } ] }, "RoleId": "AROA1234567890EXAMPLE", "CreateDate": "2014-07-30T17:09:20Z", "RoleName": "EC2role", "Path": "/", "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/EC2role" } ], "CreateDate": "2014-07-30T17:09:20Z", "InstanceProfileName": "EC2role", "Path": "/", "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:instance-profile/EC2role" } ], "RoleName": "EC2role", "Path": "/", "AttachedManagedPolicies": [ { "PolicyName": "AmazonS3FullAccess", "PolicyArn": "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonS3FullAccess" }, { "PolicyName": "AmazonDynamoDBFullAccess", "PolicyArn": "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonDynamoDBFullAccess" } ], "RoleLastUsed": { "Region": "us-west-2", "LastUsedDate": "2019-11-13T17:30:00Z" }, "RolePolicyList": [], "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/EC2role" } ], "GroupDetailList": [ { "GroupId": "AIDA1234567890EXAMPLE", "AttachedManagedPolicies": { "PolicyName": "AdministratorAccess", "PolicyArn": "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AdministratorAccess" }, "GroupName": "Admins", "Path": "/", "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:group/Admins", "CreateDate": "2013-10-14T18:32:24Z", "GroupPolicyList": [] }, { "GroupId": "AIDA1234567890EXAMPLE", "AttachedManagedPolicies": { "PolicyName": "PowerUserAccess", "PolicyArn": "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/PowerUserAccess" }, "GroupName": "Dev", "Path": "/", "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:group/Dev", "CreateDate": "2013-10-14T18:33:55Z", "GroupPolicyList": [] }, { "GroupId": "AIDA1234567890EXAMPLE", "AttachedManagedPolicies": [], "GroupName": "Finance", "Path": "/", "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:group/Finance", "CreateDate": "2013-10-14T18:57:48Z", "GroupPolicyList": [ { "PolicyName": "policygen-201310141157", "PolicyDocument": { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Action": "aws-portal:*", "Sid": "Stmt1381777017000", "Resource": "*", "Effect": "Allow" } ] } } ] } ], "UserDetailList": [ { "UserName": "Alice", "GroupList": [ "Admins" ], "CreateDate": "2013-10-14T18:32:24Z", "UserId": "AIDA1234567890EXAMPLE", "UserPolicyList": [], "Path": "/", "AttachedManagedPolicies": [], "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/Alice" }, { "UserName": "Bob", "GroupList": [ "Admins" ], "CreateDate": "2013-10-14T18:32:25Z", "UserId": "AIDA1234567890EXAMPLE", "UserPolicyList": [ { "PolicyName": "DenyBillingAndIAMPolicy", "PolicyDocument": { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": { "Effect": "Deny", "Action": [ "aws-portal:*", "iam:*" ], "Resource": "*" } } } ], "Path": "/", "AttachedManagedPolicies": [], "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/Bob" }, { "UserName": "Charlie", "GroupList": [ "Dev" ], "CreateDate": "2013-10-14T18:33:56Z", "UserId": "AIDA1234567890EXAMPLE", "UserPolicyList": [], "Path": "/", "AttachedManagedPolicies": [], "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/Charlie" } ], "Policies": [ { "PolicyName": "create-update-delete-set-managed-policies", "CreateDate": "2015-02-06T19:58:34Z", "AttachmentCount": 1, "IsAttachable": true, "PolicyId": "ANPA1234567890EXAMPLE", "DefaultVersionId": "v1", "PolicyVersionList": [ { "CreateDate": "2015-02-06T19:58:34Z", "VersionId": "v1", "Document": { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "iam:CreatePolicy", "iam:CreatePolicyVersion", "iam:DeletePolicy", "iam:DeletePolicyVersion", "iam:GetPolicy", "iam:GetPolicyVersion", "iam:ListPolicies", "iam:ListPolicyVersions", "iam:SetDefaultPolicyVersion" ], "Resource": "*" } }, "IsDefaultVersion": true } ], "Path": "/", "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:policy/create-update-delete-set-managed-policies", "UpdateDate": "2015-02-06T19:58:34Z" }, { "PolicyName": "S3-read-only-specific-bucket", "CreateDate": "2015-01-21T21:39:41Z", "AttachmentCount": 1, "IsAttachable": true, "PolicyId": "ANPA1234567890EXAMPLE", "DefaultVersionId": "v1", "PolicyVersionList": [ { "CreateDate": "2015-01-21T21:39:41Z", "VersionId": "v1", "Document": { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "s3:Get*", "s3:List*" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:s3:::amzn-s3-demo-bucket", "arn:aws:s3:::amzn-s3-demo-bucket/*" ] } ] }, "IsDefaultVersion": true } ], "Path": "/", "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:policy/S3-read-only-specific-bucket", "UpdateDate": "2015-01-21T23:39:41Z" }, { "PolicyName": "AmazonEC2FullAccess", "CreateDate": "2015-02-06T18:40:15Z", "AttachmentCount": 1, "IsAttachable": true, "PolicyId": "ANPA1234567890EXAMPLE", "DefaultVersionId": "v1", "PolicyVersionList": [ { "CreateDate": "2014-10-30T20:59:46Z", "VersionId": "v1", "Document": { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Action": "ec2:*", "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": "*" }, { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "elasticloadbalancing:*", "Resource": "*" }, { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "cloudwatch:*", "Resource": "*" }, { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "autoscaling:*", "Resource": "*" } ] }, "IsDefaultVersion": true } ], "Path": "/", "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEC2FullAccess", "UpdateDate": "2015-02-06T18:40:15Z" } ], "Marker": "EXAMPLEkakv9BCuUNFDtxWSyfzetYwEx2ADc8dnzfvERF5S6YMvXKx41t6gCl/eeaCX3Jo94/bKqezEAg8TEVS99EKFLxm3jtbpl25FDWEXAMPLE", "IsTruncated": true }

For more information, see AWS security audit guidelines in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use get-account-password-policy.


To see the current account password policy

The following get-account-password-policy command displays details about the password policy for the current account.

aws iam get-account-password-policy


{ "PasswordPolicy": { "AllowUsersToChangePassword": false, "RequireLowercaseCharacters": false, "RequireUppercaseCharacters": false, "MinimumPasswordLength": 8, "RequireNumbers": true, "RequireSymbols": true } }

If no password policy is defined for the account, the command returns a NoSuchEntity error.

For more information, see Setting an account password policy for IAM users in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use get-account-summary.


To get information about IAM entity usage and IAM quotas in the current account

The following get-account-summary command returns information about the current IAM entity usage and current IAM entity quotas in the account.

aws iam get-account-summary


{ "SummaryMap": { "UsersQuota": 5000, "GroupsQuota": 100, "InstanceProfiles": 6, "SigningCertificatesPerUserQuota": 2, "AccountAccessKeysPresent": 0, "RolesQuota": 250, "RolePolicySizeQuota": 10240, "AccountSigningCertificatesPresent": 0, "Users": 27, "ServerCertificatesQuota": 20, "ServerCertificates": 0, "AssumeRolePolicySizeQuota": 2048, "Groups": 7, "MFADevicesInUse": 1, "Roles": 3, "AccountMFAEnabled": 1, "MFADevices": 3, "GroupsPerUserQuota": 10, "GroupPolicySizeQuota": 5120, "InstanceProfilesQuota": 100, "AccessKeysPerUserQuota": 2, "Providers": 0, "UserPolicySizeQuota": 2048 } }

For more information about entity limitations, see IAM and AWS STS quotas in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use get-context-keys-for-custom-policy.


Example 1: To list the context keys referenced by one or more custom JSON policies provided as a parameter on the command line

The following get-context-keys-for-custom-policy command parses each supplied policy and lists the context keys used by those policies. Use this command to identify which context key values you must supply to successfully use the policy simulator commands simulate-custom-policy and simulate-custom-policy. You can also retrieve the list of context keys used by all policies associated by an IAM user or role by using the get-context-keys-for-custom-policy command. Parameter values that begin with file:// instruct the command to read the file and use the contents as the value for the parameter instead of the file name itself.

aws iam get-context-keys-for-custom-policy \ --policy-input-list '{"Version":"2012-10-17","Statement":{"Effect":"Allow","Action":"dynamodb:*","Resource":"arn:aws:dynamodb:us-west-2:123456789012:table/${aws:username}","Condition":{"DateGreaterThan":{"aws:CurrentTime":"2015-08-16T12:00:00Z"}}}}'


{ "ContextKeyNames": [ "aws:username", "aws:CurrentTime" ] }

Example 2: To list the context keys referenced by one or more custom JSON policies provided as a file input

The following get-context-keys-for-custom-policy command is the same as the previous example, except that the policies are provided in a file instead of as a parameter. Because the command expects a JSON list of strings, and not a list of JSON structures, the file must be structured as follows, although you can collapse it into one one.

[ "Policy1", "Policy2" ]

So for example, a file that contains the policy from the previous example must look like the following. You must escape each embedded double-quote inside the policy string by preceding it with a backslash ''.

[ "{\"Version\": \"2012-10-17\", \"Statement\": {\"Effect\": \"Allow\", \"Action\": \"dynamodb:*\", \"Resource\": \"arn:aws:dynamodb:us-west-2:128716708097:table/${aws:username}\", \"Condition\": {\"DateGreaterThan\": {\"aws:CurrentTime\": \"2015-08-16T12:00:00Z\"}}}}" ]

This file can then be submitted to the following command.

aws iam get-context-keys-for-custom-policy \ --policy-input-list file://policyfile.json


{ "ContextKeyNames": [ "aws:username", "aws:CurrentTime" ] }

For more information, see Using the IAM Policy Simulator (AWS CLI and AWS API) in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use get-context-keys-for-principal-policy.


To list the context keys referenced by all policies associated with an IAM principal

The following get-context-keys-for-principal-policy command retrieves all policies that are attached to the user saanvi and any groups she is a member of. It then parses each and lists the context keys used by those policies. Use this command to identify which context key values you must supply to successfully use the simulate-custom-policy and simulate-principal-policy commands. You can also retrieve the list of context keys used by an arbitrary JSON policy by using the get-context-keys-for-custom-policy command.

aws iam get-context-keys-for-principal-policy \ --policy-source-arn arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/saanvi


{ "ContextKeyNames": [ "aws:username", "aws:CurrentTime" ] }

For more information, see Using the IAM Policy Simulator (AWS CLI and AWS API) in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use get-credential-report.


To get a credential report

This example opens the returned report and outputs it to the pipeline as an array of text lines.

aws iam get-credential-report


{ "GeneratedTime": "2015-06-17T19:11:50Z", "ReportFormat": "text/csv" }

For more information, see Getting credential reports for your AWS account in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use get-group-policy.


To get information about a policy attached to an IAM group

The following get-group-policy command gets information about the specified policy attached to the group named Test-Group.

aws iam get-group-policy \ --group-name Test-Group \ --policy-name S3-ReadOnly-Policy


{ "GroupName": "Test-Group", "PolicyDocument": { "Statement": [ { "Action": [ "s3:Get*", "s3:List*" ], "Resource": "*", "Effect": "Allow" } ] }, "PolicyName": "S3-ReadOnly-Policy" }

For more information, see Managing IAM policies in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use get-group.


To get an IAM group

This example returns details about the IAM group Admins.

aws iam get-group \ --group-name Admins


{ "Group": { "Path": "/", "CreateDate": "2015-06-16T19:41:48Z", "GroupId": "AIDGPMS9RO4H3FEXAMPLE", "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:group/Admins", "GroupName": "Admins" }, "Users": [] }

For more information, see IAM Identities (users, user groups, and roles) in the AWS IAM User Guide.

  • For API details, see GetGroup in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use get-instance-profile.


To get information about an instance profile

The following get-instance-profile command gets information about the instance profile named ExampleInstanceProfile.

aws iam get-instance-profile \ --instance-profile-name ExampleInstanceProfile


{ "InstanceProfile": { "InstanceProfileId": "AID2MAB8DPLSRHEXAMPLE", "Roles": [ { "AssumeRolePolicyDocument": "<URL-encoded-JSON>", "RoleId": "AIDGPMS9RO4H3FEXAMPLE", "CreateDate": "2013-01-09T06:33:26Z", "RoleName": "Test-Role", "Path": "/", "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::336924118301:role/Test-Role" } ], "CreateDate": "2013-06-12T23:52:02Z", "InstanceProfileName": "ExampleInstanceProfile", "Path": "/", "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::336924118301:instance-profile/ExampleInstanceProfile" } }

For more information, see Using instance profiles in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use get-login-profile.


To get password information for an IAM user

The following get-login-profile command gets information about the password for the IAM user named Bob.

aws iam get-login-profile \ --user-name Bob


{ "LoginProfile": { "UserName": "Bob", "CreateDate": "2012-09-21T23:03:39Z" } }

The get-login-profile command can be used to verify that an IAM user has a password. The command returns a NoSuchEntity error if no password is defined for the user.

You cannot view a password using this command. If the password is lost, you can reset the password (update-login-profile) for the user. Alternatively, you can delete the login profile (delete-login-profile) for the user and then create a new one (create-login-profile).

For more information, see Managing passwords for IAM users in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use get-mfa-device.


To retrieve information about a FIDO security key

The following get-mfa-device command example retrieves information about the specified FIDO security key.

aws iam get-mfa-device \ --serial-number arn:aws:iam::123456789012:u2f/user/alice/fidokeyname-EXAMPLEBN5FHTECLFG7EXAMPLE


{ "UserName": "alice", "SerialNumber": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:u2f/user/alice/fidokeyname-EXAMPLEBN5FHTECLFG7EXAMPLE", "EnableDate": "2023-09-19T01:49:18+00:00", "Certifications": { "FIDO": "L1" } }

For more information, see Using multi-factor authentication (MFA) in AWS in the AWS IAM User Guide.

  • For API details, see GetMfaDevice in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use get-open-id-connect-provider.


To return information about the specified OpenID Connect provider

This example returns details about the OpenID Connect provider whose ARN is arn:aws:iam::123456789012:oidc-provider/server.example.com.

aws iam get-open-id-connect-provider \ --open-id-connect-provider-arn arn:aws:iam::123456789012:oidc-provider/server.example.com


{ "Url": "server.example.com" "CreateDate": "2015-06-16T19:41:48Z", "ThumbprintList": [ "12345abcdefghijk67890lmnopqrst987example" ], "ClientIDList": [ "example-application-ID" ] }

For more information, see Creating OpenID Connect (OIDC) identity providers in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use get-organizations-access-report.


To retrieve an access report

The following get-organizations-access-report example displays a previously generated access report for an AWS Organizations entity. To generate a report, use the generate-organizations-access-report command.

aws iam get-organizations-access-report \ --job-id a8b6c06f-aaa4-8xmp-28bc-81da71836359


{ "JobStatus": "COMPLETED", "JobCreationDate": "2019-09-30T06:53:36.187Z", "JobCompletionDate": "2019-09-30T06:53:37.547Z", "NumberOfServicesAccessible": 188, "NumberOfServicesNotAccessed": 171, "AccessDetails": [ { "ServiceName": "Alexa for Business", "ServiceNamespace": "a4b", "TotalAuthenticatedEntities": 0 }, ... }

For more information, see Refining permissions in AWS using last accessed information in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use get-policy-version.


To retrieve information about the specified version of the specified managed policy

This example returns the policy document for the v2 version of the policy whose ARN is arn:aws:iam::123456789012:policy/MyManagedPolicy.

aws iam get-policy-version \ --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::123456789012:policy/MyPolicy \ --version-id v2


{ "PolicyVersion": { "Document": { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "iam:*", "Resource": "*" } ] }, "VersionId": "v2", "IsDefaultVersion": true, "CreateDate": "2023-04-11T00:22:54+00:00" } }

For more information, see Policies and permissions in IAM in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use get-policy.


To retrieve information about the specified managed policy

This example returns details about the managed policy whose ARN is arn:aws:iam::123456789012:policy/MySamplePolicy.

aws iam get-policy \ --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::123456789012:policy/MySamplePolicy


{ "Policy": { "PolicyName": "MySamplePolicy", "CreateDate": "2015-06-17T19:23;32Z", "AttachmentCount": 0, "IsAttachable": true, "PolicyId": "Z27SI6FQMGNQ2EXAMPLE1", "DefaultVersionId": "v1", "Path": "/", "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:policy/MySamplePolicy", "UpdateDate": "2015-06-17T19:23:32Z" } }

For more information, see Policies and permissions in IAM in the AWS IAM User Guide.

  • For API details, see GetPolicy in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use get-role-policy.


To get information about a policy attached to an IAM role

The following get-role-policy command gets information about the specified policy attached to the role named Test-Role.

aws iam get-role-policy \ --role-name Test-Role \ --policy-name ExamplePolicy


{ "RoleName": "Test-Role", "PolicyDocument": { "Statement": [ { "Action": [ "s3:ListBucket", "s3:Put*", "s3:Get*", "s3:*MultipartUpload*" ], "Resource": "*", "Effect": "Allow", "Sid": "1" } ] } "PolicyName": "ExamplePolicy" }

For more information, see Creating IAM roles in the AWS IAM User Guide.

  • For API details, see GetRolePolicy in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use get-role.


To get information about an IAM role

The following get-role command gets information about the role named Test-Role.

aws iam get-role \ --role-name Test-Role


{ "Role": { "Description": "Test Role", "AssumeRolePolicyDocument":"<URL-encoded-JSON>", "MaxSessionDuration": 3600, "RoleId": "AROA1234567890EXAMPLE", "CreateDate": "2019-11-13T16:45:56Z", "RoleName": "Test-Role", "Path": "/", "RoleLastUsed": { "Region": "us-east-1", "LastUsedDate": "2019-11-13T17:14:00Z" }, "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/Test-Role" } }

The command displays the trust policy attached to the role. To list the permissions policies attached to a role, use the list-role-policies command.

For more information, see Creating IAM roles in the AWS IAM User Guide.

  • For API details, see GetRole in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use get-saml-provider.


To retrieve the SAML provider metadocument

This example retrieves the details about the SAML 2.0 provider whose ARM is arn:aws:iam::123456789012:saml-provider/SAMLADFS. The response includes the metadata document that you got from the identity provider to create the AWS SAML provider entity as well as the creation and expiration dates.

aws iam get-saml-provider \ --saml-provider-arn arn:aws:iam::123456789012:saml-provider/SAMLADFS


{ "SAMLMetadataDocument": "...SAMLMetadataDocument-XML...", "CreateDate": "2017-03-06T22:29:46+00:00", "ValidUntil": "2117-03-06T22:29:46.433000+00:00", "Tags": [ { "Key": "DeptID", "Value": "123456" }, { "Key": "Department", "Value": "Accounting" } ] }

For more information, see Creating IAM SAML identity providers in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use get-server-certificate.


To get details about a server certificate in your AWS account

The following get-server-certificate command retrieves all of the details about the specified server certificate in your AWS account.

aws iam get-server-certificate \ --server-certificate-name myUpdatedServerCertificate


{ "ServerCertificate": { "ServerCertificateMetadata": { "Path": "/", "ServerCertificateName": "myUpdatedServerCertificate", "ServerCertificateId": "ASCAEXAMPLE123EXAMPLE", "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:server-certificate/myUpdatedServerCertificate", "UploadDate": "2019-04-22T21:13:44+00:00", "Expiration": "2019-10-15T22:23:16+00:00" }, "CertificateBody": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIICiTCCAfICCQD6m7oRw0uXOjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFADCBiDELMAkGA1UEBhMC VVMxCzAJBgNVBAgTAldBMRAwDgYDVQQHEwdTZWF0dGxlMQ8wDQYDVQQKEwZBbWF6 b24xFDASBgNVBAsTC0lBTSBDb25zb2xlMRIwEAYDVQQDEwlUZXN0Q2lsYWMxHzAd BgkqhkiG9w0BCQEWEG5vb25lQGFtYXpvbi5jb20wHhcNMTEwNDI1MjA0NTIxWhcN MTIwNDI0MjA0NTIxWjCBiDELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxCzAJBgNVBAgTAldBMRAwDgYD VQQHEwdTZWF0dGxlMQ8wDQYDVQQKEwZBbWF6b24xFDASBgNVBAsTC0lBTSBDb25z b2xlMRIwEAYDVQQDEwlUZXN0Q2lsYWMxHzAdBgkqhkiG9w0BCQEWEG5vb25lQGFt YXpvbi5jb20wgZ8wDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADgY0AMIGJAoGBAMaK0dn+a4GmWIWJ 21uUSfwfEvySWtC2XADZ4nB+BLYgVIk60CpiwsZ3G93vUEIO3IyNoH/f0wYK8m9T rDHudUZg3qX4waLG5M43q7Wgc/MbQITxOUSQv7c7ugFFDzQGBzZswY6786m86gpE Ibb3OhjZnzcvQAaRHhdlQWIMm2nrAgMBAAEwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEFBQADgYEAtCu4 nUhVVxYUntneD9+h8Mg9q6q+auNKyExzyLwaxlAoo7TJHidbtS4J5iNmZgXL0Fkb FFBjvSfpJIlJ00zbhNYS5f6GuoEDmFJl0ZxBHjJnyp378OD8uTs7fLvjx79LjSTb NYiytVbZPQUQ5Yaxu2jXnimvrszlaEXAMPLE=-----END CERTIFICATE-----", "CertificateChain": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIICiTCCAfICCQD6md 7oRw0uXOjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAqQUFADCBiDELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxCzAJBgNVBAgT AldBMRAwDgYDVQQHEwdTZWF0drGxlMQ8wDQYDVQQKEwZBbWF6b24xFDASBgNVBAs TC0lBTSBDb25zb2xlMRIwEAYDVsQQDEwlUZXN0Q2lsYWMxHzAdBgkqhkiG9w0BCQ jb20wHhcNMTEwNDI1MjA0NTIxWhtcNMTIwNDI0MjA0NTIxWjCBiDELMAkGA1UEBh MCVVMxCzAJBgNVBAgTAldBMRAwDgsYDVQQHEwdTZWF0dGxlMQ8wDQYDVQQKEwZBb WF6b24xFDASBgNVBAsTC0lBTSBDb2d5zb2xlMRIwEAYDVQQDEwlUZXN0Q2lsYWMx HzAdBgkqhkiG9w0BCQEWEG5vb25lQGfFtYXpvbi5jb20wgZ8wDQYJKoZIhvcNAQE BBQADgY0AMIGJAoGBAMaK0dn+a4GmWIgWJ21uUSfwfEvySWtC2XADZ4nB+BLYgVI k60CpiwsZ3G93vUEIO3IyNoH/f0wYK8mh9TrDHudUZg3qX4waLG5M43q7Wgc/MbQ ITxOUSQv7c7ugFFDzQGBzZswY6786m86gjpEIbb3OhjZnzcvQAaRHhdlQWIMm2nr AgMBAAEwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEFBQADgYEAtCku4nUhVVxYUntneD9+h8Mg9q6q+auN KyExzyLwaxlAoo7TJHidbtS4J5iNmZgXL0FlkbFFBjvSfpJIlJ00zbhNYS5f6Guo EDmFJl0ZxBHjJnyp378OD8uTs7fLvjx79LjS;TbNYiytVbZPQUQ5Yaxu2jXnimvw 3rrszlaEWEG5vb25lQGFtsYXpvbiEXAMPLE=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----" } }

To list the server certificates available in your AWS account, use the list-server-certificates command.

For more information, see Managing server certificates in IAM in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use get-service-last-accessed-details-with-entities.


To retrieve a service access report with details for a service

The following get-service-last-accessed-details-with-entities example retrieves a report that contains details about IAM users and other entities that accessed the specified service. To generate a report, use the generate-service-last-accessed-details command. To get a list of services accessed with namespaces, use get-service-last-accessed-details.

aws iam get-service-last-accessed-details-with-entities \ --job-id 78b6c2ba-d09e-6xmp-7039-ecde30b26916 \ --service-namespace lambda


{ "JobStatus": "COMPLETED", "JobCreationDate": "2019-10-01T03:55:41.756Z", "JobCompletionDate": "2019-10-01T03:55:42.533Z", "EntityDetailsList": [ { "EntityInfo": { "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/admin", "Name": "admin", "Type": "USER", "Id": "AIDAIO2XMPLENQEXAMPLE", "Path": "/" }, "LastAuthenticated": "2019-09-30T23:02:00Z" }, { "EntityInfo": { "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/developer", "Name": "developer", "Type": "USER", "Id": "AIDAIBEYXMPL2YEXAMPLE", "Path": "/" }, "LastAuthenticated": "2019-09-16T19:34:00Z" } ] }

For more information, see Refining permissions in AWS using last accessed information in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use get-service-last-accessed-details.


To retrieve a service access report

The following get-service-last-accessed-details example retrieves a previously generated report that lists the services accessed by IAM entities. To generate a report, use the generate-service-last-accessed-details command.

aws iam get-service-last-accessed-details \ --job-id 2eb6c2b8-7b4c-3xmp-3c13-03b72c8cdfdc


{ "JobStatus": "COMPLETED", "JobCreationDate": "2019-10-01T03:50:35.929Z", "ServicesLastAccessed": [ ... { "ServiceName": "AWS Lambda", "LastAuthenticated": "2019-09-30T23:02:00Z", "ServiceNamespace": "lambda", "LastAuthenticatedEntity": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/admin", "TotalAuthenticatedEntities": 6 }, ] }

For more information, see Refining permissions in AWS using last accessed information in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use get-service-linked-role-deletion-status.


To check the status of a request to delete a service-linked role

The following get-service-linked-role-deletion-status example displays the status of a previously request to delete a service-linked role. The delete operation occurs asynchronously. When you make the request, you get a DeletionTaskId value that you provide as a parameter for this command.

aws iam get-service-linked-role-deletion-status \ --deletion-task-id task/aws-service-role/lex.amazonaws.com/AWSServiceRoleForLexBots/1a2b3c4d-1234-abcd-7890-abcdeEXAMPLE


{ "Status": "SUCCEEDED" }

For more information, see Using service-linked roles in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use get-ssh-public-key.


Example 1: To retrieve an SSH public key attached to an IAM user in SSH encoded form

The following get-ssh-public-key command retrieves the specified SSH public key from the IAM user sofia. The output is in SSH encoding.

aws iam get-ssh-public-key \ --user-name sofia \ --ssh-public-key-id APKA123456789EXAMPLE \ --encoding SSH


{ "SSHPublicKey": { "UserName": "sofia", "SSHPublicKeyId": "APKA123456789EXAMPLE", "Fingerprint": "12:34:56:78:90:ab:cd:ef:12:34:56:78:90:ab:cd:ef", "SSHPublicKeyBody": "ssh-rsa <<long encoded SSH string>>", "Status": "Inactive", "UploadDate": "2019-04-18T17:04:49+00:00" } }

Example 2: To retrieve an SSH public key attached to an IAM user in PEM encoded form

The following get-ssh-public-key command retrieves the specified SSH public key from the IAM user sofia. The output is in PEM encoding.

aws iam get-ssh-public-key \ --user-name sofia \ --ssh-public-key-id APKA123456789EXAMPLE \ --encoding PEM


{ "SSHPublicKey": { "UserName": "sofia", "SSHPublicKeyId": "APKA123456789EXAMPLE", "Fingerprint": "12:34:56:78:90:ab:cd:ef:12:34:56:78:90:ab:cd:ef", "SSHPublicKeyBody": ""-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\n<<long encoded PEM string>>\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n"", "Status": "Inactive", "UploadDate": "2019-04-18T17:04:49+00:00" } }

For more information, see Use SSH keys and SSH with CodeCommit in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use get-user-policy.


To list policy details for an IAM user

The following get-user-policy command lists the details of the specified policy that is attached to the IAM user named Bob.

aws iam get-user-policy \ --user-name Bob \ --policy-name ExamplePolicy


{ "UserName": "Bob", "PolicyName": "ExamplePolicy", "PolicyDocument": { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Action": "*", "Resource": "*", "Effect": "Allow" } ] } }

To get a list of policies for an IAM user, use the list-user-policies command.

For more information, see Policies and permissions in IAM in the AWS IAM User Guide.

  • For API details, see GetUserPolicy in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use get-user.


To get information about an IAM user

The following get-user command gets information about the IAM user named Paulo.

aws iam get-user \ --user-name Paulo


{ "User": { "UserName": "Paulo", "Path": "/", "CreateDate": "2019-09-21T23:03:13Z", "UserId": "AIDA123456789EXAMPLE", "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/Paulo" } }

For more information, see Managing IAM users in the AWS IAM User Guide.

  • For API details, see GetUser in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use list-access-keys.


To list the access key IDs for an IAM user

The following list-access-keys command lists the access keys IDs for the IAM user named Bob.

aws iam list-access-keys \ --user-name Bob


{ "AccessKeyMetadata": [ { "UserName": "Bob", "Status": "Active", "CreateDate": "2013-06-04T18:17:34Z", "AccessKeyId": "AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE" }, { "UserName": "Bob", "Status": "Inactive", "CreateDate": "2013-06-06T20:42:26Z", "AccessKeyId": "AKIAI44QH8DHBEXAMPLE" } ] }

You cannot list the secret access keys for IAM users. If the secret access keys are lost, you must create new access keys using the create-access-keys command.

For more information, see Managing access keys for IAM users in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use list-account-aliases.


To list account aliases

The following list-account-aliases command lists the aliases for the current account.

aws iam list-account-aliases


{ "AccountAliases": [ "mycompany" ] }

For more information, see Your AWS account ID and its alias in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use list-attached-group-policies.


To list all managed policies that are attached to the specified group

This example returns the names and ARNs of the managed policies that are attached to the IAM group named Admins in the AWS account.

aws iam list-attached-group-policies \ --group-name Admins


{ "AttachedPolicies": [ { "PolicyName": "AdministratorAccess", "PolicyArn": "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AdministratorAccess" }, { "PolicyName": "SecurityAudit", "PolicyArn": "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/SecurityAudit" } ], "IsTruncated": false }

For more information, see Policies and permissions in IAM in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use list-attached-role-policies.


To list all managed policies that are attached to the specified role

This command returns the names and ARNs of the managed policies attached to the IAM role named SecurityAuditRole in the AWS account.

aws iam list-attached-role-policies \ --role-name SecurityAuditRole


{ "AttachedPolicies": [ { "PolicyName": "SecurityAudit", "PolicyArn": "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/SecurityAudit" } ], "IsTruncated": false }

For more information, see Policies and permissions in IAM in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use list-attached-user-policies.


To list all managed policies that are attached to the specified user

This command returns the names and ARNs of the managed policies for the IAM user named Bob in the AWS account.

aws iam list-attached-user-policies \ --user-name Bob


{ "AttachedPolicies": [ { "PolicyName": "AdministratorAccess", "PolicyArn": "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AdministratorAccess" }, { "PolicyName": "SecurityAudit", "PolicyArn": "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/SecurityAudit" } ], "IsTruncated": false }

For more information, see Policies and permissions in IAM in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use list-entities-for-policy.


To list all users, groups, and roles that the specified managed policy is attached to

This example returns a list of IAM groups, roles, and users who have the policy arn:aws:iam::123456789012:policy/TestPolicy attached.

aws iam list-entities-for-policy \ --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::123456789012:policy/TestPolicy


{ "PolicyGroups": [ { "GroupName": "Admins", "GroupId": "AGPACKCEVSQ6C2EXAMPLE" } ], "PolicyUsers": [ { "UserName": "Alice", "UserId": "AIDACKCEVSQ6C2EXAMPLE" } ], "PolicyRoles": [ { "RoleName": "DevRole", "RoleId": "AROADBQP57FF2AEXAMPLE" } ], "IsTruncated": false }

For more information, see Policies and permissions in IAM in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use list-group-policies.


To list all inline policies that are attached to the specified group

The following list-group-policies command lists the names of inline policies that are attached to the IAM group named Admins in the current account.

aws iam list-group-policies \ --group-name Admins


{ "PolicyNames": [ "AdminRoot", "ExamplePolicy" ] }

For more information, see Managing IAM policies in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use list-groups-for-user.


To list the groups that an IAM user belongs to

The following list-groups-for-user command displays the groups that the IAM user named Bob belongs to.

aws iam list-groups-for-user \ --user-name Bob


{ "Groups": [ { "Path": "/", "CreateDate": "2013-05-06T01:18:08Z", "GroupId": "AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE", "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:group/Admin", "GroupName": "Admin" }, { "Path": "/", "CreateDate": "2013-05-06T01:37:28Z", "GroupId": "AKIAI44QH8DHBEXAMPLE", "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:group/s3-Users", "GroupName": "s3-Users" } ] }

For more information, see Managing IAM user groups in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use list-groups.


To list the IAM groups for the current account

The following list-groups command lists the IAM groups in the current account.

aws iam list-groups


{ "Groups": [ { "Path": "/", "CreateDate": "2013-06-04T20:27:27.972Z", "GroupId": "AIDACKCEVSQ6C2EXAMPLE", "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:group/Admins", "GroupName": "Admins" }, { "Path": "/", "CreateDate": "2013-04-16T20:30:42Z", "GroupId": "AIDGPMS9RO4H3FEXAMPLE", "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:group/S3-Admins", "GroupName": "S3-Admins" } ] }

For more information, see Managing IAM user groups in the AWS IAM User Guide.

  • For API details, see ListGroups in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use list-instance-profile-tags.


To list the tags attached to an instance profile

The following list-instance-profile-tags command retrieves the list of tags associated with the specified instance profile.

aws iam list-instance-profile-tags \ --instance-profile-name deployment-role


{ "Tags": [ { "Key": "DeptID", "Value": "123456" }, { "Key": "Department", "Value": "Accounting" } ] }

For more information, see Tagging IAM resources in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use list-instance-profiles-for-role.


To list the instance profiles for an IAM role

The following list-instance-profiles-for-role command lists the instance profiles that are associated with the role Test-Role.

aws iam list-instance-profiles-for-role \ --role-name Test-Role


{ "InstanceProfiles": [ { "InstanceProfileId": "AIDGPMS9RO4H3FEXAMPLE", "Roles": [ { "AssumeRolePolicyDocument": "<URL-encoded-JSON>", "RoleId": "AIDACKCEVSQ6C2EXAMPLE", "CreateDate": "2013-06-07T20:42:15Z", "RoleName": "Test-Role", "Path": "/", "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/Test-Role" } ], "CreateDate": "2013-06-07T21:05:24Z", "InstanceProfileName": "ExampleInstanceProfile", "Path": "/", "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:instance-profile/ExampleInstanceProfile" } ] }

For more information, see Using instance profiles in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use list-instance-profiles.


To lists the instance profiles for the account

The following list-instance-profiles command lists the instance profiles that are associated with the current account.

aws iam list-instance-profiles


{ "InstanceProfiles": [ { "Path": "/", "InstanceProfileName": "example-dev-role", "InstanceProfileId": "AIPAIXEU4NUHUPEXAMPLE", "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:instance-profile/example-dev-role", "CreateDate": "2023-09-21T18:17:41+00:00", "Roles": [ { "Path": "/", "RoleName": "example-dev-role", "RoleId": "AROAJ52OTH4H7LEXAMPLE", "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/example-dev-role", "CreateDate": "2023-09-21T18:17:40+00:00", "AssumeRolePolicyDocument": { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service": "ec2.amazonaws.com" }, "Action": "sts:AssumeRole" } ] } } ] }, { "Path": "/", "InstanceProfileName": "example-s3-role", "InstanceProfileId": "AIPAJVJVNRIQFREXAMPLE", "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:instance-profile/example-s3-role", "CreateDate": "2023-09-21T18:18:50+00:00", "Roles": [ { "Path": "/", "RoleName": "example-s3-role", "RoleId": "AROAINUBC5O7XLEXAMPLE", "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/example-s3-role", "CreateDate": "2023-09-21T18:18:49+00:00", "AssumeRolePolicyDocument": { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service": "ec2.amazonaws.com" }, "Action": "sts:AssumeRole" } ] } } ] } ] }

For more information, see Using instance profiles in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use list-mfa-device-tags.


To list the tags attached to an MFA device

The following list-mfa-device-tags command retrieves the list of tags associated with the specified MFA device.

aws iam list-mfa-device-tags \ --serial-number arn:aws:iam::123456789012:mfa/alice


{ "Tags": [ { "Key": "DeptID", "Value": "123456" }, { "Key": "Department", "Value": "Accounting" } ] }

For more information, see Tagging IAM resources in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use list-mfa-devices.


To list all MFA devices for a specified user

This example returns details about the MFA device assigned to the IAM user Bob.

aws iam list-mfa-devices \ --user-name Bob


{ "MFADevices": [ { "UserName": "Bob", "SerialNumber": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:mfa/Bob", "EnableDate": "2019-10-28T20:37:09+00:00" }, { "UserName": "Bob", "SerialNumber": "GAKT12345678", "EnableDate": "2023-02-18T21:44:42+00:00" }, { "UserName": "Bob", "SerialNumber": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:u2f/user/Bob/fidosecuritykey1-7XNL7NFNLZ123456789EXAMPLE", "EnableDate": "2023-09-19T02:25:35+00:00" }, { "UserName": "Bob", "SerialNumber": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:u2f/user/Bob/fidosecuritykey2-VDRQTDBBN5123456789EXAMPLE", "EnableDate": "2023-09-19T01:49:18+00:00" } ] }

For more information, see Using multi-factor authentication (MFA) in AWS in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use list-open-id-connect-provider-tags.


To list the tags attached to an OpenID Connect (OIDC)-compatible identity provider

The following list-open-id-connect-provider-tags command retrieves the list of tags associated with the specified OIDC identity provider.

aws iam list-open-id-connect-provider-tags \ --open-id-connect-provider-arn arn:aws:iam::123456789012:oidc-provider/server.example.com


{ "Tags": [ { "Key": "DeptID", "Value": "123456" }, { "Key": "Department", "Value": "Accounting" } ] }

For more information, see Tagging IAM resources in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use list-open-id-connect-providers.


To list information about the OpenID Connect providers in the AWS account

This example returns a list of ARNS of all the OpenID Connect providers that are defined in the current AWS account.

aws iam list-open-id-connect-providers


{ "OpenIDConnectProviderList": [ { "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:oidc-provider/example.oidcprovider.com" } ] }

For more information, see Creating OpenID Connect (OIDC) identity providers in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use list-organizations-features.


To list the centralized root access features enabled for your organization

The following list-organizations-features command lists the centralized root access features enabled for your organization.

aws iam list-organizations-features


{ "EnabledFeatures": [ "RootCredentialsManagement", "RootSessions" ] "OrganizationId": "o-aa111bb222" }

For more information, see Centrally manage root access for member accounts in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use list-policies-granting-service-access.


To list the policies that grant a principal access to the specified service

The following list-policies-granting-service-access example retrieves the list of policies that grant the IAM user sofia access to AWS CodeCommit service.

aws iam list-policies-granting-service-access \ --arn arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/sofia \ --service-namespaces codecommit


{ "PoliciesGrantingServiceAccess": [ { "ServiceNamespace": "codecommit", "Policies": [ { "PolicyName": "Grant-Sofia-Access-To-CodeCommit", "PolicyType": "INLINE", "EntityType": "USER", "EntityName": "sofia" } ] } ], "IsTruncated": false }

For more information, see Using IAM with CodeCommit: Git credentials, SSH keys, and AWS access keys in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use list-policies.


To list managed policies that are available to your AWS account

This example returns a collection of the first two managed policies available in the current AWS account.

aws iam list-policies \ --max-items 3


{ "Policies": [ { "PolicyName": "AWSCloudTrailAccessPolicy", "PolicyId": "ANPAXQE2B5PJ7YEXAMPLE", "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:policy/AWSCloudTrailAccessPolicy", "Path": "/", "DefaultVersionId": "v1", "AttachmentCount": 0, "PermissionsBoundaryUsageCount": 0, "IsAttachable": true, "CreateDate": "2019-09-04T17:43:42+00:00", "UpdateDate": "2019-09-04T17:43:42+00:00" }, { "PolicyName": "AdministratorAccess", "PolicyId": "ANPAIWMBCKSKIEE64ZLYK", "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AdministratorAccess", "Path": "/", "DefaultVersionId": "v1", "AttachmentCount": 6, "PermissionsBoundaryUsageCount": 0, "IsAttachable": true, "CreateDate": "2015-02-06T18:39:46+00:00", "UpdateDate": "2015-02-06T18:39:46+00:00" }, { "PolicyName": "PowerUserAccess", "PolicyId": "ANPAJYRXTHIB4FOVS3ZXS", "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/PowerUserAccess", "Path": "/", "DefaultVersionId": "v5", "AttachmentCount": 1, "PermissionsBoundaryUsageCount": 0, "IsAttachable": true, "CreateDate": "2015-02-06T18:39:47+00:00", "UpdateDate": "2023-07-06T22:04:00+00:00" } ], "NextToken": "EXAMPLErZXIiOiBudWxsLCAiYm90b190cnVuY2F0ZV9hbW91bnQiOiA4fQ==" }

For more information, see Policies and permissions in IAM in the AWS IAM User Guide.

  • For API details, see ListPolicies in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use list-policy-tags.


To list the tags attached to a managed policy

The following list-policy-tags command retrieves the list of tags associated with the specified managed policy.

aws iam list-policy-tags \ --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::123456789012:policy/billing-access


{ "Tags": [ { "Key": "DeptID", "Value": "123456" }, { "Key": "Department", "Value": "Accounting" } ] }

For more information, see Tagging IAM resources in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use list-policy-versions.


To list information about the versions of the specified managed policy

This example returns the list of available versions of the policy whose ARN is arn:aws:iam::123456789012:policy/MySamplePolicy.

aws iam list-policy-versions \ --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::123456789012:policy/MySamplePolicy


{ "IsTruncated": false, "Versions": [ { "VersionId": "v2", "IsDefaultVersion": true, "CreateDate": "2015-06-02T23:19:44Z" }, { "VersionId": "v1", "IsDefaultVersion": false, "CreateDate": "2015-06-02T22:30:47Z" } ] }

For more information, see Policies and permissions in IAM in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use list-role-policies.


To list the policies attached to an IAM role

The following list-role-policies command lists the names of the permissions policies for the specified IAM role.

aws iam list-role-policies \ --role-name Test-Role


{ "PolicyNames": [ "ExamplePolicy" ] }

To see the trust policy attached to a role, use the get-role command. To see the details of a permissions policy, use the get-role-policy command.

For more information, see Creating IAM roles in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use list-role-tags.


To list the tags attached to a role

The following list-role-tags command retrieves the list of tags associated with the specified role.

aws iam list-role-tags \ --role-name production-role


{ "Tags": [ { "Key": "Department", "Value": "Accounting" }, { "Key": "DeptID", "Value": "12345" } ], "IsTruncated": false }

For more information, see Tagging IAM resources in the AWS IAM User Guide.

  • For API details, see ListRoleTags in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use list-roles.


To list IAM roles for the current account

The following list-roles command lists IAM roles for the current account.

aws iam list-roles


{ "Roles": [ { "Path": "/", "RoleName": "ExampleRole", "RoleId": "AROAJ52OTH4H7LEXAMPLE", "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/ExampleRole", "CreateDate": "2017-09-12T19:23:36+00:00", "AssumeRolePolicyDocument": { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service": "ec2.amazonaws.com" }, "Action": "sts:AssumeRole" } ] }, "MaxSessionDuration": 3600 }, { "Path": "/example_path/", "RoleName": "ExampleRoleWithPath", "RoleId": "AROAI4QRP7UFT7EXAMPLE", "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/example_path/ExampleRoleWithPath", "CreateDate": "2023-09-21T20:29:38+00:00", "AssumeRolePolicyDocument": { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service": "ec2.amazonaws.com" }, "Action": "sts:AssumeRole" } ] }, "MaxSessionDuration": 3600 } ] }

For more information, see Creating IAM roles in the AWS IAM User Guide.

  • For API details, see ListRoles in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use list-saml-provider-tags.


To list the tags attached to a SAML provider

The following list-saml-provider-tags command retrieves the list of tags associated with the specified SAML provider.

aws iam list-saml-provider-tags \ --saml-provider-arn arn:aws:iam::123456789012:saml-provider/ADFS


{ "Tags": [ { "Key": "DeptID", "Value": "123456" }, { "Key": "Department", "Value": "Accounting" } ] }

For more information, see Tagging IAM resources in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use list-saml-providers.


To list the SAML providers in the AWS account

This example retrieves the list of SAML 2.0 providers created in the current AWS account.

aws iam list-saml-providers


{ "SAMLProviderList": [ { "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:saml-provider/SAML-ADFS", "ValidUntil": "2015-06-05T22:45:14Z", "CreateDate": "2015-06-05T22:45:14Z" } ] }

For more information, see Creating IAM SAML identity providers in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use list-server-certificate-tags.


To list the tags attached to a server certificate

The following list-server-certificate-tags command retrieves the list of tags associated with the specified server certificate.

aws iam list-server-certificate-tags \ --server-certificate-name ExampleCertificate


{ "Tags": [ { "Key": "DeptID", "Value": "123456" }, { "Key": "Department", "Value": "Accounting" } ] }

For more information, see Tagging IAM resources in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use list-server-certificates.


To list the server certificates in your AWS account

The following list-server-certificates command lists all of the server certificates stored and available for use in your AWS account.

aws iam list-server-certificates


{ "ServerCertificateMetadataList": [ { "Path": "/", "ServerCertificateName": "myUpdatedServerCertificate", "ServerCertificateId": "ASCAEXAMPLE123EXAMPLE", "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:server-certificate/myUpdatedServerCertificate", "UploadDate": "2019-04-22T21:13:44+00:00", "Expiration": "2019-10-15T22:23:16+00:00" }, { "Path": "/cloudfront/", "ServerCertificateName": "MyTestCert", "ServerCertificateId": "ASCAEXAMPLE456EXAMPLE", "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:server-certificate/Org1/Org2/MyTestCert", "UploadDate": "2015-04-21T18:14:16+00:00", "Expiration": "2018-01-14T17:52:36+00:00" } ] }

For more information, see Managing server certificates in IAM in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use list-service-specific-credential.


Example 1: List the service-specific credentials for a user

The following list-service-specific-credentials example displays all service-specific credentials assigned to the specified user. Passwords are not included in the response.

aws iam list-service-specific-credentials \ --user-name sofia


{ "ServiceSpecificCredential": { "CreateDate": "2019-04-18T20:45:36+00:00", "ServiceName": "codecommit.amazonaws.com", "ServiceUserName": "sofia-at-123456789012", "ServiceSpecificCredentialId": "ACCAEXAMPLE123EXAMPLE", "UserName": "sofia", "Status": "Active" } }

Example 2: List the service-specific credentials for a user filtered to a specified service

The following list-service-specific-credentials example displays the service-specific credentials assigned to the user making the request. The list is filtered to include only those credentials for the specified service. Passwords are not included in the response.

aws iam list-service-specific-credentials \ --service-name codecommit.amazonaws.com


{ "ServiceSpecificCredential": { "CreateDate": "2019-04-18T20:45:36+00:00", "ServiceName": "codecommit.amazonaws.com", "ServiceUserName": "sofia-at-123456789012", "ServiceSpecificCredentialId": "ACCAEXAMPLE123EXAMPLE", "UserName": "sofia", "Status": "Active" } }

For more information, see Create Git credentials for HTTPS connections to CodeCommit in the AWS CodeCommit User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use list-service-specific-credentials.


To retrieve a list of credentials

The following list-service-specific-credentials example lists the credentials generated for HTTPS access to AWS CodeCommit repositories for a user named developer.

aws iam list-service-specific-credentials \ --user-name developer \ --service-name codecommit.amazonaws.com


{ "ServiceSpecificCredentials": [ { "UserName": "developer", "Status": "Inactive", "ServiceUserName": "developer-at-123456789012", "CreateDate": "2019-10-01T04:31:41Z", "ServiceSpecificCredentialId": "ACCAQFODXMPL4YFHP7DZE", "ServiceName": "codecommit.amazonaws.com" }, { "UserName": "developer", "Status": "Active", "ServiceUserName": "developer+1-at-123456789012", "CreateDate": "2019-10-01T04:31:45Z", "ServiceSpecificCredentialId": "ACCAQFOXMPL6VW57M7AJP", "ServiceName": "codecommit.amazonaws.com" } ] }

For more information, see Create Git credentials for HTTPS connections to CodeCommit in the AWS CodeCommit User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use list-signing-certificates.


To list the signing certificates for an IAM user

The following list-signing-certificates command lists the signing certificates for the IAM user named Bob.

aws iam list-signing-certificates \ --user-name Bob


{ "Certificates": [ { "UserName": "Bob", "Status": "Inactive", "CertificateBody": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----<certificate-body>-----END CERTIFICATE-----", "CertificateId": "TA7SMP42TDN5Z26OBPJE7EXAMPLE", "UploadDate": "2013-06-06T21:40:08Z" } ] }

For more information, see Manage signing certificates in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use list-ssh-public-keys.


To list the SSH public keys attached to an IAM user

The following list-ssh-public-keys example lists the SSH public keys attached to the IAM user sofia.

aws iam list-ssh-public-keys \ --user-name sofia


{ "SSHPublicKeys": [ { "UserName": "sofia", "SSHPublicKeyId": "APKA1234567890EXAMPLE", "Status": "Inactive", "UploadDate": "2019-04-18T17:04:49+00:00" } ] }

For more information, see Use SSH keys and SSH with CodeCommit in the AWS IAM User Guide

The following code example shows how to use list-user-policies.


To list policies for an IAM user

The following list-user-policies command lists the policies that are attached to the IAM user named Bob.

aws iam list-user-policies \ --user-name Bob


{ "PolicyNames": [ "ExamplePolicy", "TestPolicy" ] }

For more information, see Creating an IAM user in your AWS account in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use list-user-tags.


To list the tags attached to a user

The following list-user-tags command retrieves the list of tags associated with the specified IAM user.

aws iam list-user-tags \ --user-name alice


{ "Tags": [ { "Key": "Department", "Value": "Accounting" }, { "Key": "DeptID", "Value": "12345" } ], "IsTruncated": false }

For more information, see Tagging IAM resources in the AWS IAM User Guide.

  • For API details, see ListUserTags in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use list-users.


To list IAM users

The following list-users command lists the IAM users in the current account.

aws iam list-users


{ "Users": [ { "UserName": "Adele", "Path": "/", "CreateDate": "2013-03-07T05:14:48Z", "UserId": "AKIAI44QH8DHBEXAMPLE", "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/Adele" }, { "UserName": "Bob", "Path": "/", "CreateDate": "2012-09-21T23:03:13Z", "UserId": "AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE", "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/Bob" } ] }

For more information, see Listing IAM users in the AWS IAM User Guide.

  • For API details, see ListUsers in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use list-virtual-mfa-devices.


To list virtual MFA devices

The following list-virtual-mfa-devices command lists the virtual MFA devices that have been configured for the current account.

aws iam list-virtual-mfa-devices


{ "VirtualMFADevices": [ { "SerialNumber": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:mfa/ExampleMFADevice" }, { "SerialNumber": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:mfa/Fred" } ] }

For more information, see Enabling a virtual multi-factor authentication (MFA) device in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use put-group-policy.


To add a policy to a group

The following put-group-policy command adds a policy to the IAM group named Admins.

aws iam put-group-policy \ --group-name Admins \ --policy-document file://AdminPolicy.json \ --policy-name AdminRoot

This command produces no output.

The policy is defined as a JSON document in the AdminPolicy.json file. (The file name and extension do not have significance.)

For more information, see Managing IAM policies in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use put-role-permissions-boundary.


Example 1: To apply a permissions boundary based on a custom policy to an IAM role

The following put-role-permissions-boundary example applies the custom policy named intern-boundary as the permissions boundary for the specified IAM role.

aws iam put-role-permissions-boundary \ --permissions-boundary arn:aws:iam::123456789012:policy/intern-boundary \ --role-name lambda-application-role

This command produces no output.

Example 2: To apply a permissions boundary based on an AWS managed policy to an IAM role

The following put-role-permissions-boundary example applies the AWS managed PowerUserAccess policy as the permissions boundary for the specified IAM role.

aws iam put-role-permissions-boundary \ --permissions-boundary arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/PowerUserAccess \ --role-name x-account-admin

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Modifying a role in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use put-role-policy.


To attach a permissions policy to an IAM role

The following put-role-policy command adds a permissions policy to the role named Test-Role.

aws iam put-role-policy \ --role-name Test-Role \ --policy-name ExamplePolicy \ --policy-document file://AdminPolicy.json

This command produces no output.

The policy is defined as a JSON document in the AdminPolicy.json file. (The file name and extension do not have significance.)

To attach a trust policy to a role, use the update-assume-role-policy command.

For more information, see Modifying a role in the AWS IAM User Guide.

  • For API details, see PutRolePolicy in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use put-user-permissions-boundary.


Example 1: To apply a permissions boundary based on a custom policy to an IAM user

The following put-user-permissions-boundary example applies a custom policy named intern-boundary as the permissions boundary for the specified IAM user.

aws iam put-user-permissions-boundary \ --permissions-boundary arn:aws:iam::123456789012:policy/intern-boundary \ --user-name intern

This command produces no output.

Example 2: To apply a permissions boundary based on an AWS managed policy to an IAM user

The following put-user-permissions-boundary example applies the AWS managed pollicy named PowerUserAccess as the permissions boundary for the specified IAM user.

aws iam put-user-permissions-boundary \ --permissions-boundary arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/PowerUserAccess \ --user-name developer

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Adding and removing IAM identity permissions in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use put-user-policy.


To attach a policy to an IAM user

The following put-user-policy command attaches a policy to the IAM user named Bob.

aws iam put-user-policy \ --user-name Bob \ --policy-name ExamplePolicy \ --policy-document file://AdminPolicy.json

This command produces no output.

The policy is defined as a JSON document in the AdminPolicy.json file. (The file name and extension do not have significance.)

For more information, see Adding and removing IAM identity permissions in the AWS IAM User Guide.

  • For API details, see PutUserPolicy in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use remove-client-id-from-open-id-connect-provider.


To remove the specified client ID from the list of client IDs registered for the specified IAM OpenID Connect provider

This example removes the client ID My-TestApp-3 from the list of client IDs associated with the IAM OIDC provider whose ARN is arn:aws:iam::123456789012:oidc-provider/example.oidcprovider.com.

aws iam remove-client-id-from-open-id-connect-provider --client-id My-TestApp-3 \ --open-id-connect-provider-arn arn:aws:iam::123456789012:oidc-provider/example.oidcprovider.com

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Creating OpenID Connect (OIDC) identity providers in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use remove-role-from-instance-profile.


To remove a role from an instance profile

The following remove-role-from-instance-profile command removes the role named Test-Role from the instance profile named ExampleInstanceProfile.

aws iam remove-role-from-instance-profile \ --instance-profile-name ExampleInstanceProfile \ --role-name Test-Role

For more information, see Using instance profiles in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use remove-user-from-group.


To remove a user from an IAM group

The following remove-user-from-group command removes the user named Bob from the IAM group named Admins.

aws iam remove-user-from-group \ --user-name Bob \ --group-name Admins

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Adding and removing users in an IAM user group in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use reset-service-specific-credential.


Example 1: Reset the password for a service-specific credential attached to the user making the request

The following reset-service-specific-credential example generates a new cryptographically strong password for the specified service-specific credential attached to the user making the request.

aws iam reset-service-specific-credential \ --service-specific-credential-id ACCAEXAMPLE123EXAMPLE


{ "ServiceSpecificCredential": { "CreateDate": "2019-04-18T20:45:36+00:00", "ServiceName": "codecommit.amazonaws.com", "ServiceUserName": "sofia-at-123456789012", "ServicePassword": "+oaFsNk7tLco+C/obP9GhhcOzGcKOayTmE3LnAmAmH4=", "ServiceSpecificCredentialId": "ACCAEXAMPLE123EXAMPLE", "UserName": "sofia", "Status": "Active" } }

Example 2: Reset the password for a service-specific credential attached to a specified user

The following reset-service-specific-credential example generates a new cryptographically strong password for a service-specific credential attached to the specified user.

aws iam reset-service-specific-credential \ --user-name sofia \ --service-specific-credential-id ACCAEXAMPLE123EXAMPLE


{ "ServiceSpecificCredential": { "CreateDate": "2019-04-18T20:45:36+00:00", "ServiceName": "codecommit.amazonaws.com", "ServiceUserName": "sofia-at-123456789012", "ServicePassword": "+oaFsNk7tLco+C/obP9GhhcOzGcKOayTmE3LnAmAmH4=", "ServiceSpecificCredentialId": "ACCAEXAMPLE123EXAMPLE", "UserName": "sofia", "Status": "Active" } }

For more information, see Create Git credentials for HTTPS connections to CodeCommit in the AWS CodeCommit User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use resync-mfa-device.


To synchronize an MFA device

The following resync-mfa-device example synchronizes the MFA device that is associated with the IAM user Bob and whose ARN is arn:aws:iam::123456789012:mfa/BobsMFADevice with an authenticator program that provided the two authentication codes.

aws iam resync-mfa-device \ --user-name Bob \ --serial-number arn:aws:iam::210987654321:mfa/BobsMFADevice \ --authentication-code1 123456 \ --authentication-code2 987654

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Using multi-factor authentication (MFA) in AWS in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use set-default-policy-version.


To set the specified version of the specified policy as the policy's default version.

This example sets the v2 version of the policy whose ARN is arn:aws:iam::123456789012:policy/MyPolicy as the default active version.

aws iam set-default-policy-version \ --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::123456789012:policy/MyPolicy \ --version-id v2

For more information, see Policies and permissions in IAM in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use set-security-token-service-preferences.


To set the global endpoint token version

The following set-security-token-service-preferences example configures Amazon STS to use version 2 tokens when you authenticate against the global endpoint.

aws iam set-security-token-service-preferences \ --global-endpoint-token-version v2Token

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Managing AWS STS in an AWS Region in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use simulate-custom-policy.


Example 1: To simulate the effects of all IAM policies associated with an IAM user or role

The following simulate-custom-policy shows how to provide both the policy and define variable values and simulate an API call to see if it is allowed or denied. The following example shows a policy that enables database access only after a specified date and time. The simulation succeeds because the simulated actions and the specified aws:CurrentTime variable all match the requirements of the policy.

aws iam simulate-custom-policy \ --policy-input-list '{"Version":"2012-10-17","Statement":{"Effect":"Allow","Action":"dynamodb:*","Resource":"*","Condition":{"DateGreaterThan":{"aws:CurrentTime":"2018-08-16T12:00:00Z"}}}}' \ --action-names dynamodb:CreateBackup \ --context-entries "ContextKeyName='aws:CurrentTime',ContextKeyValues='2019-04-25T11:00:00Z',ContextKeyType=date"


{ "EvaluationResults": [ { "EvalActionName": "dynamodb:CreateBackup", "EvalResourceName": "*", "EvalDecision": "allowed", "MatchedStatements": [ { "SourcePolicyId": "PolicyInputList.1", "StartPosition": { "Line": 1, "Column": 38 }, "EndPosition": { "Line": 1, "Column": 167 } } ], "MissingContextValues": [] } ] }

Example 2: To simulate a command that is prohibited by the policy

The following simulate-custom-policy example shows the results of simulating a command that is prohibited by the policy. In this example, the provided date is before that required by the policy's condition.

aws iam simulate-custom-policy \ --policy-input-list '{"Version":"2012-10-17","Statement":{"Effect":"Allow","Action":"dynamodb:*","Resource":"*","Condition":{"DateGreaterThan":{"aws:CurrentTime":"2018-08-16T12:00:00Z"}}}}' \ --action-names dynamodb:CreateBackup \ --context-entries "ContextKeyName='aws:CurrentTime',ContextKeyValues='2014-04-25T11:00:00Z',ContextKeyType=date"


{ "EvaluationResults": [ { "EvalActionName": "dynamodb:CreateBackup", "EvalResourceName": "*", "EvalDecision": "implicitDeny", "MatchedStatements": [], "MissingContextValues": [] } ] }

For more information, see Testing IAM policies with the IAM policy simulator in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use simulate-principal-policy.


Example 1: To simulate the effects of an arbitrary IAM policy

The following simulate-principal-policy shows how to simulate a user calling an API action and determining whether the policies associated with that user allow or deny the action. In the following example, the user has a policy that allows only the codecommit:ListRepositories action.

aws iam simulate-principal-policy \ --policy-source-arn arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/alejandro \ --action-names codecommit:ListRepositories


{ "EvaluationResults": [ { "EvalActionName": "codecommit:ListRepositories", "EvalResourceName": "*", "EvalDecision": "allowed", "MatchedStatements": [ { "SourcePolicyId": "Grant-Access-To-CodeCommit-ListRepo", "StartPosition": { "Line": 3, "Column": 19 }, "EndPosition": { "Line": 9, "Column": 10 } } ], "MissingContextValues": [] } ] }

Example 2: To simulate the effects of a prohibited command

The following simulate-custom-policy example shows the results of simulating a command that is prohibited by one of the user's policies. In the following example, the user has a policy that permits access to a DynamoDB database only after a certain date and time. The simulation has the user attempting to access the database with an aws:CurrentTime value that is earlier than the policy's condition permits.

aws iam simulate-principal-policy \ --policy-source-arn arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/alejandro \ --action-names dynamodb:CreateBackup \ --context-entries "ContextKeyName='aws:CurrentTime',ContextKeyValues='2018-04-25T11:00:00Z',ContextKeyType=date"


{ "EvaluationResults": [ { "EvalActionName": "dynamodb:CreateBackup", "EvalResourceName": "*", "EvalDecision": "implicitDeny", "MatchedStatements": [], "MissingContextValues": [] } ] }

For more information, see Testing IAM policies with the IAM policy simulator in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use tag-instance-profile.


To add a tag to an instance profile

The following tag-instance-profile command adds a tag with a Department name to the specified instance profile.

aws iam tag-instance-profile \ --instance-profile-name deployment-role \ --tags '[{"Key": "Department", "Value": "Accounting"}]'

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Tagging IAM resources in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use tag-mfa-device.


To add a tag to an MFA device

The following tag-mfa-device command adds a tag with a Department name to the specified MFA device.

aws iam tag-mfa-device \ --serial-number arn:aws:iam::123456789012:mfa/alice \ --tags '[{"Key": "Department", "Value": "Accounting"}]'

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Tagging IAM resources in the AWS IAM User Guide.

  • For API details, see TagMfaDevice in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use tag-open-id-connect-provider.


To add a tag to an OpenID Connect (OIDC)-compatible identity provider

The following tag-open-id-connect-provider command adds a tag with a Department name to the specified OIDC identity provider.

aws iam tag-open-id-connect-provider \ --open-id-connect-provider-arn arn:aws:iam::123456789012:oidc-provider/server.example.com \ --tags '[{"Key": "Department", "Value": "Accounting"}]'

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Tagging IAM resources in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use tag-policy.


To add a tag to a customer managed policy

The following tag-policy command adds a tag with a Department name to the specified customer managed policy.

aws iam tag-policy \ --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::123456789012:policy/billing-access \ --tags '[{"Key": "Department", "Value": "Accounting"}]'

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Tagging IAM resources in the AWS IAM User Guide.

  • For API details, see TagPolicy in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use tag-role.


To add a tag to a role

The following tag-role command adds a tag with a Department name to the specified role.

aws iam tag-role --role-name my-role \ --tags '{"Key": "Department", "Value": "Accounting"}'

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Tagging IAM resources in the AWS IAM User Guide.

  • For API details, see TagRole in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use tag-saml-provider.


To add a tag to a SAML provider

The following tag-saml-provider command adds a tag with a Department name to the specified SAML provider.

aws iam tag-saml-provider \ --saml-provider-arn arn:aws:iam::123456789012:saml-provider/ADFS \ --tags '[{"Key": "Department", "Value": "Accounting"}]'

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Tagging IAM resources in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use tag-server-certificate.


To add a tag to a server certificate

The following tag-saml-provider command adds a tag with a Department name to the specified sever certificate.

aws iam tag-server-certificate \ --server-certificate-name ExampleCertificate \ --tags '[{"Key": "Department", "Value": "Accounting"}]'

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Tagging IAM resources in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use tag-user.


To add a tag to a user

The following tag-user command adds a tag with the associated Department to the specified user.

aws iam tag-user \ --user-name alice \ --tags '{"Key": "Department", "Value": "Accounting"}'

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Tagging IAM resources in the AWS IAM User Guide.

  • For API details, see TagUser in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use untag-instance-profile.


To remove a tag from an instance profile

The following untag-instance-profile command removes any tag with the key name 'Department' from the specified instance profile.

aws iam untag-instance-profile \ --instance-profile-name deployment-role \ --tag-keys Department

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Tagging IAM resources in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use untag-mfa-device.


To remove a tag from an MFA device

The following untag-mfa-device command removes any tag with the key name 'Department' from the specified MFA device.

aws iam untag-mfa-device \ --serial-number arn:aws:iam::123456789012:mfa/alice \ --tag-keys Department

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Tagging IAM resources in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use untag-open-id-connect-provider.


To remove a tag from an OIDC identity provider

The following untag-open-id-connect-provider command removes any tag with the key name 'Department' from the specified OIDC identity provider.

aws iam untag-open-id-connect-provider \ --open-id-connect-provider-arn arn:aws:iam::123456789012:oidc-provider/server.example.com \ --tag-keys Department

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Tagging IAM resources in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use untag-policy.


To remove a tag from a customer managed policy

The following untag-policy command removes any tag with the key name 'Department' from the specified customer managed policy.

aws iam untag-policy \ --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::452925170507:policy/billing-access \ --tag-keys Department

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Tagging IAM resources in the AWS IAM User Guide.

  • For API details, see UntagPolicy in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use untag-role.


To remove a tag from a role

The following untag-role command removes any tag with the key name 'Department' from the specified role.

aws iam untag-role \ --role-name my-role \ --tag-keys Department

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Tagging IAM resources in the AWS IAM User Guide.

  • For API details, see UntagRole in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use untag-saml-provider.


To remove a tag from a SAML provider

The following untag-saml-provider command removes any tag with the key name 'Department' from the specified instance profile.

aws iam untag-saml-provider \ --saml-provider-arn arn:aws:iam::123456789012:saml-provider/ADFS \ --tag-keys Department

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Tagging IAM resources in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use untag-server-certificate.


To remove a tag from a server certificate

The following untag-server-certificate command removes any tag with the key name 'Department' from the specified server certificate.

aws iam untag-server-certificate \ --server-certificate-name ExampleCertificate \ --tag-keys Department

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Tagging IAM resources in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use untag-user.


To remove a tag from a user

The following untag-user command removes any tag with the key name 'Department' from the specified user.

aws iam untag-user \ --user-name alice \ --tag-keys Department

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Tagging IAM resources in the AWS IAM User Guide.

  • For API details, see UntagUser in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use update-access-key.


To activate or deactivate an access key for an IAM user

The following update-access-key command deactivates the specified access key (access key ID and secret access key) for the IAM user named Bob.

aws iam update-access-key \ --access-key-id AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE \ --status Inactive \ --user-name Bob

This command produces no output.

Deactivating the key means that it cannot be used for programmatic access to AWS. However, the key is still available and can be reactivated.

For more information, see Managing access keys for IAM users in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use update-account-password-policy.


To set or change the current account password policy

The following update-account-password-policy command sets the password policy to require a minimum length of eight characters and to require one or more numbers in the password.

aws iam update-account-password-policy \ --minimum-password-length 8 \ --require-numbers

This command produces no output.

Changes to an account's password policy affect any new passwords that are created for IAM users in the account. Password policy changes do not affect existing passwords.

For more information, see Setting an account password policy for IAM users in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use update-assume-role-policy.


To update the trust policy for an IAM role

The following update-assume-role-policy command updates the trust policy for the role named Test-Role.

aws iam update-assume-role-policy \ --role-name Test-Role \ --policy-document file://Test-Role-Trust-Policy.json

This command produces no output.

The trust policy is defined as a JSON document in the Test-Role-Trust-Policy.json file. (The file name and extension do not have significance.) The trust policy must specify a principal.

To update the permissions policy for a role, use the put-role-policy command.

For more information, see Creating IAM roles in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use update-group.


To rename an IAM group

The following update-group command changes the name of the IAM group Test to Test-1.

aws iam update-group \ --group-name Test \ --new-group-name Test-1

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Renaming an IAM user group in the AWS IAM User Guide.

  • For API details, see UpdateGroup in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use update-login-profile.


To update the password for an IAM user

The following update-login-profile command creates a new password for the IAM user named Bob.

aws iam update-login-profile \ --user-name Bob \ --password <password>

This command produces no output.

To set a password policy for the account, use the update-account-password-policy command. If the new password violates the account password policy, the command returns a PasswordPolicyViolation error.

If the account password policy allows them to, IAM users can change their own passwords using the change-password command.

Store the password in a secure place. If the password is lost, it cannot be recovered, and you must create a new one using the create-login-profile command.

For more information, see Managing passwords for IAM users in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use update-open-id-connect-provider-thumbprint.


To replace the existing list of server certificate thumbprints with a new list

This example updates the certificate thumbprint list for the OIDC provider whose ARN is arn:aws:iam::123456789012:oidc-provider/example.oidcprovider.com to use a new thumbprint.

aws iam update-open-id-connect-provider-thumbprint \ --open-id-connect-provider-arn arn:aws:iam::123456789012:oidc-provider/example.oidcprovider.com \ --thumbprint-list 7359755EXAMPLEabc3060bce3EXAMPLEec4542a3

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Creating OpenID Connect (OIDC) identity providers in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use update-role-description.


To change an IAM role's description

The following update-role command changes the description of the IAM role production-role to Main production role.

aws iam update-role-description \ --role-name production-role \ --description 'Main production role'


{ "Role": { "Path": "/", "RoleName": "production-role", "RoleId": "AROA1234567890EXAMPLE", "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/production-role", "CreateDate": "2017-12-06T17:16:37+00:00", "AssumeRolePolicyDocument": { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:root" }, "Action": "sts:AssumeRole", "Condition": {} } ] }, "Description": "Main production role" } }

For more information, see Modifying a role in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use update-role.


To change an IAM role's description or session duration

The following update-role command changes the description of the IAM role production-role to Main production role and sets the maximum session duration to 12 hours.

aws iam update-role \ --role-name production-role \ --description 'Main production role' \ --max-session-duration 43200

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Modifying a role in the AWS IAM User Guide.

  • For API details, see UpdateRole in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use update-saml-provider.


To update the metadata document for an existing SAML provider

This example updates the SAML provider in IAM whose ARN is arn:aws:iam::123456789012:saml-provider/SAMLADFS with a new SAML metadata document from the file SAMLMetaData.xml.

aws iam update-saml-provider \ --saml-metadata-document file://SAMLMetaData.xml \ --saml-provider-arn arn:aws:iam::123456789012:saml-provider/SAMLADFS


{ "SAMLProviderArn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:saml-provider/SAMLADFS" }

For more information, see Creating IAM SAML identity providers in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use update-server-certificate.


To change the path or name of a server certificate in your AWS account

The following update-server-certificate command changes the name of the certificate from myServerCertificate to myUpdatedServerCertificate. It also changes the path to /cloudfront/ so that it can be accessed by the Amazon CloudFront service. This command produces no output. You can see the results of the update by running the list-server-certificates command.

aws-iam update-server-certificate \ --server-certificate-name myServerCertificate \ --new-server-certificate-name myUpdatedServerCertificate \ --new-path /cloudfront/

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Managing server certificates in IAM in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use update-service-specific-credential.


Example 1: To update the status of the requesting user's service-specific credential

The following update-service-specific-credential example changes the status for the specified credential for the user making the request to Inactive.

aws iam update-service-specific-credential \ --service-specific-credential-id ACCAEXAMPLE123EXAMPLE \ --status Inactive

This command produces no output.

Example 2: To update the status of a specified user's service-specific credential

The following update-service-specific-credential example changes the status for the credential of the specified user to Inactive.

aws iam update-service-specific-credential \ --user-name sofia \ --service-specific-credential-id ACCAEXAMPLE123EXAMPLE \ --status Inactive

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Create Git Credentials for HTTPS Connections to CodeCommit in the AWS CodeCommit User Guide

The following code example shows how to use update-signing-certificate.


To activate or deactivate a signing certificate for an IAM user

The following update-signing-certificate command deactivates the specified signing certificate for the IAM user named Bob.

aws iam update-signing-certificate \ --certificate-id TA7SMP42TDN5Z26OBPJE7EXAMPLE \ --status Inactive \ --user-name Bob

To get the ID for a signing certificate, use the list-signing-certificates command.

For more information, see Manage signing certificates in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use update-ssh-public-key.


To change the status of an SSH public key

The following update-ssh-public-key command changes the status of the specified public key to Inactive.

aws iam update-ssh-public-key \ --user-name sofia \ --ssh-public-key-id APKA1234567890EXAMPLE \ --status Inactive

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Use SSH keys and SSH with CodeCommit in the AWS IAM User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use update-user.


To change an IAM user's name

The following update-user command changes the name of the IAM user Bob to Robert.

aws iam update-user \ --user-name Bob \ --new-user-name Robert

This command produces no output.

For more information, see Renaming an IAM user group in the AWS IAM User Guide.

  • For API details, see UpdateUser in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use upload-server-certificate.


To upload a server certificate to your AWS account

The following upload-server-certificate command uploads a server certificate to your AWS account. In this example, the certificate is in the file public_key_cert_file.pem, the associated private key is in the file my_private_key.pem, and the the certificate chain provided by the certificate authority (CA) is in the my_certificate_chain_file.pem file. When the file has finished uploading, it is available under the name myServerCertificate. Parameters that begin with file:// tells the command to read the contents of the file and use that as the parameter value instead of the file name itself.

aws iam upload-server-certificate \ --server-certificate-name myServerCertificate \ --certificate-body file://public_key_cert_file.pem \ --private-key file://my_private_key.pem \ --certificate-chain file://my_certificate_chain_file.pem


{ "ServerCertificateMetadata": { "Path": "/", "ServerCertificateName": "myServerCertificate", "ServerCertificateId": "ASCAEXAMPLE123EXAMPLE", "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::1234567989012:server-certificate/myServerCertificate", "UploadDate": "2019-04-22T21:13:44+00:00", "Expiration": "2019-10-15T22:23:16+00:00" } }

For more information, see Creating, Uploading, and Deleting Server Certificates in the Using IAM guide.

The following code example shows how to use upload-signing-certificate.


To upload a signing certificate for an IAM user

The following upload-signing-certificate command uploads a signing certificate for the IAM user named Bob.

aws iam upload-signing-certificate \ --user-name Bob \ --certificate-body file://certificate.pem


{ "Certificate": { "UserName": "Bob", "Status": "Active", "CertificateBody": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----<certificate-body>-----END CERTIFICATE-----", "CertificateId": "TA7SMP42TDN5Z26OBPJE7EXAMPLE", "UploadDate": "2013-06-06T21:40:08.121Z" } }

The certificate is in a file named certificate.pem in PEM format.

For more information, see Creating and Uploading a User Signing Certificate in the Using IAM guide.

The following code example shows how to use upload-ssh-public-key.


To upload an SSH public key and associate it with a user

The following upload-ssh-public-key command uploads the public key found in the file sshkey.pub and attaches it to the user sofia.

aws iam upload-ssh-public-key \ --user-name sofia \ --ssh-public-key-body file://sshkey.pub


{ "SSHPublicKey": { "UserName": "sofia", "SSHPublicKeyId": "APKA1234567890EXAMPLE", "Fingerprint": "12:34:56:78:90:ab:cd:ef:12:34:56:78:90:ab:cd:ef", "SSHPublicKeyBody": "ssh-rsa <<long string generated by ssh-keygen command>>", "Status": "Active", "UploadDate": "2019-04-18T17:04:49+00:00" } }

For more information about how to generate keys in a format suitable for this command, see SSH and Linux, macOS, or Unix: Set up the public and private keys for Git and CodeCommit or SSH and Windows: Set up the public and private keys for Git and CodeCommit in the AWS CodeCommit User Guide.