AWS IoT Events-Data examples using AWS CLI - AWS SDK Code Examples

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AWS IoT Events-Data examples using AWS CLI

The following code examples show you how to perform actions and implement common scenarios by using the AWS Command Line Interface with AWS IoT Events-Data.

Actions are code excerpts from larger programs and must be run in context. While actions show you how to call individual service functions, you can see actions in context in their related scenarios.

Each example includes a link to the complete source code, where you can find instructions on how to set up and run the code in context.



The following code example shows how to use batch-put-message.


To send messages (inputs) to AWS IoT Events

The following batch-put-message example sends a set of messages to the AWS IoT Events system. Each message payload is transformed into the input you specify ( inputName ) and ingested into any detectors that monitor that input. If multiple messages are sent, the order in which the messages are processed isn't guaranteed. To guarantee ordering, you must send messages one at a time and wait for a successful response.

aws iotevents-data batch-put-message \ --cli-binary-format raw-in-base64-out \ --cli-input-json file://highPressureMessage.json

Contents of highPressureMessage.json:

{ "messages": [ { "messageId": "00001", "inputName": "PressureInput", "payload": "{\"motorid\": \"Fulton-A32\", \"sensorData\": {\"pressure\": 80, \"temperature\": 39} }" } ] }


{ "BatchPutMessageErrorEntries": [] }

For more information, see BatchPutMessage in the AWS IoT Events Developer Guide*.

The following code example shows how to use batch-update-detector.


To update a detector (instance)

The following batch-update-detector example updates the state, variable values, and timer settings of one or more detectors (instances) of a specified detector model.

aws iotevents-data batch-update-detector \ --cli-input-json file://budFulton-A32.json

Contents of budFulton-A32.json:

{ "detectors": [ { "messageId": "00001", "detectorModelName": "motorDetectorModel", "keyValue": "Fulton-A32", "state": { "stateName": "Normal", "variables": [ { "name": "pressureThresholdBreached", "value": "0" } ], "timers": [ ] } } ] }


{ "batchUpdateDetectorErrorEntries": [] }

For more information, see BatchUpdateDetector in the AWS IoT Events Developer Guide*.

The following code example shows how to use create-detector-model.


To create a detector model

The following create-detector-model example creates a detector model.

aws iotevents create-detector-model \ --cli-input-json file://motorDetectorModel.json

Contents of motorDetectorModel.json:

{ "detectorModelName": "motorDetectorModel", "detectorModelDefinition": { "states": [ { "stateName": "Normal", "onEnter": { "events": [ { "eventName": "init", "condition": "true", "actions": [ { "setVariable": { "variableName": "pressureThresholdBreached", "value": "0" } } ] } ] }, "onInput": { "transitionEvents": [ { "eventName": "Overpressurized", "condition": "$input.PressureInput.sensorData.pressure > 70", "actions": [ { "setVariable": { "variableName": "pressureThresholdBreached", "value": "$variable.pressureThresholdBreached + 3" } } ], "nextState": "Dangerous" } ] } }, { "stateName": "Dangerous", "onEnter": { "events": [ { "eventName": "Pressure Threshold Breached", "condition": "$variable.pressureThresholdBreached > 1", "actions": [ { "sns": { "targetArn": "arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:123456789012:underPressureAction" } } ] } ] }, "onInput": { "events": [ { "eventName": "Overpressurized", "condition": "$input.PressureInput.sensorData.pressure > 70", "actions": [ { "setVariable": { "variableName": "pressureThresholdBreached", "value": "3" } } ] }, { "eventName": "Pressure Okay", "condition": "$input.PressureInput.sensorData.pressure <= 70", "actions": [ { "setVariable": { "variableName": "pressureThresholdBreached", "value": "$variable.pressureThresholdBreached - 1" } } ] } ], "transitionEvents": [ { "eventName": "BackToNormal", "condition": "$input.PressureInput.sensorData.pressure <= 70 && $variable.pressureThresholdBreached <= 1", "nextState": "Normal" } ] }, "onExit": { "events": [ { "eventName": "Normal Pressure Restored", "condition": "true", "actions": [ { "sns": { "targetArn": "arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:123456789012:pressureClearedAction" } } ] } ] } } ], "initialStateName": "Normal" }, "key": "motorid", "roleArn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/IoTEventsRole" }


{ "detectorModelConfiguration": { "status": "ACTIVATING", "lastUpdateTime": 1560796816.077, "roleArn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/IoTEventsRole", "creationTime": 1560796816.077, "detectorModelArn": "arn:aws:iotevents:us-west-2:123456789012:detectorModel/motorDetectorModel", "key": "motorid", "detectorModelName": "motorDetectorModel", "detectorModelVersion": "1" } }

For more information, see CreateDetectorModel in the AWS IoT Events Developer Guide*.

The following code example shows how to use create-input.


To create an input

The following create-input example creates an input.

aws iotevents create-input \ --cli-input-json file://pressureInput.json

Contents of pressureInput.json:

{ "inputName": "PressureInput", "inputDescription": "Pressure readings from a motor", "inputDefinition": { "attributes": [ { "jsonPath": "sensorData.pressure" }, { "jsonPath": "motorid" } ] } }


{ "inputConfiguration": { "status": "ACTIVE", "inputArn": "arn:aws:iotevents:us-west-2:123456789012:input/PressureInput", "lastUpdateTime": 1560795312.542, "creationTime": 1560795312.542, "inputName": "PressureInput", "inputDescription": "Pressure readings from a motor" } }

For more information, see CreateInput in the AWS IoT Events Developer Guide*.

  • For API details, see CreateInput in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use delete-detector-model.


To delete a detector model

The following delete-detector-model example deletes a detector model. Any active instances of the detector model are also deleted.

aws iotevents delete-detector-model \ --detector-model-name motorDetectorModel*

This command produces no output.

For more information, see DeleteDetectorModel in the AWS IoT Events Developer Guide*.

The following code example shows how to use delete-input.


To delete an input

The following delete-input example deletes an input.

aws iotevents delete-input \ --input-name PressureInput

This command produces no output.

For more information, see DeleteInput in the AWS IoT Events Developer Guide*.

  • For API details, see DeleteInput in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use describe-detector-model.


To get information about a detector model

The following describe-detector-model example describes a detector model. If the version parameter is not specified, the command returns information about the latest version.

aws iotevents describe-detector-model \ --detector-model-name motorDetectorModel


{ "detectorModel": { "detectorModelConfiguration": { "status": "ACTIVE", "lastUpdateTime": 1560796816.077, "roleArn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/IoTEventsRole", "creationTime": 1560796816.077, "detectorModelArn": "arn:aws:iotevents:us-west-2:123456789012:detectorModel/motorDetectorModel", "key": "motorid", "detectorModelName": "motorDetectorModel", "detectorModelVersion": "1" }, "detectorModelDefinition": { "states": [ { "onInput": { "transitionEvents": [ { "eventName": "Overpressurized", "actions": [ { "setVariable": { "variableName": "pressureThresholdBreached", "value": "$variable.pressureThresholdBreached + 3" } } ], "condition": "$input.PressureInput.sensorData.pressure > 70", "nextState": "Dangerous" } ], "events": [] }, "stateName": "Normal", "onEnter": { "events": [ { "eventName": "init", "actions": [ { "setVariable": { "variableName": "pressureThresholdBreached", "value": "0" } } ], "condition": "true" } ] }, "onExit": { "events": [] } }, { "onInput": { "transitionEvents": [ { "eventName": "BackToNormal", "actions": [], "condition": "$input.PressureInput.sensorData.pressure <= 70 && $variable.pressureThresholdBreached <= 1", "nextState": "Normal" } ], "events": [ { "eventName": "Overpressurized", "actions": [ { "setVariable": { "variableName": "pressureThresholdBreached", "value": "3" } } ], "condition": "$input.PressureInput.sensorData.pressure > 70" }, { "eventName": "Pressure Okay", "actions": [ { "setVariable": { "variableName": "pressureThresholdBreached", "value": "$variable.pressureThresholdBreached - 1" } } ], "condition": "$input.PressureInput.sensorData.pressure <= 70" } ] }, "stateName": "Dangerous", "onEnter": { "events": [ { "eventName": "Pressure Threshold Breached", "actions": [ { "sns": { "targetArn": "arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:123456789012:underPressureAction" } } ], "condition": "$variable.pressureThresholdBreached > 1" } ] }, "onExit": { "events": [ { "eventName": "Normal Pressure Restored", "actions": [ { "sns": { "targetArn": "arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:123456789012:pressureClearedAction" } } ], "condition": "true" } ] } } ], "initialStateName": "Normal" } } }

For more information, see DescribeDetectorModel in the AWS IoT Events Developer Guide*.

The following code example shows how to use describe-detector.


To get information about a detector (instance)

The following describe-detector example returns information about the specified detector (instance).

aws iotevents-data describe-detector \ --detector-model-name motorDetectorModel \ --key-value "Fulton-A32"


{ "detector": { "lastUpdateTime": 1560797852.776, "creationTime": 1560797852.775, "state": { "variables": [ { "name": "pressureThresholdBreached", "value": "3" } ], "stateName": "Dangerous", "timers": [] }, "keyValue": "Fulton-A32", "detectorModelName": "motorDetectorModel", "detectorModelVersion": "1" } }

For more information, see DescribeDetector in the AWS IoT Events Developer Guide*.

The following code example shows how to use describe-input.


To get information about an input

The following describe-input example retrieves the details of an input.

aws iotevents describe-input \ --input-name PressureInput


{ "input": { "inputConfiguration": { "status": "ACTIVE", "inputArn": "arn:aws:iotevents:us-west-2:123456789012:input/PressureInput", "lastUpdateTime": 1560795312.542, "creationTime": 1560795312.542, "inputName": "PressureInput", "inputDescription": "Pressure readings from a motor" }, "inputDefinition": { "attributes": [ { "jsonPath": "sensorData.pressure" }, { "jsonPath": "motorid" } ] } } }

For more information, see DescribeInput in the AWS IoT Events Developer Guide*.

  • For API details, see DescribeInput in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use describe-logging-options.


To get information about logging settings

The following describe-logging-options example retrieves the current AWS IoT Events logging options.

aws iotevents describe-logging-options


{ "loggingOptions": { "roleArn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/IoTEventsRole", "enabled": false, "level": "ERROR" } }

For more information, see DescribeLoggingOptions in the AWS IoT Events Developer Guide*.

The following code example shows how to use list-detector-model-versions.


To get information about versions of a detector model

The following list-detector-model-versions example lists all the versions of a detector model. Only the metadata associated with each detector model version is returned.

aws iotevents list-detector-model-versions \ --detector-model-name motorDetectorModel


{ "detectorModelVersionSummaries": [ { "status": "ACTIVE", "lastUpdateTime": 1560796816.077, "roleArn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/IoTEventsRole", "creationTime": 1560796816.077, "detectorModelArn": "arn:aws:iotevents:us-west-2:123456789012:detectorModel/motorDetectorModel", "detectorModelName": "motorDetectorModel", "detectorModelVersion": "1" } ] }

For more information, see ListDetectorModelVersions in the AWS IoT Events Developer Guide*.

The following code example shows how to use list-detector-models.


To get a list of your detector models

The following list-detector-models example lists the detector models you have created. Only the metadata associated with each detector model is returned.

aws iotevents list-detector-models


{ "detectorModelSummaries": [ { "detectorModelName": "motorDetectorModel", "creationTime": 1552072424.212 "detectorModelDescription": "Detect overpressure in a motor." } ] }

For more information, see ListDetectorModels in the AWS IoT Events Developer Guide*.

The following code example shows how to use list-detectors.


To get a list of detectors for a detector model

The following list-detectors example lists detectors (the instances of a detector model).

aws iotevents-data list-detectors \ --detector-model-name motorDetectorModel


{ "detectorSummaries": [ { "lastUpdateTime": 1558129925.2, "creationTime": 1552073155.527, "state": { "stateName": "Normal" }, "keyValue": "Fulton-A32", "detectorModelName": "motorDetectorModel", "detectorModelVersion": "1" } ] }

For more information, see ListDetectors in the AWS IoT Events Developer Guide*.

  • For API details, see ListDetectors in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use list-inputs.


To list inputs

The following list-inputs example lists the inputs that you've created.

aws iotevents list-inputs


{ "status": "ACTIVE", "inputArn": "arn:aws:iotevents:us-west-2:123456789012:input/PressureInput", "lastUpdateTime": 1551742986.768, "creationTime": 1551742986.768, "inputName": "PressureInput", "inputDescription": "Pressure readings from a motor" }

For more information, see ListInputs in the AWS IoT Events Developer Guide*.

  • For API details, see ListInputs in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use list-tags-for-resource.


To list tags assigned to a resource

The following list-tags-for-resource example lists the tags (metadata) you have assigned to the resource.

aws iotevents list-tags-for-resource \ --resource-arn "arn:aws:iotevents:us-west-2:123456789012:input/PressureInput"


{ "tags": [ { "value": "motor", "key": "deviceType" } ] }

For more information, see ListTagsForResource in the AWS IoT Events Developer Guide*.

The following code example shows how to use put-logging-options.


To set logging options

The following list-tags-for-resource example sets or updates the AWS IoT Events logging options. If you update the value of any loggingOptions field, it takes up to one minute for the change to take effect. Also, if you change the policy attached to the role you specified in the roleArn field (for example, to correct an invalid policy) it takes up to five minutes for that change to take effect.

aws iotevents put-logging-options \ --cli-input-json file://logging-options.json

Contents of logging-options.json:

{ "loggingOptions": { "roleArn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/IoTEventsRole", "level": "DEBUG", "enabled": true, "detectorDebugOptions": [ { "detectorModelName": "motorDetectorModel", "keyValue": "Fulton-A32" } ] } }

This command produces no output.

For more information, see PutLoggingOptions in the AWS IoT Events Developer Guide*.

The following code example shows how to use tag-resource.


To add tags to a resource

The following tag-resource example adds to or modifies the tags of the given resource. Tags are metadata that can be used to manage a resource.

aws iotevents tag-resource \ --cli-input-json file://pressureInput.tag.json

Contents of pressureInput.tag.json:

{ "resourceArn": "arn:aws:iotevents:us-west-2:123456789012:input/PressureInput", "tags": [ { "key": "deviceType", "value": "motor" } ] }

This command produces no output.

For more information, see TagResource in the AWS IoT Events Developer Guide*.

  • For API details, see TagResource in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use untag-resource.


To remove tags from a resource

The following untag-resource example removes the specified tags from the resource.

aws iotevents untag-resource \ --cli-input-json file://pressureInput.untag.json

Contents of pressureInput.untag.json:

{ "resourceArn": "arn:aws:iotevents:us-west-2:123456789012:input/PressureInput", "tagKeys": [ "deviceType" ] }

This command produces no output.

For more information, see UntagResource in the AWS IoT Events Developer Guide*.

  • For API details, see UntagResource in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use update-detector-model.


To update a detector model

The following update-detector-model example updates a detector model. Detectors (instances) spawned by the previous version are deleted and then re-created as new inputs arrive.

aws iotevents update-detector-model \ --cli-input-json file://motorDetectorModel.update.json

Contents of motorDetectorModel.update.json:

{ "detectorModelName": "motorDetectorModel", "detectorModelDefinition": { "states": [ { "stateName": "Normal", "onEnter": { "events": [ { "eventName": "init", "condition": "true", "actions": [ { "setVariable": { "variableName": "pressureThresholdBreached", "value": "0" } } ] } ] }, "onInput": { "transitionEvents": [ { "eventName": "Overpressurized", "condition": "$input.PressureInput.sensorData.pressure > 70", "actions": [ { "setVariable": { "variableName": "pressureThresholdBreached", "value": "$variable.pressureThresholdBreached + 3" } } ], "nextState": "Dangerous" } ] } }, { "stateName": "Dangerous", "onEnter": { "events": [ { "eventName": "Pressure Threshold Breached", "condition": "$variable.pressureThresholdBreached > 1", "actions": [ { "sns": { "targetArn": "arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:123456789012:underPressureAction" } } ] } ] }, "onInput": { "events": [ { "eventName": "Overpressurized", "condition": "$input.PressureInput.sensorData.pressure > 70", "actions": [ { "setVariable": { "variableName": "pressureThresholdBreached", "value": "3" } } ] }, { "eventName": "Pressure Okay", "condition": "$input.PressureInput.sensorData.pressure <= 70", "actions": [ { "setVariable": { "variableName": "pressureThresholdBreached", "value": "$variable.pressureThresholdBreached - 1" } } ] } ], "transitionEvents": [ { "eventName": "BackToNormal", "condition": "$input.PressureInput.sensorData.pressure <= 70 && $variable.pressureThresholdBreached <= 1", "nextState": "Normal" } ] }, "onExit": { "events": [ { "eventName": "Normal Pressure Restored", "condition": "true", "actions": [ { "sns": { "targetArn": "arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:123456789012:pressureClearedAction" } } ] } ] } } ], "initialStateName": "Normal" }, "roleArn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/IoTEventsRole" }


{ "detectorModelConfiguration": { "status": "ACTIVATING", "lastUpdateTime": 1560799387.719, "roleArn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/IoTEventsRole", "creationTime": 1560799387.719, "detectorModelArn": "arn:aws:iotevents:us-west-2:123456789012:detectorModel/motorDetectorModel", "key": "motorid", "detectorModelName": "motorDetectorModel", "detectorModelVersion": "2" } }

For more information, see UpdateDetectorModel in the AWS IoT Events Developer Guide*.

The following code example shows how to use update-input.


To update an input

The following update-input example updates an input.

aws iotevents update-input \ --cli-input-json file://pressureInput.json

Contents of pressureInput.json:

{ "inputName": "PressureInput", "inputDescription": "Pressure readings from a motor", "inputDefinition": { "attributes": [ { "jsonPath": "sensorData.pressure" }, { "jsonPath": "motorid" } ] } }


{ "inputConfiguration": { "status": "ACTIVE", "inputArn": "arn:aws:iotevents:us-west-2:123456789012:input/PressureInput", "lastUpdateTime": 1560795976.458, "creationTime": 1560795312.542, "inputName": "PressureInput", "inputDescription": "Pressure readings from a motor" } }

For more information, see UpdateInput in the AWS IoT Events Developer Guide*.

  • For API details, see UpdateInput in AWS CLI Command Reference.