AWS Payment Cryptography Data Plane examples using AWS CLI - AWS SDK Code Examples

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AWS Payment Cryptography Data Plane examples using AWS CLI

The following code examples show you how to perform actions and implement common scenarios by using the AWS Command Line Interface with AWS Payment Cryptography Data Plane.

Actions are code excerpts from larger programs and must be run in context. While actions show you how to call individual service functions, you can see actions in context in their related scenarios.

Each example includes a link to the complete source code, where you can find instructions on how to set up and run the code in context.



The following code example shows how to use decrypt-data.


To decrypt ciphertext

The following decrypt-data example decrypts ciphertext data using a symmetric key. For this operation, the key must have KeyModesOfUse set to Decrypt and KeyUsage set to TR31_D0_SYMMETRIC_DATA_ENCRYPTION_KEY.

aws payment-cryptography-data decrypt-data \ --key-identifier arn:aws:payment-cryptography:us-east-2:123456789012:key/kwapwa6qaifllw2h \ --cipher-text 33612AB9D6929C3A828EB6030082B2BD \ --decryption-attributes 'Symmetric={Mode=CBC}'


{ "KeyArn": "arn:aws:payment-cryptography:us-east-2:123456789012:key/kwapwa6qaifllw2h", "KeyCheckValue": "71D7AE", "PlainText": "31323334313233343132333431323334" }

For more information, see Decrypt data in the AWS Payment Cryptography User Guide.

  • For API details, see DecryptData in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use encrypt-data.


To encrypt data

The following encrypt-data example encrypts plaintext data using a symmetric key. For this operation, the key must have KeyModesOfUse set to Encrypt and KeyUsage set to TR31_D0_SYMMETRIC_DATA_ENCRYPTION_KEY.

aws payment-cryptography-data encrypt-data \ --key-identifier arn:aws:payment-cryptography:us-east-2:123456789012:key/kwapwa6qaifllw2h \ --plain-text 31323334313233343132333431323334 \ --encryption-attributes 'Symmetric={Mode=CBC}'


{ "KeyArn": "arn:aws:payment-cryptography:us-east-2:123456789012:key/kwapwa6qaifllw2h", "KeyCheckValue": "71D7AE", "CipherText": "33612AB9D6929C3A828EB6030082B2BD" }

For more information, see Encrypt data in the AWS Payment Cryptography User Guide.

  • For API details, see EncryptData in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use generate-card-validation-data.


To generate a CVV

The following generate-card-validation-data example generates a CVV/CVV2.

aws payment-cryptography-data generate-card-validation-data \ --key-identifier arn:aws:payment-cryptography:us-east-2:123456789012:key/kwapwa6qaifllw2h \ --primary-account-number=171234567890123 \ --generation-attributes CardVerificationValue2={CardExpiryDate=0123}


{ "KeyArn": "arn:aws:payment-cryptography:us-east-2:123456789012:key/kwapwa6qaifllw2h", "KeyCheckValue": "CADDA1", "ValidationData": "801" }

For more information, see Generate card data in the AWS Payment Cryptography User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use generate-mac.


To generate a MAC

The following generate-card-validation-data example generates a Hash-Based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) for card data authentication using the algorithm HMAC_SHA256 and an HMAC encryption key. The key must have KeyUsage set to TR31_M7_HMAC_KEY and KeyModesOfUse to Generate.

aws payment-cryptography-data generate-mac \ --key-identifier arn:aws:payment-cryptography:us-east-2:123456789012:key/kwapwa6qaifllw2h \ --message-data "3b313038383439303031303733393431353d32343038323236303030373030303f33" \ --generation-attributes Algorithm=HMAC_SHA256


{ "KeyArn": "arn:aws:payment-cryptography:us-east-2:123456789012:key/kwapwa6qaifllw2h, "KeyCheckValue": "2976E7", "Mac": "ED87F26E961C6D0DDB78DA5038AA2BDDEA0DCE03E5B5E96BDDD494F4A7AA470C" }

For more information, see Generate MAC in the AWS Payment Cryptography User Guide.

  • For API details, see GenerateMac in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use generate-pin-data.


To generate a PIN

The following generate-card-validation-data example generate a new random PIN using the Visa PIN scheme.

aws payment-cryptography-data generate-pin-data \ --generation-key-identifier arn:aws:payment-cryptography:us-east-2:111122223333:key/37y2tsl45p5zjbh2 \ --encryption-key-identifier arn:aws:payment-cryptography:us-east-2:111122223333:key/ivi5ksfsuplneuyt \ --primary-account-number 171234567890123 \ --pin-block-format ISO_FORMAT_0 \ --generation-attributes VisaPin={PinVerificationKeyIndex=1}


{ "GenerationKeyArn": "arn:aws:payment-cryptography:us-east-2:111122223333:key/37y2tsl45p5zjbh2", "GenerationKeyCheckValue": "7F2363", "EncryptionKeyArn": "arn:aws:payment-cryptography:us-east-2:111122223333:key/ivi5ksfsuplneuyt", "EncryptionKeyCheckValue": "7CC9E2", "EncryptedPinBlock": "AC17DC148BDA645E", "PinData": { "VerificationValue": "5507" } }

For more information, see Generate PIN data in the AWS Payment Cryptography User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use re-encrypt-data.


To re-encrypt data with a different key

The following re-encrypt-data example decrypts cipher text that was encrypted using an AES symmetric key and re-encrypts it using a Derived Unique Key Per Transaction (DUKPT) key.

aws payment-cryptography-data re-encrypt-data \ --incoming-key-identifier arn:aws:payment-cryptography:us-west-2:111122223333:key/hyvv7ymboitd4vfy \ --outgoing-key-identifier arn:aws:payment-cryptography:us-west-2:111122223333:key/jl6ythkcvzesbxen \ --cipher-text 4D2B0BDBA192D5AEFEAA5B3EC28E4A65383C313FFA25140101560F75FE1B99F27192A90980AB9334 \ --incoming-encryption-attributes "Dukpt={Mode=ECB,KeySerialNumber=0123456789111111}" \ --outgoing-encryption-attributes '{"Symmetric": {"Mode": "ECB"}}'


{ "CipherText": "F94959DA30EEFF0C035483C6067667CF6796E3C1AD28C2B61F9CFEB772A8DD41C0D6822931E0D3B1", "KeyArn": "arn:aws:payment-cryptography:us-west-2:111122223333:key/jl6ythkcvzesbxen", "KeyCheckValue": "2E8CD9" }

For more information, see Encrypt and decrypt data in the AWS Payment Cryptography User Guide.

  • For API details, see ReEncryptData in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use translate-pin-data.


To translate PIN data

The following translate-pin-data example translates a PIN from PEK TDES encryption using ISO 0 PIN block to an AES ISO 4 PIN Block using the DUKPT algorithm.

aws payment-cryptography-data translate-pin-data \ --encrypted-pin-block "AC17DC148BDA645E" \ --incoming-translation-attributes=IsoFormat0='{PrimaryAccountNumber=171234567890123}' \ --incoming-key-identifier arn:aws:payment-cryptography:us-east-2:111122223333:key/ivi5ksfsuplneuyt \ --outgoing-key-identifier arn:aws:payment-cryptography:us-east-2:111122223333:key/4pmyquwjs3yj4vwe \ --outgoing-translation-attributes IsoFormat4="{PrimaryAccountNumber=171234567890123}" \ --outgoing-dukpt-attributes KeySerialNumber="FFFF9876543210E00008"


{ "PinBlock": "1F4209C670E49F83E75CC72E81B787D9", "KeyArn": "arn:aws:payment-cryptography:us-east-2:111122223333:key/ivi5ksfsuplneuyt "KeyCheckValue": "7CC9E2" }

For more information, see Translate PIN data in the AWS Payment Cryptography User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use verify-auth-request-cryptogram.


To verify an auth request

The following verify-auth-request-cryptogram example verifies an Authorization Request Cryptogram (ARQC).

aws payment-cryptography-data verify-auth-request-cryptogram \ --auth-request-cryptogram F6E1BD1E6037FB3E \ --auth-response-attributes '{"ArpcMethod1": {"AuthResponseCode": "1111"}}' \ --key-identifier arn:aws:payment-cryptography:us-west-2:111122223333:key/pboipdfzd4mdklya \ --major-key-derivation-mode "EMV_OPTION_A" \ --session-key-derivation-attributes '{"EmvCommon": {"ApplicationTransactionCounter": "1234","PanSequenceNumber": "01","PrimaryAccountNumber": "471234567890123"}}' \ --transaction-data "123456789ABCDEF"


{ "AuthResponseValue": "D899B8C6FBF971AA", "KeyArn": "arn:aws:payment-cryptography:us-west-2:111122223333:key/pboipdfzd4mdklya", "KeyCheckValue": "985792" }

For more information, see Verify auth request (ARQC) cryptogram in the AWS Payment Cryptography User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use verify-card-validation-data.


To validate a CVV

The following verify-card-validation-data example validates a CVV/CVV2 for a PAN.

aws payment-cryptography-data verify-card-validation-data \ --key-identifier arn:aws:payment-cryptography:us-east-2:111122223333:key/tqv5yij6wtxx64pi \ --primary-account-number=171234567890123 \ --verification-attributes CardVerificationValue2={CardExpiryDate=0123} \ --validation-data 801


{ "KeyArn": "arn:aws:payment-cryptography:us-east-2:111122223333:key/tqv5yij6wtxx64pi", "KeyCheckValue": "CADDA1" }

For more information, see Verify card data in the AWS Payment Cryptography User Guide.

The following code example shows how to use verify-mac.


To verify a MAC

The following verify-mac example verifies a Hash-Based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) for card data authentication using the algorithm HMAC_SHA256 and an HMAC encryption key.

aws payment-cryptography-data verify-mac \ --key-identifier arn:aws:payment-cryptography:us-east-2:111122223333:key/qnobl5lghrzunce6 \ --message-data "3b343038383439303031303733393431353d32343038323236303030373030303f33" \ --verification-attributes='Algorithm=HMAC_SHA256' \ --mac ED87F26E961C6D0DDB78DA5038AA2BDDEA0DCE03E5B5E96BDDD494F4A7AA470C


{ "KeyArn": "arn:aws:payment-cryptography:us-east-2:111122223333:key/qnobl5lghrzunce6, "KeyCheckValue": "2976E7", }

For more information, see Verify MAC in the AWS Payment Cryptography User Guide.

  • For API details, see VerifyMac in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use verify-pin-data.


To verify a PIN

The following verify-pin-data example validates a PIN for a PAN.

aws payment-cryptography-data verify-pin-data \ --verification-key-identifier arn:aws:payment-cryptography:us-east-2:111122223333:key/37y2tsl45p5zjbh2 \ --encryption-key-identifier arn:aws:payment-cryptography:us-east-2:111122223333:key/ivi5ksfsuplneuyt \ --primary-account-number 171234567890123 \ --pin-block-format ISO_FORMAT_0 \ --verification-attributes VisaPin="{PinVerificationKeyIndex=1,VerificationValue=5507}" \ --encrypted-pin-block AC17DC148BDA645E


{ "VerificationKeyArn": "arn:aws:payment-cryptography:us-east-2:111122223333:key/37y2tsl45p5zjbh2", "VerificationKeyCheckValue": "7F2363", "EncryptionKeyArn": "arn:aws:payment-cryptography:us-east-2:111122223333:key/ivi5ksfsuplneuyt", "EncryptionKeyCheckValue": "7CC9E2", }

For more information, see Verify PIN data in the AWS Payment Cryptography User Guide.

  • For API details, see VerifyPinData in AWS CLI Command Reference.