Use GetDistributionConfig with an AWS SDK or CLI - AWS SDK Code Examples

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Use GetDistributionConfig with an AWS SDK or CLI

The following code examples show how to use GetDistributionConfig.


To get a CloudFront distribution configuration

The following example gets metadata about the CloudFront distribution with the ID EDFDVBD6EXAMPLE, including its ETag. The distribution ID is returned in the create-distribution and list-distributions commands.

aws cloudfront get-distribution-config --id EDFDVBD6EXAMPLE


{ "ETag": "E2QWRUHEXAMPLE", "DistributionConfig": { "CallerReference": "cli-example", "Aliases": { "Quantity": 0 }, "DefaultRootObject": "index.html", "Origins": { "Quantity": 1, "Items": [ { "Id": "", "DomainName": "", "OriginPath": "", "CustomHeaders": { "Quantity": 0 }, "S3OriginConfig": { "OriginAccessIdentity": "" } } ] }, "OriginGroups": { "Quantity": 0 }, "DefaultCacheBehavior": { "TargetOriginId": "", "ForwardedValues": { "QueryString": false, "Cookies": { "Forward": "none" }, "Headers": { "Quantity": 0 }, "QueryStringCacheKeys": { "Quantity": 0 } }, "TrustedSigners": { "Enabled": false, "Quantity": 0 }, "ViewerProtocolPolicy": "allow-all", "MinTTL": 0, "AllowedMethods": { "Quantity": 2, "Items": [ "HEAD", "GET" ], "CachedMethods": { "Quantity": 2, "Items": [ "HEAD", "GET" ] } }, "SmoothStreaming": false, "DefaultTTL": 86400, "MaxTTL": 31536000, "Compress": false, "LambdaFunctionAssociations": { "Quantity": 0 }, "FieldLevelEncryptionId": "" }, "CacheBehaviors": { "Quantity": 0 }, "CustomErrorResponses": { "Quantity": 0 }, "Comment": "", "Logging": { "Enabled": false, "IncludeCookies": false, "Bucket": "", "Prefix": "" }, "PriceClass": "PriceClass_All", "Enabled": true, "ViewerCertificate": { "CloudFrontDefaultCertificate": true, "MinimumProtocolVersion": "TLSv1", "CertificateSource": "cloudfront" }, "Restrictions": { "GeoRestriction": { "RestrictionType": "none", "Quantity": 0 } }, "WebACLId": "", "HttpVersion": "http2", "IsIPV6Enabled": true } }
Tools for PowerShell

Example 1: Retrieves the configuration for a specific distribution.

Get-CFDistributionConfig -Id EXAMPLE0000ID
SDK for Python (Boto3)

There's more on GitHub. Find the complete example and learn how to set up and run in the AWS Code Examples Repository.

class CloudFrontWrapper: """Encapsulates Amazon CloudFront operations.""" def __init__(self, cloudfront_client): """ :param cloudfront_client: A Boto3 CloudFront client """ self.cloudfront_client = cloudfront_client def update_distribution(self): distribution_id = input( "This script updates the comment for a CloudFront distribution.\n" "Enter a CloudFront distribution ID: " ) distribution_config_response = self.cloudfront_client.get_distribution_config( Id=distribution_id ) distribution_config = distribution_config_response["DistributionConfig"] distribution_etag = distribution_config_response["ETag"] distribution_config["Comment"] = input( f"\nThe current comment for distribution {distribution_id} is " f"'{distribution_config['Comment']}'.\n" f"Enter a new comment: " ) self.cloudfront_client.update_distribution( DistributionConfig=distribution_config, Id=distribution_id, IfMatch=distribution_etag, ) print("Done!")