Use DeleteCustomActionType with an AWS SDK or CLI - AWS SDK Code Examples

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Use DeleteCustomActionType with an AWS SDK or CLI

The following code examples show how to use DeleteCustomActionType.


To delete a custom action

This example deletes a custom action in AWS CodePipeline by using an already-created JSON file (here named DeleteMyCustomAction.json) that contains the action type, provider name, and version number of the action to be deleted. Use the list-action-types command to view the correct values for category, version, and provider.


aws codepipeline delete-custom-action-type --cli-input-json file://DeleteMyCustomAction.json

JSON file sample contents:

{ "category": "Build", "version": "1", "provider": "MyJenkinsProviderName" }


Tools for PowerShell

Example 1: This example deletes the specified custom action. The command will prompt for confirmation before proceeding. Add the -Force parameter to delete the custom action without a prompt.

Remove-CPCustomActionType -Category Build -Provider MyBuildProviderName -Version 1