Use CreateCapacityReservation with a CLI - AWS SDK Code Examples

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Use CreateCapacityReservation with a CLI

The following code examples show how to use CreateCapacityReservation.


Example 1: To create a Capacity Reservation

The following create-capacity-reservation example creates a capacity reservation in the eu-west-1a Availability Zone, into which you can launch three t2.medium instances running a Linux/Unix operating system. By default, the capacity reservation is created with open instance matching criteria and no support for ephemeral storage, and it remains active until you manually cancel it.

aws ec2 create-capacity-reservation \ --availability-zone eu-west-1a \ --instance-type t2.medium \ --instance-platform Linux/UNIX \ --instance-count 3


{ "CapacityReservation": { "CapacityReservationId": "cr-1234abcd56EXAMPLE ", "EndDateType": "unlimited", "AvailabilityZone": "eu-west-1a", "InstanceMatchCriteria": "open", "EphemeralStorage": false, "CreateDate": "2019-08-16T09:27:35.000Z", "AvailableInstanceCount": 3, "InstancePlatform": "Linux/UNIX", "TotalInstanceCount": 3, "State": "active", "Tenancy": "default", "EbsOptimized": false, "InstanceType": "t2.medium" } }

Example 2: To create a Capacity Reservation that automatically ends at a specified date/time

The following create-capacity-reservation example creates a capacity reservation in the eu-west-1a Availability Zone, into which you can launch three m5.large instances running a Linux/Unix operating system. This capacity reservation automatically ends on 08/31/2019 at 23:59:59.

aws ec2 create-capacity-reservation \ --availability-zone eu-west-1a \ --instance-type m5.large \ --instance-platform Linux/UNIX \ --instance-count 3 \ --end-date-type limited \ --end-date 2019-08-31T23:59:59Z


{ "CapacityReservation": { "CapacityReservationId": "cr-1234abcd56EXAMPLE ", "EndDateType": "limited", "AvailabilityZone": "eu-west-1a", "EndDate": "2019-08-31T23:59:59.000Z", "InstanceMatchCriteria": "open", "EphemeralStorage": false, "CreateDate": "2019-08-16T10:15:53.000Z", "AvailableInstanceCount": 3, "InstancePlatform": "Linux/UNIX", "TotalInstanceCount": 3, "State": "active", "Tenancy": "default", "EbsOptimized": false, "InstanceType": "m5.large" } }

Example 3: To create a Capacity Reservation that accepts only targeted instance launches

The following create-capacity-reservation example creates a capacity reservation that accepts only targeted instance launches.

aws ec2 create-capacity-reservation \ --availability-zone eu-west-1a \ --instance-type m5.large \ --instance-platform Linux/UNIX \ --instance-count 3 \ --instance-match-criteria targeted


{ "CapacityReservation": { "CapacityReservationId": "cr-1234abcd56EXAMPLE ", "EndDateType": "unlimited", "AvailabilityZone": "eu-west-1a", "InstanceMatchCriteria": "targeted", "EphemeralStorage": false, "CreateDate": "2019-08-16T10:21:57.000Z", "AvailableInstanceCount": 3, "InstancePlatform": "Linux/UNIX", "TotalInstanceCount": 3, "State": "active", "Tenancy": "default", "EbsOptimized": false, "InstanceType": "m5.large" } }

For more information, see Creating a Capacity Reservation in the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide for Linux Instances.

Tools for PowerShell

Example 1: This example creates a new Capacity Reservation with the specified attributes

Add-EC2CapacityReservation -InstanceType m4.xlarge -InstanceCount 2 -AvailabilityZone eu-west-1b -EbsOptimized True -InstancePlatform Windows


AvailabilityZone : eu-west-1b AvailableInstanceCount : 2 CapacityReservationId : cr-0c1f2345db6f7cdba CreateDate : 3/28/2019 9:29:41 AM EbsOptimized : True EndDate : 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM EndDateType : unlimited EphemeralStorage : False InstanceMatchCriteria : open InstancePlatform : Windows InstanceType : m4.xlarge State : active Tags : {} Tenancy : default TotalInstanceCount : 2