Use ModifyHosts with a CLI - AWS SDK Code Examples

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Use ModifyHosts with a CLI

The following code examples show how to use ModifyHosts.


Example 1: To enable auto-placement for a Dedicated Host

The following modify-hosts example enables auto-placement for a Dedicated Host so that it accepts any untargeted instance launches that match its instance type configuration.

aws ec2 modify-hosts \ --host-id h-06c2f189b4EXAMPLE \ --auto-placement on


{ "Successful": [ "h-06c2f189b4EXAMPLE" ], "Unsuccessful": [] }

For more information, see Modify the auto-placement setting for a Dedicated Host in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.

Example 2: To enable host recovery for a Dedicated Host

The following modify-hosts example enables host recovery for the specified Dedicated Host.

aws ec2 modify-hosts \ --host-id h-06c2f189b4EXAMPLE \ --host-recovery on


{ "Successful": [ "h-06c2f189b4EXAMPLE" ], "Unsuccessful": [] }

For more information, see Modify the auto-placement setting for a Dedicated Host in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.

  • For API details, see ModifyHosts in AWS CLI Command Reference.

Tools for PowerShell

Example 1: This example modifies the AutoPlacement settings to off for the dedicated host h-01e23f4cd567890f3

Edit-EC2Host -HostId h-03e09f8cd681609f3 -AutoPlacement off


Successful Unsuccessful ---------- ------------ {h-01e23f4cd567890f3} {}
  • For API details, see ModifyHosts in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.