Use ModifyIdFormat with an AWS SDK or CLI - AWS SDK Code Examples

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Use ModifyIdFormat with an AWS SDK or CLI

The following code examples show how to use ModifyIdFormat.


To enable the longer ID format for a resource

The following modify-id-format example enables the longer ID format for the instance resource type.

aws ec2 modify-id-format \ --resource instance \ --use-long-ids

To disable the longer ID format for a resource

The following modify-id-format example disables the longer ID format for the instance resource type.

aws ec2 modify-id-format \ --resource instance \ --no-use-long-ids

The following modify-id-format example enables the longer ID format for all supported resource types that are within their opt-in period.

aws ec2 modify-id-format \ --resource all-current \ --use-long-ids
Tools for PowerShell

Example 1: This example enables the longer ID format for the specified resource type.

Edit-EC2IdFormat -Resource instance -UseLongId $true

Example 2: This example disables the longer ID format for the specified resource type.

Edit-EC2IdFormat -Resource instance -UseLongId $false
  • For API details, see ModifyIdFormat in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.